102 research outputs found

    Deep-Time Phylogenetic Clustering of Extinctions in an Evolutionarily Dynamic Clade (Early Jurassic Ammonites)

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    Conservation biologists and palaeontologists are increasingly investigating the phylogenetic distribution of extinctions and its evolutionary consequences. However, the dearth of palaeontological studies on that subject and the lack of methodological consensus hamper our understanding of that major evolutionary phenomenon. Here we address this issue by (i) reviewing the approaches used to quantify the phylogenetic selectivity of extinctions and extinction risks; (ii) investigating with a high-resolution dataset whether extinctions and survivals were phylogenetically clustered among early Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) ammonites; (iii) exploring the phylogenetic and temporal maintenance of this signal. We found that ammonite extinctions were significantly clumped phylogenetically, a pattern that prevailed throughout the 6.6 Myr-long early Pliensbachian interval. Such a phylogenetic conservatism did not alter – or may even have promoted – the evolutionary success of this major cephalopod clade. However, the comparison of phylogenetic autocorrelation among studies remains problematic because the notion of phylogenetic conservatism is scale-dependent and the intensity of the signal is sensitive to temporal resolution. We recommend a combined use of Moran's I, Pearson's ϕ and Fritz and Purvis' D statistics because they highlight different facets of the phylogenetic pattern of extinctions and/or survivals

    Les ammonites du Pliensbachien et du Toarcien basal dans la carrière de la Roche Blain (Fresnay-le-Puceux, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France). Taxonomie, implications stratigraphiques et paléobiogéographiques.

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    65 pagesInternational audienceRésumé Ce travail étudie les riches faunes d'ammonites du Pliensbachien et de la base du Toarcien dans la localité très fossilifère de la carrière de la Roche Blain (Calvados). Une cinquantaine d'espèces pliensbachiennes, récoltées dans une douzaine de niveaux distincts sont toutes décrites et illustrées. Leur préservation est parfois remarquable. Des structures fragiles comme les péristomes ou les mégastries sont assez souvent préservées. A l'exception de deux spécimens d'affinités téthysiennes (Arieticeras cf. amalthei (Oppel, 1853) et Dactylioceras (Eodactylites) sp.), les ammonites récoltées à la Roche Blain se rattachent toutes, sans ambiguïté, aux faunes d'affinités nord-ouest européennes, largement dominantes à l'époque dans le Bassin anglo-normand. Les peuplements d'ammonites du Pliensbachien de la Roche Blain sont remarquablement diversifiés. La présence de deux espèces nouvelles (Acanthopleuroceras gauthieri nov. sp. Dommergues & Meister et Catriceras (?) rioulti nov. sp. Dommergues & Meister) est particulièrement remarquable. Les faunes d'affinités nord-ouest européennes sont bien connues et il est surprenant de découvrir deux formes notoirement nouvelles dans un seul gisement du nord-ouest de l'Europe en général, et du Bassin anglo-parisien en particulier. Il existe aussi au sein des faunes récoltées à la Roche Blain un nombre important de spécimens relativement bien conservés mais difficiles à attribuer sans réserve à un genre et/ou à une espèce connue. Ces nombreuses formes difficiles à classer, et souvent laissées en nomenclature ouverte, renforcent l'originalité des faunes trouvées à la Roche Blain. L'explication de cette exceptionnelle diversité faunique est sans doute à rechercher dans le contexte paléogéographique pliensbachien des Campagnes de Caen et de Falaise formées d'écueils, de hauts-fonds, de sillons et de cuvettes plus ou moins profonds qui devaient offrir une très riche mosaïque de biotopes. Cette région de seuil proche de la bordure orientale du Massif armoricain était directement ouverte sur des zones moins agitées (plus profondes?) et/ou plus subsidentes du Bassin anglo-parisien. Des échanges fauniques faciles devaient exister tant avec les bassins de la Manche occidentale (e.g. Dorset) qu'avec le Bassin de Paris, mais aucun argument paléobiogéographique ne permet actuellement de privilégier l'une ou l'autre de ces sources de peuplement

    Memory deficits in a juvenile rat model of type 1 diabetes are due to excess 11β-HSD1 activity, which is upregulated by high glucose concentrations rather than insulin deficiency

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    Aims/hypothesis: Children with diabetes may display cognitive alterations although vascular disorders have not yet appeared. Variations in glucose levels together with relative insulin deficiency in treated type 1 diabetes have been reported to impact brain function indirectly through dysregulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. We have recently shown that enhancement of glucocorticoid levels in children with type 1 diabetes is dependent not only on glucocorticoid secretion but also on glucocorticoid tissue concentrations, which is linked to 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) activity. Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction and memory alteration were further dissected in a juvenile rat model of diabetes showing that excess 11β-HSD1 activity within the hippocampus is associated with hippocampal-dependent memory deficits. Here, to investigate the causal relationships between diabetes, 11β-HSD1 activity and hippocampus-dependent memory deficits, we evaluated the beneficial effect of 11β-HSD1 inhibition on hippocampal-related memory in juvenile diabetic rats. We also examined whether diabetes-associated enhancement of hippocampal 11β-HSD1 activity is due to an increase in brain glucose concentrations and/or a decrease in insulin signalling. Methods: Diabetes was induced in juvenile rats by daily i.p. injection of streptozotocin for 2 consecutive days. Inhibition of 11β-HSD1 was obtained by administrating the compound UE2316 twice daily by gavage for 3 weeks, after which hippocampal-dependent object location memory was assessed. Hippocampal 11β-HSD1 activity was estimated by the ratio of corticosterone/dehydrocorticosterone measured by LC/MS. Regulation of 11β-HSD1 activity in response to changes in glucose or insulin levels was determined ex vivo on acute brain hippocampal slices. The insulin regulation of 11β-HSD1 was further examined in vivo using virally mediated knockdown of insulin receptor expression specifically in the hippocampus. Results: Our data show that inhibiting 11β-HSD1 activity prevents hippocampal-related memory deficits in diabetic juvenile rats. A significant increase (53.0±9.9%) in hippocampal 11β-HSD1 activity was found in hippocampal slices incubated in high glucose conditions (13.9 mmol/l) vs normal glucose conditions (2.8 mmol/l) without insulin. However, 11β-HSD1 activity was not affected by variations in insulin concentration either in the hippocampal slices or after a decrease in hippocampal insulin receptor expression. Conclusions/interpretation: Together, these data demonstrate that an increase in 11β-HSD1 activity contributes to memory deficits observed in juvenile diabetic rats and that an excess of hippocampal 11β-HSD1 activity stems from high glucose levels rather than insulin deficiency. 11β-HSD1 might be a therapeutic target for treating cognitive impairments associated with diabetes

    Events of Increased Biodiversity - Evolutionary Radiations in the Fossil Record.

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    146 pagesInternational audienceThis book presents the phenomenon of evolutionary radiation, as seen in the fossil record, by exploring its causes through the analysis of concrete examples using current and past paleontological data, which have contributed to the recognition and later analysis of these phenomena of diversification.Biodiversity arises from a long series of sometimes-sudden events, where evolutionary radiations form part of the story, as do extinctions.Throughout the book the use of illustrative examples represents well-known cases of evolutionary radiations in the fossil record. The author give a general introduction to biodiversity as we know it today, then analyze the fossil record in greater detail through concrete examples.This title serves as an effective introduction to the phenomena of diversification of life, for a broader audience interested in science in general and paleontology in particular, but also for university students who can benefit from the explanations and ruminations about these issues of diversification in the biological world, and of how that issue is approached in paleontology

    L’état actuel du patrimoine géologique du Sinémurien.

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    1 pageNational audienc

    Les événements d’augmentation de la biodiversité - Radiations évolutives dans le registre fossile.

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    122 pagesContrairement à une idée répandue, la Terre a la capacité de voir sa biodiversité augmenter brusquement.Cet ouvrage présente une méthode d’exploration de l’histoire de la biodiversité au cours des temps géologiques. Il analyse les cas possibles de radiations évolutives dans ses différents contextes.Les événements d’augmentation de la biodiversité détaille particulièrement l’émergence des plans d’organisation anatomique des animaux il y a 500 millions d’années, les radiations des ammonites (des céphalopodes) dans des contextes post-extinction de masse ou non, l’extraordinaire radiation des plantes à fleurs ou l’émergence de nouveaux oursins (des oursins irréguliers) et leur devenir radieux depuis le Jurassique.Cette étude replacera les résultats de ces mondes anciens dans le contexte de la biodiversité actuelle et de son devenir

    Les grands auteurs du stratotype du Sinémurien.

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    1 pageNational audienc

    Morphometrics of hard structures in cuttlefish

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    7 pagesInternational audienceCuttlefishes exhibit several hard structures that have been characterised using morphometric analysis. Most of these data come from cuttlebones, although statoliths and beaks are also used. It appears that morphometric techniques are mainly used for taxonomic purposes. However, some analyses have emphasised functional morphology and macroevolution. Morphological features (including the inner shell) of cuttlefishes and their availability for study (numerous specimens, culture in the laboratory) make them a first rank model for numerous studies in life sciences that require morphometrics, and especially in the field of evolutionary biology
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