2 research outputs found

    Actitud hacia las personas mayores y variables asociadas en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios del ámbito de la educación

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    Attitudes are defined as a construct that implies a state of mental disposition (cognitive and affective aspects) that influence our perception, thinking and motivation, and direct our behaviors. Attitudes become determinant elements in predicting positive or negative behaviors towards others, especially towards the elderly. The aim of this study is to know the attitudes of the students of university degrees in education, since they will be the next professionals to educate. Knowing the attitudes and variables that may influence them may be a key aspect for developing subsequent interventions, as well as for improving attitudes towards the elderly and, therefore, their care. This study shows that the attitude is moderately positive, and that a more positive attitude is related to having interest in old age issues, and to four human strengths such as love, kindness, gratitude and humility. Las actitudes se definen como un constructo que implica un estado de disposición mental (aspectos cognitivos y afectivos) que influyen en nuestra percepción, pensamiento y motivación, y dirigen nuestras conductas. Las actitudes se convierten en elementos determinantes para predecir conductas positivas o negativas hacia los demás, especialmente hacia las personas mayores. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer las actitudes del alumnado de títulos universitarios de educación, ya que serán los próximos profesionales que eduquen. Conocer las actitudes y variables que puedan influir en estas puede ser un aspecto clave para desarrollar intervenciones posteriores, así como, para mejorar las actitudes hacia el mayor, y, por ende, su atención. Este estudio muestra que la actitud es moderadamente positiva, y que una actitud más positiva está relacionada con tener interés por temas de vejez, y con cuatro fortalezas humanas como son el amor, la bondad, la gratitud y la humildad

    Sociodemographic profile of physically active older adults according to the type of physical activities practiced: Gymnastic Exercises, Aquatic Activities, Yoga, Pilates and Dance

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    Introduction: Physical exercise enhances the psychophysical well-being of older adults. However, sociodemographic varia- bles that may either facilitate or impede the engagement in physical activities, such as education, income, gender, and marital status, have been insufficiently explored. Furthermore, limited attention has been given to these variables concerning specific physical activi- ties, including gymnastics, aquatic activities, yoga, pilates, and dance. Objective: The aim of this study is to delineate the sociodemo- graphic profile of physically active older adults based on the specific type of physical activity they participate in. Procedure: A sample of 358 individuals aged over 60 years (M = 69.66, SD = 4.74) participated in the study, utilizing the Quality of Life Scale and a sociodemographic questionnaire, specifically the CUBRECAVI. Results: The findings indicate that older adults engaged in gymnastics are more likely to possess lower academic qualifications (p < .001), lower income (p < .001), and be women (p = .003). Additionally, single and divorced individuals participate in dance activities at a higher rate compared to other activities (p = .004). Conclusion: In summary, the choice of physical activity among older adults is associated with their educational level, income, gender, and marital status.2023-2