4,943 research outputs found

    Propuesta de zonación polínica para el sector Casablanca (Almenara)-Torreblanca, provincia de Castellón

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    Proponemos , como hipótesis de trabajo, dos zonas polínicas para el territorio comprendido entre Casablanca (Almenara) y Torreblanca (Fig . 1). La zona A (entre 6280 BP y 2200 BP) presenta elevados porcentajes AP que relacionamos a un paisaje donde la acción antrópica actuaba desde una época anterior a la fOrmación de la turbera. Así , los porcentajes AP estarían relacionados a una dinámi ca de deforestación- reforestación que configura un paisaje tipo l andnam (sen su IVERSEN, 1941). La zona B, entre 2200 BP y la Alta Edad Media (?) , presenta l os el ementos de una agricultura i ntensa, sincrónicamente se asocian los porcentajes de Olea, Vitis y Gramineae tipo Cerealia lo que puede relacionarse a la técnica agrícola denominada arbustrum en los tratatos agrícolas romanos . En este momento la vegetación arbórea del sector sufre un desequilibrio i rreversibleOn propase deux zones pol l iniques 1 comme hypothese de travai l 1 pour l e terr i toire compris entre Casablanca (Almenara) et Torre blanca ( F ig . 1) . La zone A (entre 6280 BP et 2200 BP) presente des i mportantes taux AP repprochés a un paysage oU 11 action humaine agi t depuis quelque te'mps; les hauts pourcentages AP font partie d 1 un systeme de déboisement et boisements constituant un paysage type landnam (sensu IVERSEN, 1941) . La zone B, entre 2200 BP et le r.loyen Age (?) 1 présente tous l es éléments d' une mise e n val eur du territoire tres in tense nommée arbustum dans les trai tés agricoles romaines . Dans cette zone 8 le déboisement du secteur provoque un déséquilibre irreversible du paysage arboréen. A présent, une interpretation climatique des documents polliniques s' avére encere incertain

    Diez Años de La Cátedra-Empresa Cemex de La E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Minas de Madrid

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    La Cátedra CEMEX de Tecnología de Cementos, Hormigones y Morteros es una de las Cátedras Universidad-Empresa de la E.T.S de Ingenieros de Minas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Fue creada hace diez años y está patrocinada por CEMEX España. En estos diez cursos ya cumplidos de vida la Cátedra ha llevado a cabo diversas actividades, entre las que destaca la organización de un curso de formación para estudiantes de la ETSI Minas, en cuya impartición participan diversas entidades, además de técnicos de la propia empresa. Asimismo, se han realizado proyectos de investigación aplicada, algunos muy innovadores, con participación de los estudiantes, en el marco de su política de facilitar prácticas en empresa y en muchos casos la realización de proyectos fin de carrera. Todo lo anterior ha permitido la incorporación en estos años a la plantilla de CEMEX España de numerosos profesionales formados en la ETSI Minas, los cuales se han integrado en diversos departamentos de la empresa

    Symmetry breaking in MAST plasma turbulence due to toroidal flow shear

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    The flow shear associated with the differential toroidal rotation of tokamak plasmas breaks an underlying symmetry of the turbulent fluctuations imposed by the up-down symmetry of the magnetic equilibrium. Using experimental Beam-Emission-Spectroscopy (BES) measurements and gyrokinetic simulations, this symmetry breaking in ion-scale turbulence in MAST is shown to manifest itself as a tilt of the spatial correlation function and a finite skew in the distribution of the fluctuating density field. The tilt is a statistical expression of the "shearing" of the turbulent structures by the mean flow. The skewness of the distribution is related to the emergence of long-lived density structures in sheared, near-marginal plasma turbulence. The extent to which these effects are pronounced is argued (with the aid of the simulations) to depend on the distance from the nonlinear stability threshold. Away from the threshold, the symmetry is effectively restored

    COLA. III. Radio Detection of Active Galactic Nucleus in Compact Moderate Luminosity Infrared Galaxies

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    We present results from 4.8 GHz Very Large Array (VLA) and global very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of the northern half of the moderate FIR luminosity (median L_(IR) = 10^(11.01) L_☉) COLA sample of star-forming galaxies. VLBI sources are detected in a high fraction (20/90) of the galaxies observed. The radio luminosities of these cores (~10^(21) W Hz^(–1)) are too large to be explained by radio supernovae or supernova remnants and we argue that they are instead powered by active galactic nuclei (AGNs). These sub-parsec scale radio cores are preferentially detected toward galaxies whose VLA maps show bright 100-500 parsec scale nuclear radio components. Since these latter structures tightly follow the FIR to radio-continuum correlation for star formation, we conclude that the AGN-powered VLBI sources are associated with compact nuclear starburst environments. The implications for possible starburst-AGN connections are discussed. The detected VLBI sources have a relatively narrow range of radio luminosity consistent with models in which intense compact Eddington-limited starbursts regulate the gas supply onto a central supermassive black hole. The high incidence of AGN radio cores in compact starbursts suggests little or no delay between the starburst phase and the onset of AGN activity

    Clinical Case of Huge Congenital Hypertrophy of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium Labeled as Choroidal Melanoma

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    A case of a 48-year-old woman who was referred to an Ocular Oncology Unit with a suspected choroidal melanoma diagnosis in her left eye, which final diagnosis was a congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE). No evidence of other ocular or general condition findings has been reported. Diagnostic, as well as the risks of malignancy, are discussed. We highlight the importance of performing an appropriate differential diagnosis of a large pigmented lesion detected on routine ocular examination due to the implications for the patient

    Strengthening regional supply chains for agricultural transformation in Colombia

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    Over the last 2 decades, Colombia has gained valuable experience in supporting agricultural supply chains. The government views this approach primarily as a means of achieving agricultural transformation, and to this end the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR, its Spanish acronym) has designed a set of innovative policies. Under these policies, regional committees plan and implement development initiatives in collaboration with the local public and private sectors. While achieving several notable successes, the committees have also come up against various challenges: boosting operational funds; developing stronger relationships with regional governments, private actors, and support systems; strengthening small-scale producer organizations; and, above all, creating a long-term regional vision for supply-chain development. Colombia must meet these challenges effectively if its public policies are to achieve the desired effect of enhancing agricultural productivity

    Desarrollo de materiales online de apoyo para la realización del Trabajo de Fin de Grado

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    Depto. de Trabajo Social y Servicios SocialesFac. de Trabajo SocialFALSEsubmitte

    On the general structure of Ricci collineations for type B warped spacetimes

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    A complete study of the structure of Ricci collineations for type B warped spacetimes is carried out. This study can be used as a method to obtain these symetries in such spacetimes. Special cases as 2+2 reducible spacetimes, and plane and spherical symmetric spacetimes are considered specifically.Comment: 18 pages. Version accepted for publication in JM