340 research outputs found

    Características das espécies vegetais dispersas por aves e morcegos e suas implicações na recuperação ou manutenção de ambientes florestais.

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    Editores técnicos: Marcílio José Thomazini, Elenice Fritzsons, Patrícia Raquel Silva, Guilherme Schnell e Schuhli, Denise Jeton Cardoso, Luziane Franciscon. EVINCI. Resumos

    Dieta frugívora dos gêneros de morcegos Artibeus, Carollia e Sturnira (Phyllostomidae, Chiroptera) ao longo de sua distribuição geográfica.

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    Editores técnicos: Marcílio José Thomazini, Elenice Fritzsons, Patrícia Raquel Silva, Guilherme Schnell e Schuhli, Denise Jeton Cardoso, Luziane Franciscon. EVINCI. Resumos

    Consistency in fruit preferences across the geographical range of the frugivorous bats Artibeus, Carollia and Sturnira (Chiroptera).

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    Os filostomídeos frugívoros Artibeus, Carollia e Sturnira são importantes dispersores de sementes na região Neotropical, se destacando por possuírem uma suposta preferência por frutos dos gêneros Ficus, Piper e Solanum, respectivamente. Nós realizamos uma metanálise para testar a hipótese de que as interações entre esses morcegos e plantas são consistentes ao longo de toda sua distribuição geográfi ca. Por meio de uma extensa revisão bibliográfi ca, foram compilados 4.448 registros de consumo de frutos provenientes de 180 publicações. Estes dados foram organizados por espécie de morcego e país, testando quais gêneros de frutos foram mais frequentes na região neotropical como um todo e em cada um dos seus países componentes. Num panorama geral, os resultados demonstraram alta frequência no consumo de Ficus (24,0%) por Artibeus, Piper (38,7%) por Carollia e Solanum (31,0%) por Sturnira, considerando 176 gêneros botânicos citados. O estudo corrobora, assim, a hipótese da consistência da dieta desses morcegos ao longo de toda a sua distribuição geográfi ca, sendo esta relacionada à ampla distribuição dos grupos (morcegos e plantas) envolvidos, à fenologia das espécies zoocóricas consumidas e à fi delidade espacial dos morcegos, esta, por sua vez, moldada pela capacidade de voo das diferentes espécies

    How chemical compounds affect fruit bats' plant interactions.

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    Fruit bats are known to be able to discriminate, select, and track the essential oils of their preferred fruits. A few years ago, our research group hypothesized, experimented, and confirmed that these bats can be attracted with essential oils only – concentrated volatile aromas – of their preferred fruits both in forested and open areas. These findings led to the proposal of a restoration tool that uses essential oils of chiropterochoric fruits (fruits eaten by bats) to attract seed-dispersing bats to degraded areas with the objective to increase seed arrival and germination.bitstream/item/206340/1/How-Chemical-Compounds-Affect-Fruit-Bats-Plant-Interactions.pd

    Binge eating attitudes in community adolescent sample and relationships with interview-assessed attachment representations in girls: a multi-center study from North Italy

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    Purpose: To compare community girls at risk and not at risk for binge eating (BE) in attachment representations through a narrative interview and to test the predictive role of attachment pattern(s) on the risk of binge eating among community girls. Methods: From 772 community adolescents of both sexes (33% boys) screened through the Binge Eating Scale (BES), 112 girls between 14 and 18 years, 56 placed in a group at risk for binge eating (BEG), and 56 matched peers, not at risk (NBEG), were assessed in attachment representations through the Friends and Family Interview (FFI). Results: (1) Compared to NBEG, girls in the BEG showed more insecure-preoccupied classifications and scores, together with lower narrative coherence, mother\u2019s representation as a secure base/safe haven, reflective functioning, adaptive response, and more anger toward mother. (2) Both insecure-dismissing and preoccupied patterns predicted 15% more binge-eating symptoms in the whole sample of community girls. Conclusions: Insecure attachment representations are confirmed risk factors for more binge eating, affecting emotional regulation and leading to \u201cemotional eating\u201d, thus a dimensional assessment of attachment could be helpful for prevention and intervention. Implications and limits are discussed. Level of evidence: III. Evidence obtained from cohort or case\u2013control analytic studie

    Diversity of vaginal microbiome and metabolome during genital infections

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    We characterized the vaginal ecosystem during common infections of the female genital tract, as vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC, n\u2009=\u200918) and Chlamydia trachomatis infection (CT, n\u2009=\u200920), recruiting healthy (HC, n\u2009=\u200921) and bacterial vaginosis-affected (BV, n\u2009=\u200920) women as references of eubiosis and dysbiosis. The profiles of the vaginal microbiome and metabolome were studied in 79 reproductive-aged women, by means of next generation sequencing and proton based-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Lactobacillus genus was profoundly depleted in all the genital infections herein considered, and species-level analysis revealed that healthy vaginal microbiome was dominated by L. crispatus. In the shift from HC to CT, VVC, and BV, L. crispatus was progressively replaced by L. iners. CT infection and VVC, as well as BV condition, were mainly characterised by anaerobe genera, e.g. Gardnerella, Prevotella, Megasphaera, Roseburia and Atopobium. The changes in the bacterial communities occurring during the genital infections resulted in significant alterations in the vaginal metabolites composition, being the decrease of lactate a common marker of all the pathological conditions. In conclusion, according to the taxonomic and metabolomics analysis, we found that each of the four conditions is characterized by a peculiar vaginal microbiome/metabolome fingerprint