104 research outputs found

    Dissipative solitons characterization in singly resonant optical parametric oscillators: a variational formalism

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    In this work, the emergence of single-peak temporal dissipative solitons in singly-resonant degenerate optical parametric oscillators is investigated analytically. Applying the Kantarovich optimization method, through a Lagrangian variational formalism, an approximate analytical soliton solution is computed using a parameter-dependent ansatz. This permits to obtain analytical estimations for the dissipative soliton energy, peak power, and existence boundaries, which are of great value for experimentalist. To confirm the validity of this procedure, these analytical results are compared with a numerical study performed in the context of pure quadratic systems, showing a good agreement

    Transitions between dissipative localized structures in the simplified Gilad-Meron model for dryland plant ecology

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    Spatially extended patterns and multistability of possible different states is common in many ecosystems, and their combination has an important impact on their dynamical behaviours. One potential combination involves tristability between a patterned state and two different uniform states. Using a simplified version of the Gilad-Meron model for dryland ecosystems, we study the organization, in bifurcation terms, of the localized structures arising in tristable regimes. These states are generally related with the concept of wave front locking, and appear in the form of spots and gaps of vegetation. We find that the coexistence of localized spots and gaps, within tristable configurations, yield the appearance of hybrid states. We also study the emergence of spatiotemporal localized states consisting in a portion of a periodic pattern embedded in a uniform Hopf-like oscillatory background in a subcritical Turing-Hopf dynamical regime

    Third-order chromatic dispersion stabilizes Kerr frequency combs

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    Using numerical simulations of an extended Lugiato-Lefever equation, we analyze the stability and nonlinear dynamics of Kerr frequency combs generated in microresonators and fiber resonators taking into account third-order dispersion effects. We show that cavity solitons underlying Kerr frequency combs, normally sensitive to oscillatory and chaotic instabilities, are stabilized in a wide range of parameter space by third-order dispersion. Moreover, we demonstrate how the snaking structure organizing compound states of multiple cavity solitons is qualitatively changed by third-order dispersion, promoting an increased stability of Kerr combs underlined by a single cavity soliton.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure

    (Invited) Spatiotemporal soliton stability in multimode fibers. A Hamiltonian approach

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    We introduce a Hamiltonian approach to study the stability of three-dimensional spatiotemporal solitons in graded-index multimode optical fibers. Nonlinear light bullet propagation in these fibers can be described by means of a Gross–Pitaevskii equation with a two-dimensional parabolic potential. We apply a variational approach, based on the Ritz optimization method, and compare its predictions with extensive numerical simulations. We analytically find that, in fibers with a pure Kerr self-focusing nonlinearity, spatiotemporal solitons are stable for low energies, in perfect agreement with numerical simulations. However, above a certain energy threshold, simulations reveal that the spatiotemporal solitons undergo wave collapse, which is not captured by the variational approach

    Multimode resonance transition to collapsed snaking in normal dispersion Kerr resonators: Bright versus dark solitons

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    We study the dynamics of Kerr cavity solitons in the normal dispersion regime, in the presence of an intracavity phase modulation. The associated parabolic potential introduces multimode resonances, which promote the formation of high-order bright solitons. By gradually reducing the potential strength, bright solitons undergo a transition into dark solitons. We describe this process as a shift from a multimode resonance to a collapsed snaking bifurcation structure. This work offers a comprehensive overview of cavity dynamics and may provide a potential pathway to access multi-stable states by effectively varying the phase modulation

    Dynamics of three-dimensional spatiotemporal solitons in multimode waveguides

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    In this work, we present a detailed study of the dynamics and stability of fundamental spatiotemporal solitons emerging in multimode waveguides with a parabolic transverse profile of the linear refractive index. Pulsed beam propagation in these structures can be described by using a Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a two-dimensional parabolic spatial potential. Our investigations are based on comparing variational approaches, based on the Ritz optimization method, with extensive numerical simulations. We found that, with a Kerr self-focusing nonlinearity, spatiotemporal solitons are stable for low pulse energies, where our analytical results find a perfect agreement with the numerical simulations. However, solitons with progressively increasing energies eventually undergo wave collapse, which is not predicted within the variational framework. In a self-defocusing scenario, again for low energies there is good agreement between the variational predictions and simulations. Whereas, for large soliton energies complex spatiotemporal dynamics emerge

    Emergence of collapsed snaking related dark and bright Kerr dissipative solitons with quartic-quadratic dispersion

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    We theoretically investigate the dynamics, bifurcation structure and stability of dark localized states emerging in Kerr cavities in the presence of second- and fourth-order dispersion. These states form through the locking of uniform wave fronts, or domain walls, connecting two coexisting stable uniform states. They undergo a generic bifurcation structure known as collapsed homoclinic snaking. We characterize the robustness of these states by computing their stability and bifurcation structure as a function of the main control parameter of the system. Furthermore, we show that by increasing the dispersion of fourth order, bright localized states can be also stabilized

    Self-pulsing and chaos in the asymmetrically driven dissipative photonic Bose-Hubbard dimer: A bifurcation analysis

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    We perform a systematic study of the temporal dynamics emerging in the asymmetrically driven dissipative Bose-Hubbard dimer model. This model successfully describes the nonlinear dynamics of photonic diatomic molecules in linearly coupled Kerr resonators coherently excited by a single laser beam. Such temporal dynamics may include self-pulsing oscillations, period doubled oscillatory states, chaotic dynamics, and spikes. We have thoroughly characterized such dynamical states, their origin, and their regions of stability by applying bifurcation analysis and dynamical system theory. This approach has allowed us to identify and classify the instabilities, which are responsible for the appearance of different types of temporal dynamics

    Pure quartic three-dimensional spatiotemporal Kerr solitons

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    We analyze the formation of three-dimensional spatiotemporal solitons in waveguides with a parabolic refractive index profile and pure quartic chromatic dispersion. We show, by applying both variational approaches and full three-dimensional numerical simulations, that fourth-order dispersion has a positive impact on soliton stabilization against spatiotemporal wave collapse. Specifically, pure quartic spatiotemporal solitons remain stable within a significantly larger energy range with respect to their second-order dispersion counterparts

    Mode-locking induced by coherent driving in fiber lasers

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    Mode-locking is a broad concept that encompasses different processes enabling short optical pulse formation in lasers. It typically requires an intracavity mechanism that discriminates between single and collective mode lasing, which can be complex and sometimes adds noise. Moreover, known mode-locking schemes do not guarantee phase stability of the carrier wave. Here, we theoretically propose that injecting a detuned signal seamlessly leads to mode-locking in fiber lasers. We show that phase-locked pulses, akin to cavity solitons, exist in a wide range of parameters. In that regime the laser behaves as a passive resonator due to the non-instantaneous gain saturation
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