24 research outputs found

    Vides migrades: expressions identitàries del canvi a Andorra

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    Brahma Kumaris

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    La Universidad Espiritual Brahma Kumaris inicia su historia a raíz de las experiencias espirituales de Dada Lekh Raj, su fundador. Dada Lekh Raj —según se describe en la literatura de Brahma Kumaris— nació en el seno de una familia humilde, su padre había sido un maestro rural pero él consiguió hacer fortuna como joyero en el campo de los diamantes, conquistando una elevada posición en la comunidad Sindhi de Hyderabad (ahora Pakistán).

    Orde del Cister

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    El Císter fou fundat l'any 1098 pel benedictí Robert, abat de Molesme, encara que va ser sant Bernat (1090-1153) el seu predicador i teòleg més important. El Císter va sorgir contraposat a la riquesa, la complexitat de la vida, la solemnitat litúrgica i l'esplendor de Cluny. Els cistercencs cerquen una vida més austera i fidel a la Regla de Sant Benet. Es un intent de tomar a les fonts i a la simplicitat de la Regla portant una vida senzilla caracteritzada per l'austeritat. La Regla fot abraçada per diverses comunitats, però no va ser fins al s. XI que sant Benet d'Aniana li dóna l'impuls definitiu. Des d'aquest instant ja es pot parlar d'orde benedictí pròpiament dit. D'aquest en sorgiren dues branques: la primera neix al monestir de Cluny i la segona a Citeaux, la qual donarà origen a l'orde del Císter. La primera edificació cistercenca és de l'any 1099.


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    XI Trobada del Grup d'Estudis Etnopoètics.Homo Narrans. Der Mensch und seine Welt in Erzählungen. Abschlußtagung der Enzyklopädie des Märchens.Sobre Giuseppe Pitrè en el centenario de su muerte.Notice nécrologique de Marie-Louise Tenèze (1922-2016)

    A reproducible method for biochemical, histological and functional assessment of the effects of ischaemia–reperfusion syndrome in the lower limbsIñig

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    [EN]Current methodology described to mimic lower limb ischaemia-reperfusion injury (LL-IRI) does not accurately define the procedures and pressures exerted to induce and maintain ischaemia. In this piece of work, we propose a well-defined and detailed rat model that simulates the conditions established in clinical practice guidelines for tourniquet application and allows us to test treatments that aim to prevent/reduce LL-IRI. Eighty-six male WAG/RijHsd rats were subjected to hind limb IRI (LL-IRI), using a mechanical system applying a 1 kg tension to induce and maintain ischemia for 2 or 3 h, and assessed the damage caused by reperfusion at biochemical and muscular levels at different time points. At the biochemical level, both 2 and 3 h of ischemia induced changes (except for electrolyte levels); 3 h of ischemia induced greater changes in specific markers of muscular damage: creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). At the histopathological level, 3 h of ischemia and 24 h of reperfusion was associated with an increase in hind limb girth, cross-sectional area, and weight and presence of neutrophils, as well as histological damage in more than 60% of muscle fibres. Our model allows to reliably reproduce the damage associated with the use of a pneumatic tourniquet. CK and LDH, as well as measures of tissue damage, allow to define and characterize the response to LL-IRI-related damage. A period of 3 h of ischemia followed by 3 h of reperfusion caused only local damage but showed greater sensitivity to detect differences in future studies on prophylactic treatments against LL-IRI.No external funding was received. This study has been supported by internal funding from the Department of the Surgery, Radiology and Physical Medicine at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)


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    XI Trobada del Grup d'Estudis Etnopoètics.Homo Narrans. Der Mensch und seine Welt in Erzählungen. Abschlußtagung der Enzyklopädie des Märchens.Sobre Giuseppe Pitrè en el centenario de su muerte.Notice nécrologique de Marie-Louise Tenèze (1922-2016).XI Trobada del Grup d'Estudis Etnopoètics.Homo Narrans. Der Mensch und seine Welt in Erzählungen. Abschlußtagung der Enzyklopädie des Märchens.Sobre Giuseppe Pitrè en el centenario de su muerte.Notice nécrologique de Marie-Louise Tenèze (1922-2016)

    Introducción al análisis del poder en organizaciones de acción social

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    Este artículo pretende contribuir al debate sobre el papel que juega el poder político en las sociedades democráticas y más concretamente en las organizaciones del Tercer Sector. Partiendo de una clarificación básica de los conceptos más relevantes sobre la cuestión del poder, describe las relaciones de poder entre las distintas personas, agentes u organizaciones que lo detentan y la configuración del poder en la sociedad actual. Posteriormente se analiza el papel que juegan las organizaciones del Tercer Sector como complemento al Estado y al Mercado. La última parte se centra en describir cómo se configura el poder en el movimiento FEAPS y en ofrecer los resultados de una investigación cualitativa sobre lo que piensan los diferentes agentes: presidentes, directivos, gerentes, profesionales y personas con discapacidad sobre este tema. Por último se esbozan algunas líneas futuras de trabajo

    Antioxidant-Based Therapy Reduces Early-Stage Intestinal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rats

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    Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury (i-IRI) is a rare disorder with a high mortality rate, resulting from the loss of blood flow to an intestinal segment. Most of the damage is triggered by the restoration of flow and the arrival of cytokines and reactive oxygen species (ROS), among others. Inactivation of these molecules before tissue reperfusion could reduce intestinal damage. The aim of this work was to analyze the preventive effect of allopurinol and nitroindazole on intestinal mucosal damage after i-IRI. Wag/RijHsd rats were subjected to i-IRI by clamping the superior mesenteric artery (for 1 or 2 h) followed by a 30 min period of reperfusion. Histopathological intestinal damage (HID) was assessed by microscopic examination of histological sections obtained from injured intestine. HID was increased by almost 20% by doubling the ischemia time (from 1 to 2 h). Nitroindazole reduced HID in both the 1 and 2 h period of ischemia by approximately 30% and 60%, respectively (p < 0.001). Our preliminary results demonstrate that nitroindazole has a preventive/protective effect against tissue damage in the early stages of i-IRI. However, to better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, further studies are needed.This research received funding from the University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU (grant reference GIU19/088)

    Effects of Folinic Acid Administration on Lower Limb Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats

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    Surgery under ischemic conditions, lasting up to 3 h, is routinely performed in orthopedic surgery, causing undesirable injury due to ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, with short and medium-term functional repercussions. To date, there is no established prophylactic treatment. In this work we evaluated folinic acid (FA) in a rodent model of lower limb ischemia-reperfusion (IRI-LL). 36 male WAG rats underwent 3 h of lower limb ischemia. In the saline group, rats received intraperitoneal administration of saline (used as vehicle for treatment). In the experimental group, rats were pretreated with FA (2.5 mg/kg) before the end of ischemia. After ischemia, animals were sacrificed at 3 h, 24 h or 14 days (for biochemical determination (Na+, K+, Cl-, urea, creatinine, CK, LDH, ALP, ALT, and AST), pathological assessment, or functional study using the rotarod test; respectively). Another six animals were used to establish the reference values. The prophylactic administration of FA significantly reduced the elevation of biochemical markers, especially those that most directly indicate muscle damage (CK and LDH). In addition, it also improved direct tissue damage, both in terms of edema, weight, PMN infiltrate and percentage of damaged fibers. Finally, the administration of FA allowed the animals to equal baseline values in the rotarod test; what did not occur in the saline group, where pre-ischemia levels were not recovered. Following 3 h of lower limb ischemia, FA minimizes the increase of CK and LDH, as well as local edema and leukocyte infiltration, allowing a faster recovery of limb functionality. Therefore, it could be considered as a prophylactic treatment when tourniquet is used in clinics.This research received funding from the University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU (grant reference GIU19/088)