805 research outputs found

    Effects of visual and motion simulation cueing systems on pilot performance during takeoffs with engine failures

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    Data are presented that show the effects of visual and motion during cueing on pilot performance during takeoffs with engine failures. Four groups of USAF pilots flew a simulated KC-135 using four different cueing systems. The most basic of these systems was of the instrument-only type. Visual scene simulation and/or motion simulation was added to produce the other systems. Learning curves, mean performance, and subjective data are examined. The results show that the addition of visual cueing results in significant improvement in pilot performance, but the combined use of visual and motion cueing results in far better performance

    The effects of motion and g-seat cues on pilot simulator performance of three piloting tasks

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    Data are presented that show the effects of motion system cues, g-seat cues, and pilot experience on pilot performance during takeoffs with engine failures, during in-flight precision turns, and during landings with wind shear. Eight groups of USAF pilots flew a simulated KC-135 using four different cueing systems. The basic cueing system was a fixed-base type (no-motion cueing) with visual cueing. The other three systems were produced by the presence of either a motion system or a g-seat, or both. Extensive statistical analysis of the data was performed and representative performance means were examined. These data show that the addition of motion system cueing results in significant improvement in pilot performance for all three tasks; however, the use of g-seat cueing, either alone or in conjunction with the motion system, provides little if any performance improvement for these tasks and for this aircraft type

    Gated nonlinear transport in organic polymer field effect transistors

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    We measure hole transport in poly(3-hexylthiophene) field effect transistors with channel lengths from 3 μ\mum down to 200 nm, from room temperature down to 10 K. Near room temperature effective mobilities inferred from linear regime transconductance are strongly dependent on temperature, gate voltage, and source-drain voltage. As TT is reduced below 200 K and at high source-drain bias, we find transport becomes highly nonlinear and is very strongly modulated by the gate. We consider whether this nonlinear transport is contact limited or a bulk process by examining the length dependence of linear conduction to extract contact and channel contributions to the source-drain resistance. The results indicate that these devices are bulk-limited at room temperature, and remain so as the temperature is lowered. The nonlinear conduction is consistent with a model of Poole-Frenkel-like hopping mechanism in the space-charge limited current regime. Further analysis within this model reveals consistency with a strongly energy dependent density of (localized) valence band states, and a crossover from thermally activated to nonthermal hopping below 30 K.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted to J. Appl. Phy

    Trapping-to-Percolation Transition in the Hopping Diffusion of Substitutionally Disordered Solids with a Binary Energy Distribution

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    We consider charge carriers that undergo nearest-neighbor hopping among the sites of a binary random lattice, each site of which is associated with one of two possible energies E1 or E2. A general and recently observed feature of this problem not predicted by previous treatments of disordered hopping models is a crossover between trap-limited conduction and percolation. We introduce new energy-projected equations of motion whose solutions reveal the deep conductivity minimum associated with this phenomenon, and compare the results predicted to numerical simulations

    Effective-Medium Theory for the Electric-Field Dependence of the Hopping Conductivity of Disordered Solids

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    We derive a general effective-medium theory for describing biased diffusion on a bond-disordered lattice in the presence of an external driving field. In our theory, the effective medium associated with a disordered d-dimensional lattice is characterized, for each value of the applied field, by 2d independent parameters describing, respectively, the net drift velocity vv and the diffusion constant Dvv describing the spread of a carrier packet about its mean value, for each of the d crystal axes. The theory correctly predicts the velocity transition occurring in an exactly soluble model studied by Derrida and, in contrast to other recent theories, correctly reproduces the critical velocity at which this transition occurs

    Long-Range Random Walks on Energetically Disordered Lattices

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    Although the master equation describing long-range random walks on an energetically disordered lattice is governed by a nonsymmetric transition matrix W, it may be mapped through a similarity transform onto an imaginary-time Schrödinger equation governed by a Hermitian (Hamiltonian) operator H0 having a nondegenerate ground state. Under this mapping the diffusion constant D can be expressed in terms of the exact ground state energy of operators that are infinitesimally perturbed from H0

    Energy-Projected Effective-Medium Theory of Long-Range Hopping on Energetically Disordered Lattices

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    We introduce energy-projected equations of motion to treat the diffusive transport of charge carriers that undergo long-range (i.e., greater than nearest-neighbor) hopping among the sites of an energetically disordered lattice. This approach leads naturally to an energy-projected effective-medium theory for treating such systems. Exact expressions for the diffusion constant associated with the energy-projected effective medium theory are obtained. Using the formalism in conjunction with what is normally a rather poor approximation, i.e., the virtual-crystal approximation, we are able to obtain the exact diffusion constant for the long-range symmetric-random-well problem. Effective-medium calculations and numerical simulations are presented for nearest-neighbor and long-range hopping on a disordered binary lattice

    Theory of the Seebeck Coefficient in LaCrO₃ and Related Perovskite Systems

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    We consider the Seebeck coefficient in LaCrO3 and related transition-metal-oxide perovskites using a model for electronic conduction based on the electronic structure of the 3d orbitals of the B-site transition-metal cations. Relations for the Seebeck coefficient are presented for those perovskite systems in which electronic conduction is through the t2g states of the B-site transition-metal cations. High- and low-temperature limits for the Seebeck coefficient are identified for the cases of both strong and weak magnetic coupling between electron spins. In these high- and low-temperature limits, the Seebeck coefficient is determined as a function of carrier concentration. Results are applied to an analysis of experimental data for the (La,Sr)CrO

    Large-Cell Renormalization-Group Approach to Long-Range Hopping on Energetically Disordered Lattices

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    We describe an approach for computing the conductivity associated with long-range hopping on energetically disordered lattices. Using a numerically exact supercell procedure we compute the distribution ρL(γ) of block conductances γL associated with conducting cubes of edge length L that are randomly chosen from the disordered system of interest. This distribution of block conductances is then used in a self-consistent numerical calculation to obtain the renormalized bulk conductivity. The approach displays a surprisingly fast approach to the infinite-system limit, allowing finite-size effects to be minimized. In this paper we use this approach to study transport in a series of binary lattices containing a random distribution of two enegetically inequivalent ions. Specific examples considered include variations of the nearest-neighbor site percolation problem, long-range hopping on more general binary lattices, and the trapping-to-percolation transition that occurs in such systems

    Simulation of a synergistic six-post motion system on the flight simulator for advanced aircraft at NASA-Ames

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    Motion system drive philosophy and corresponding real-time software have been developed for the purpose of simulating the characteristics of a typical synergistic Six-Post Motion System (SPMS) on the Flight Simulator for Advanced Aircraft (FSAA) at NASA-Ames which is a non-synergistic motion system. This paper gives a brief description of these two types of motion systems and the general methods of producing motion cues of the FSAA. An actuator extension transformation which allows the simulation of a typical SPMS by appropriate drive washout and variable position limiting is described