42 research outputs found

    The heavy metal content of soil and shoots of Vaccinium myrtillus L. in the Słowiński National Park

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    The research was carried out in the Słowiński National Park, in an area with 15 research stations in pine coniferous forests situtated at locations (1) inaccessible to tourists, (2) most frequently visted by tourists, as well as (3) in the vicintiy of parking lots. The analysed samples comprised surface generic levels (Ol, Ofh, A), above-ground material (shoots; leaves and stalks) and below-ground mateial (roots) of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). The performed analyses showed statistically significant Spearman's correlation coefficients for Zn content in the 'soil – stalk' (r= -0,44, pFe>Zn>Cu.Przemysław Szmi

    Preliminary ecology research on Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser on the Słowińskie Coast (Northern Poland)

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    The research covered three stands of Epipactis atrorubens on the Słowińskie Coast (Rowy, Wicko Morskie and Jarosławiec). The plants in blossom were characterized on the basis of seven individual characteristics: height, the number of leaves, the number of flowers per inflorescence, the length and width of the largest leaf and stipule. Statistically significant differences were found in the studied populations between the height of the plant and the width of the largest leaf, the number of flowers per inflorescence and the inflorescence length up to the bract, as well as between the number of flowers per inflorescence and the inflorescence length up to the bract. The populations of E. atrorubens on the Słowińskie Coast cover the mineral soil with the dominance of medium- and fine sand fractions. Those soils are loose with very low water capacity and good permeability. The organic matter content varied from 0.4 to 0.8%. The soil reaction is low acid or close to alkaline. The analyzed soil samples were characterized by very low content of exchangeable Al3+ ions, which results from relatively high pH levels. The soil salinity was low and the average content of NaCl was between 0.146 and 0.181 g·dm-3

    Changes in relationships between humic substances and soil structure following different mineral fertilization of Vitis vinif-era L. in Slovakia

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    The quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM) depending on many edaphic and envi-ronmental factors may change in response to agriculture related practices. The SOM humification process can be supported by the application of mineral fertilizers, but in the production vineyards, such information is lacking. NPK fertilizer alters the soil quality, so the aim of this study was to: (1.) assess the extent and dynamics of different NPK (Control—no fertilization; 1st NPK and 3rd NPK levels) rates to the soil with grass sward cover in a productive vineyard on changes in SOM, humic substances (HS) and soil structure, and (2.) identify relationships between SOM, HS and soil structure. Results showed that the share of humic acids in soil organic carbon decreased only in NPK1 compared to Control and NPK3 treatments. The color quotient of humic substances values in NPK1 and NPK3 increased by 4 and 5%, respectively, compared to Control. Over a period of 14 years, the content of soil organic carbon increased by 0.71, 0.69 and 0.53 g kg–1 year–1 in Control, NPK1 and NPK3, respectively. The content of HS increased linearly with slight differences due to NPK application. The vulnerability of the soil structure decreased due to fertilization—more at the higher NPK-level. The rate of formed soil crust was decreasing in the following order: Control > NPK1 > NPK3. In Control treatment, the relations between SOM, HS and soil structure were most abundant and with the greatest significance, while with the increasing level of NPK, these relations lost their significance

    Changes in Forest Area of Coastal Communes of Baltic Sea as a Result of the Impact of Tourist and Recreational Loads

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    The seaside area is one of the most forested in the country. At the same time, the forests in the coastal zone are exposed to a strong anthropogenic pressure due to a high concentration of tourism development and tourism. The aim of the study was to analyze the changes in the forest area availability of the coastal tourist municipalities of the Baltic Sea Coast in connection with the changes in the area of tourism development and tourism in this area. The analysis was conducted in dynamic terms, taking into account the years 2000-2016. In this study, all the communes that directly border the Baltic Sea were taken into account as seaside communes. The statistical data of the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office were used as the source material for the implementation of the research problem addressing: the changes in the area of total forests in all coastal communes of the Baltic Sea Coast in 2000-2016, the changes in the area and population of communes, and selected data on the tourist function of the coastal communes including the data on the number of facilities and beds as well as the number of tourists visiting the coastal communes of the Baltic Sea Coast between 2000-2016. In the coastal communes, in the years 2000-2016, the forest cover index increased from 23.3 to 24.1%. Since 2000, the forest area per 1 inhabitant increased from 1741 m2 to 2149 m2. The increase in the forest area and average forest area per capita occurred mainly in the rural communes, large communes with the highest forest cover indicators, in the urban communes while in the communes with a strongly developed tourism function, there was an opposite tendency. The increase in the tourism load on the forest areas and decrease in the availability of forests for tourists in the municipalities and communes with the largest tourist investment (Kołobrzeg, Międzyzdroje, Władysławowo) is observed. The anthropogenic pressure and the availability of forest decreases in communes with lower population and the marginal role of tourism in their socio-economic development (Choczewo, Trzebiatów, Smołdzino, Kamień Pomorski)

    Urban Leaf Litters as a Potential Compost Component

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    Trees shed leaf litters throughout the year with varying intensity. In urban areas, due to the regular pruning of tree branches, the leaves which are used as a compost component have dominant share in the litterfall. The amount of nutrients released during composting depends on the abundance of the shed leaves. The research aimed to analyse and determine which of the deciduous tree species provide the highest amount of macronutrients and whether or not the heavy metals contained in them exceed the toxic level. It was found that the leaves of Alnus glutinosa (C/N = 20.57), Tilia cordata (33.31) and Fraxinus excelsior (33.88), which are the source of the highest amounts of nitrogen among the examined deciduous tree species, decompose at the fastest pace in the composting process. The process of decomposition of Quercus rubra (C/N = 64.30), Aesculus hippocastanum (58.16) and Fagus sylvatica (58.06) leaves, which are poorer in nitrogen compounds, takes much longer and is more difficult. It has also been shown that the heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Pb) contained in leaf litters do not pose any threat to the environment, as they do not exceed the permissible level of contamination

    Personal information management of catholic priests in their priestly dutes

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    Celem pracy magisterskiej jest zidentyfikowanie celów i rozwiązań w zakresie indywidualnego zarządzania informacją stosowanych w realizacji obowiązków kapłańskich księży katolickich. W oparciu o krytyczną analizę piśmiennictwa naukowego dokonano szczegółowego opracowania zagadnień indywidualnego zarządzania informacją, a na podstawie Kodeksu prawa kanonicznego oraz innych kościelnych norm i wytycznych, przeprowadzono analizę obowiązków nałożonych przez prawo kościelne na duszpasterzy. Wykorzystując technikę indywidualnego wywiadu pogłębionego dokonano opracowania i analizy zarządzania informacją indywidualną przez proboszczów i wikariuszy pracujących w pięciu diecezjach w Polsce. Badania przeprowadzono w okresie od stycznia do lipca 2017 roku. W efekcie okazało się, że księża katoliccy nie są grupą zawodową posiadającą jedyny w swoim rodzaju, charakterystyczny model zarządzania informacją indywidualną.The purpose of this master's thesis is to identify the manners of personal information management used in priestly dutes by catholic priests. Based on critical analysis of scientific literature, detailed analyses of personal information management issues. The obligations imposed by church law on pastors have been analyzed on the grounds of the Code of Canon Law and other church norms and guidelines Personal information management parosh priests and vicars from five dioceses in Poland were developed and analyzed by using the technique of individual in-depth interviews. The survey was conducted from January to July 2017. Research shows that catholic priests are not a profession which having a unique, typical personal information management model

    Forms of promotion of contemporary Polish literature on the example of selected social networking sites

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    Przedmiotem pracy jest wykorzystywanie wybranych portali społecznościowychw promowaniu polskiej literatury współczesnej. Zwrócono uwagę na aktualny rynek książkiw Polsce, promocję książki, czytelnictwo oraz zastosowanie nowych technologiiw marketingu, głównie książkowym. Zasygnalizowano znaczenie inicjatyw internetowychw promocji książki. Opisano główne cechy książkowych serwisów społecznościowych orazich rolę w promowaniu czytelnictwa i książki, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem literaturypięknej. Opisano najpopularniejsze społecznościowe serwisy książkowe: Lubimy Czytać,bibioNETka, nakanapie i granice.pl. Głównym celem pracy jest przedstawienie formpromocji wybranych serwisów społecznościowych i porównanie ich ze sobą. Zastosowanoprzegląd piśmiennictwa oraz ogląd z autopsji.The subject of the work is the use of social networks to promote Polish literature. It was paidattention on the current book market in Poland, its promotion, reading and the use of newtechnologies in marketing. It was signalled the importance of Web initiatives in thepromotion of books. It was described the main features of the current social networking sitesand their role in promoting reading and books, with a particular focus on fiction. Describesthe most popular social networking sites for books: Lubimy Czytać, biblioNETka, nakanapieand granice.pl. The main objective of the dissertation is to present forms of promotionof selected social networking sites and compare them with each other with the use of literaturereview and personal observations


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    The study of bottom sediments and organs of Sparganium erectum carried out in the summer of 2014 in the city of Lębork, located in Northern Poland. The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of macroelements and heavy metals in the leaves, rhizomes and roots S. erectum and in bottom sediments of the Łeba River as well as comparison of accumulation and translocation factors of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Zn, Ni, Cu, Mn, Fe, Cd and Cr in researched organs of aquatic plant. The use of S. erectum for biomonitoring and phytoremediation has also been considered. The results of Mann Whitney U test showed a number of statistically significant differences in the content of chemical elements in the leaves, rhizomes, roots and in bottom sediments. The macroelements are mainly accumulated in leaves and heavy metals are accumulated in roots and rhizomes of S. erectum. Increased Mn and Fe content in roots and rhizomes of S. erectum, in relation this physiological needs, refers to the beneficial effects of this species in the water treatment and sludge from the bottom sediment of manganese and iron compounds. The obtained bioconcentration and translocation factors values allowed to state that S. erectum can be used for phytoremediation of contaminated bottom sediments because retains metals in their roots and limit Mn and Fe mobility from roots and rhizomes to leaves once absorbed by roots of plant


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    The studies on Zn, Pb and Mn content in the needles of Pinus silvestris and the surface layers of soil (0.0–0.2 m and 0.4–0.6 m) were conducted in 2010. The research stations covered residential areas, municipal parks, neighborhoods of busy streets, industrial establishments, waste dump sites and sewage treatment plants. The tests showed variability of the analyzed elements in the needles of P.silvestris and in municipal soils, depending on concentration of urban and industrial activity, road traffic and the depth of the examined layer of soil. The content of heavy metals in soil varied. Zn was characterized by the highest variability, depending on the depth (50.3–52.4%), Mn slightly lower (38.5–42.2%), and Pb, the lowest (29.1–33.2%). It was evidenced that the values of the heavy metals enrichment factors of the needles are closely connected with concentration of the examined metals in the soil. Along with the rise of Zn, Mn and Pb content in the soil, the values of enrichment factors decreased. The strongest negative correlations were found in the case of Zn, both in 1-year old needles (r = -0.82, p<0.05), as well as in 2-years’ old ones (r = -0.83, p<0.05), slightly weaker in the cases of lead and manganese


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    The study shows the content of macro- and microelements in the leaves and rhizomes of Glyceria maxima of the Słupia River in Słupsk. The content of macro- and microelements in G. maxima was analyzed for each component separately and in an integrated way, and comparing the demand for nutritions. The largest quantity of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium were found in the leaves, meanwhile zinc, iron, manganese, nickel and copper in the G. maxima rhizomes. The amount of Zn and Cu, in all of the tested positions, within the range of the limit ​​for the plants, and the concentrations of Ni and Mn exceed physiological needs. The U Mann Whitney test showed a number of statistically significant differences in the concentration of the analyzed elements in leaves – rhizomes, leaves – bottom sediment and rhizome - bottom sediment relation. The relations between designated heavy metals formed a following series: Mn>Fe>Zn>Ni>Cu in leaves and Fe>Mn>Zn>Ni>Cu in rhizomes. The G. maxima shoots accumulated 985.8 do 1441.4 mmolc·kg-1 in all the analyzed components, and the lower value of the sum of the accumulated macro- and microelements were found in rhizomes. The sum of ion comospition of the macronutrients in the leaves and rhizomes was similar. The content of nitrogen was 51.7–53.7% of this amount, 5.8–8.6% phosphorus, potassium 22.8 – 26.6%, 4.9-5.8% of magnesium, calcium, 8.2–11.9%, and trace elements were 0.58% in total, in the case of leaves and 8.70% in the rhizomes