327 research outputs found

    Comportamento e controle do gafanhoto RHAMMATOCERUS SCHISTOCERCOIDES (REHN, 1906) no Mato Grosso.

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    - Ern setembro de 1984, verificou-se uma explosão populacional da especie do gafanhoto Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906) no estado de Mato Grosso. 0 estudo da biologia em condicoes de laboratorio, casa de vegetario e campo revelou que a postura ocorre ern outubro-novembro e as ninfas emergern ern novembro-dezembro. Cada instar tem, em media, 26 dias, havendo cinco instares nas condicoes de Mato Grosso e seis instares nas condicoes do Distrito Federal. Transformarn-se ern adultos ern abril, n-ligratn ern agosto-setembro, e o acasalamento ocorre em setembro-outubro. Preferência alimentar: 0 R. schistocercoides prefere, ern primeiro lugar, gramineas nativas do cerrado e campo sujo, seguindo-se as culturas de arroz, cana-de-acucar, milho, sorgo, pastagens e, por firn, soja e feijão. Controle quimico: Foram testados para, o Controle do gafanhoto adulto os inseticidas: fenitrothion, malathion, carbaril, esfenvarelate e fenvarelate. 0 carbaril e os piretroides não foram eficientes nas clonagens testadas. 0 fenitrothion e o malathion mostraram acima de 98% da eficiencia nas dosagens de 300 g do i.a. e 800 g do i.a. por ha, respectivamente. Posteriormente se testou o fenitrothion dflufdo ern 61eo de algodão (50%), mostrando uma eficiência de 95% na dosagern de 150 g do La. por ha.Título em inglês: Behavior and control of the locust RHAMMATOCERUS SCHISTOCERCOIDES (REHN, 1906) in Mato Grosso, Brazil

    Effects of pesticides on Chelon labrosus (Risso, 1827) evaluated by enzymatic activities along the north eastern Sicilian coastlines (Italy)

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    Pesticides are frequently applied to agricultural activities to improve harvest, in terms of yield and product quality. Useful tools for ecotoxicological studies of marine ecosystems are based on biomarker application on bioindicator key fish species. The main aim of the present study was to detect the potential presence of pesticides in a polluted coastal marine environment, namely Milazzo Gulf, situated in the north eastern coast of Sicily (Italy), by measuring the enzymatic activities of the ecotoxicological biomarkers acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in brain and blood samples of Chelon labrosus. Also, Marinello Reserve was selected as a reference site. The data showed a significant inhibition in AChE (81%) and BChE (71%) activities in fish from Milazzo Gulf in respect to those from the reference site. The esterase inhibition is primarily due to the presence of organophosphorus insecticides and carbamates that resulted, in Milazzo Gulf, higher in concentration in respect to the reference quality standard decree (D.M. 260, 2010). The results obtained in this study confirm the suspected presence of insecticides in waters and fish from Milazzo Gulf, which may lead to a considerable hazard to humans. This study confirms the relevant advantages of the biomarker approach on fish species in the ecotoxicological evaluation of marine environments

    Effects of pesticides on Chelon labrosus (Risso, 1827) evaluated by enzymatic activities along the north eastern Sicilian coastlines (Italy)

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    Pesticides are frequently applied to agricultural activities to improve harvest, in terms of yield and product quality. Useful tools for ecotoxicological studies of marine ecosystems are based on biomarker application on bioindicator key fish species. The main aim of the present study was to detect the potential presence of pesticides in a polluted coastal marine environment, namely Milazzo Gulf, situated in the north eastern coast of Sicily (Italy), by measuring the enzymatic activities of the ecotoxicological biomarkers acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in brain and blood samples of Chelon labrosus. Also, Marinello Reserve was selected as a reference site. The data showed a significant inhibition in AChE (81%) and BChE (71%) activities in fish from Milazzo Gulf in respect to those from the reference site. The esterase inhibition is primarily due to the presence of organophosphorus insecticides and carbamates that resulted, in Milazzo Gulf, higher in concentration in respect to the reference quality standard decree (D.M. 260, 2010). The results obtained in this study confirm the suspected presence of insecticides in waters and fish from Milazzo Gulf, which may lead to a considerable hazard to humans. This study confirms the relevant advantages of the biomarker approach on fish species in the ecotoxicological evaluation of marine environments

    Atividade inseticida de estirpes de Bacillus thuringiensis em pragas da soja e do girassol.

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    O controle biológico como tática de manejo integrado de pragas é promissor devido a sua seletividade e sustentabilidade, pois é realizado por diferentes organismos como os insetos parasitóides, predadores e patógenos, destacando-se as bactérias. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar cepas de Bacillus thuringiensis com mortalidade para Spodoptera frugiperda Spodoptera eridania, Spodoptera cosmioides, Chlosyne lacinia saundersii Anticarsia gemmatalis e Pseudoplusia includens. Utilizou-se lagartas de 2° instar e como padrão de comparação a estirpe HD-1 de B. thuringiensis subsp. Kurstaki. Cubos de dieta e pedaços de folhas de girassol e milho foram mergulhados na suspensão das culturas liofilizadas com a concentração desejada para a porcentagem de mortalidade e determinação da CL50. Constatou-se 80% de mortalidade em uma única espécie ou para mais de uma espécie em 21 estirpes. Destacaram-se a Br37, S1450 e HD-1, que causaram mortalidade acima de 80% para todas as espécies testadas. Br78 e S1265, provocaram mortalidade, acima de 82%, nas espécies de S. frugiperda S. eridania, A. gemmatalis e P. includens. O padrão HD-1 apresentou-se virulento para todas as espécies testadas. A CL50 de BR37, BR58 e BR94, variou entre 46,66 ?g de liofilizado/ml e 63,33 ?g/ml para S. eridania, entre 40,00 ?g/ml e 116,66 ?g/ml para S. frugiperda. Das 6 cepas de B. thuringiensis testadas para A.gemmatalis a CL50 variou entre 15,03 ?g/ml a 118,93 ?g/ml. Em C. l. saundersii a variação da CL50 ficou entre 6,54 ?g/ml e 57,77 ?g/ml. Em comparação com o padrão HD-1 a estirpe BR58 para S. eridania manteve a toxicidade, e para S. frugiperda e A. gemmatalis foi de uma vez maior do que em relação ao padrão. Para BR87, S1302, S1269 testadas em C.l. saundersii a toxicidade foi 3,0 vezes maior quando comparada ao padrão HD-1. Os resultados foram satisfatórios observando o potencial de 4 cepas para o controle das espécies acima citadas.SICONBIOL 2011

    Impact of Tumor Burden Score on Conditional Survival after Curative-Intent Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Multi-Institutional Analysis

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    Background: The impact of tumor burden score (TBS) on conditional survival (CS) among patients undergoing curative-intent resection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has not been examined to date. Methods: Patients who underwent liver resection of HCC between 2000 and 2017 were identified from a multi-institutional database. The impact of TBS and other clinicopathologic factors on 3-year conditional survival (CS3) was examined. Results: Among 1,040 patients, 263 (25.3%) patients had low TBS, 668 (64.2%) had medium TBS and 109 (10.5%) had high TBS. TBS was strongly associated with OS; 5-year OS was 39.0% among patients with high TBS compared with 61.1% and 79.4% among patients with medium and low TBS, respectively (p < 0.001). While actuarial survival decreased as time elapsed from resection, CS increased over time irrespective of TBS. The largest differences between 3-year actuarial survival and CS3 were noted among patients with high TBS (5-years postoperatively; CS3: 78.7% vs. 3-year actuarial survival: 30.7%). The effect of adverse clinicopathologic factors including high TBS, poor/undifferentiated tumor grade, microvascular invasion, liver capsule involvement, and positive margins on prognosis decreased over time. Conclusions: CS rates among patients who underwent resection for HCC increased as patients survived additional years, irrespective of TBS. CS estimates can be used to provide important dynamic information relative to the changing survival probability after resection of HCC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La gestion démocratique des écoles: de l´autogouvernement à l’émergence d’une post-démocratie gestionnaire?

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    O autor assinala três elementos básicos que têm sido historicamente associados à gestão democrática das escolas: eleição, colegialidade, participação na decisão. A combinação ou rejeição de algumas dessas diferentes dimensões, em contextos sociais específicos, pode resultar em várias concepções de gestão democrática das escolas, desde o autogoverno até à possível ascensão de uma pós-democracia gestionária.The author points out three basic elements that have been historically associated with the democratic management of schools: election, collegiality, participation in decision-making. The combination or the rejection of some of those different dimensions in specific social contexts may result in various conceptions of democratic management of schools, from selfgovernment to the possible rise of a managerial post-democracyL’auteur souligne trois éléments de base qui ont été historiquement associés à la gestion démocratique des écoles: l’élection, la collégialité, la participation à la décision. La combinaison ou le rejet de certaines de ces différentes dimensions, dans des contextes sociaux spécifiques, peuvent entraîner des diverses conceptions de la gestion démocratique des écoles, de l’autogouvernement à l’émergence d’une post-démocratie gestionnaire(undefined