4,258 research outputs found

    Preface: A Nested Logit Model of Recreational Fishing Demand in Alaska

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    Public Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Nanoparticles and nanocomposites for display applications

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    The optical response of metallic structures has attracted significant interest for various applications in recent years. Of particular relevance to display applications is the ability to optimize the intensity and wavelength of the radiation which is scattered by the structure. In this thesis, original studies are presented across three main sections which investigate the optical response of a variety of composite structures formed from metal and dielectric elements.Hewlett Packard Corporation, Great Western Researc

    Perceived Implications Of Privatization For Canadian Coast Guard Services, Principally Arctic Icebreaking

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    Climate change, with the possibility of an ice free Arctic ocean by 2015, has generated a renewed interest in the Arctic. This interest is being driven by the possibility of easier access to the abundant supply of resources such as oil, gas, minerals, and fisheries. Interest in Arctic tourism is also growing. Retreating sea ice will provide opportunities to avail of shorter routes for maritime traffic to and from Asia, North America, and Asia via the Arctic Ocean and Northwest Passage. In addition, the rate of population growth of local inhabitants in the Canadian Arctic is the fastest in Canada and one of the fastest in the world. A growing population will increase the demand for sealift resupply to Canada's northern communities. This work presents the first attempt to examine the role of privatization of icebreaking services in light of the present and projected shortages of infrastructure to support development in the Arctic. A unique combination of multiple methods within marine transportation, comprising of Delphi, grounded theory, and quantitative survey, is applied to investigate the potential for private involvement in the delivery of icebreaking services in the Canadian Arctic. This includes a novel application of Strauss and Corbin's Grounded Theory approach to develop hypotheses and relationships grounded in expert opinion. Although the Arctic Ocean may be ice free during the summers, there is still the issue of winter freezing and the threat of lingering multi-year ice which will impede marine transportation especially during periods of darkness and fog. The research shows that the future growth and development of the Canadian Arctic will undoubtedly require the use of designated icebreakers and ice strengthened vessels. However, Canada's fleet of Arctic icebreakers is ageing and considered unsuitable for future demands. While Canada has earmarked CAD $750M for the construction of one new icebreaker scheduled for delivery in 2017, the research shows that Icebreakers can be built outside of Canada for considerably less money and in less time. Also, the management and operation of the Canadian Coast Guard is under considerable security by the Auditor General of Canada. The research shows that not unlike others Arctic nations, there is potential for the creation of private-public partnerships in the delivery of Canadian Coast Guard services, principally icebreaking, in the Arctic

    Alien Registration- Parsons, James (Bangor, Penobscot County)

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    Influencias humanas en los bosques de pino y de laurel de las islas Canarias

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    Les fôrets endémiques de pins (Pinus Canariensis) et de lauriers (Laurus spp.) on été l'objet d'une exploitation intensive dès les débuts de l'établissement des espagnols dans les îles occidentales des Canaries, les plus humides de l'Archipel. Les excès des bûcherons, des récolteurs de poix (pez) et des charbonniers (tout d'abord pour la production de sucre), les incendies, les incursions des paysans et de leurs troupeaux et le manque perpétuel de gardiens, tout cela a contribué à ce qu'il fut très tôt considéré comme un désastre écologique. Les conseils municipaux insulaires et, plus tard, des sociétés civiques comme les Sociedades Económicas ont essayé en vain d'enrayer ces ravages. Après quatre siècles de surexploitation ininterrompue les pinèdes on été en grande partie restaurées (avec un succès particulier à Ténérife) au moyen d'un vigoureux programme gouvernemental de repeuplement forestier, aujourd'hui sous la responsabilité d'ICONA (l'0ffice National des Fôrets Espagnol), plus de 25.000 ha ayant été plantées dans les dernières années. Les buts principaux recherchés ont été l'obtention d'un maximum de précipitation horizontale (par dégouttement du brouillard) et la protection des lignes de partage des eaux, plutôt que la production de bois. Ces dernières années on a aussi accordé une importance croissante aux considérations d'ordre esthétique et a l'utilisation des fôrets pour les loisirs. Aujourd'hui les Canaries ont des pinèdes plus étendues et exubérantes que dans la période qui a suivi l'arrivée des Européens il y a cinq siècles, mais dans la plupart des contrées le "monte verde" n 'est guère plus qu'un souvenir et il est devenu depuis longtemps des terrains de culture ou une garrigue secondaire.From the early Spanish establishment on the better-watered western Canary Islands the endemic pine (Pinus canariensis) and laurel (Laurus spp.) forests were the object of intense exploitation. The excesses of the woodcutters, pitch (pez) collectors and charcoal makers (initially for sugar manufacturing), the destructive fires, the incursions of peasant cultivators and their livestock, and the perpetual shortage of reliable guards, all contributed to what was early seen as an ecological disaster in the making. Efforts to stem the devastation by the island councils and, later, by such civic groups as the Sociedades Económicas were to no avail. After four centuries of continued abuse the pinares have been largely reestablished, most successfully on Tenerife, through a vigorous government afforestation program, now under the charge of ICONA. More than 25.000 ha have been planted. The maximizing of horizontal precipitation ("fog drip") and watershed protection, not the production of lumber, has been the guiding rationale. Recently esthetic and recreational values have been given comparable emphasis. The Canaries today support stands of pines of greater luxuriance and extent than have been known at any time since the arrival of Europeans five centuries ago. But the "monte verde", in most areas is little more than a memory, long since converted to cropland or secondary scrub.Els boscos endèmics de pi (Pinus canariensis) i de llorer (Laurus spp.) foren l'objecte d'una intensa explotació des dels inicis de l'establiment d'espanyols a les més humides illes occidentals de les Canàries. Els excessos dels llenyataires, dels recol·lectors de pega (pez) i dels carboners (primer per a la producció de sucre), els incendis destructors, les incursions dels pagesos i de llur bestiar i la perpètua escassesa de guardians de confianca, tot plegat va contribuir a allò que aviat fou considerat un desastre ecològic en marxa. Endebades s'esforcaren a aturar la devastació els ajuntaments insulars i, més tard, els grups cívics com les Sociedades Económicas. Després de quatre segles de sobreexplotació ininterrompuda, els pinares han estat en gran mesura restaurats, de la manera més reexida a Tenerife, mitjancant un vigorós programa governamental de repoblació forestal actualment a càrrec d'ICONA. S'han plantat més de 25.000 ha. La directriu seguida ha estat la d'obtenir el màxim de precipitació horitzontal (degoteig de la boira) i la protecci6 de les divisòries d'aigües, més que no pas la producció de fusta. Darrerament hom ha donat una importància semblant a consideracions estètiques i recreatives. Avui les Canàries tenen pinedes més extenses i exuberants que les conegudes en cap altra època d'ençà de l'arribada dels europeus fa cinc segles. Però a la majoria d'àrees el "monte verde" no és gaire cosa més que un record, i ja fa molt temps que ha esdevingut terra de conreu o matoll secundari