1,124 research outputs found

    Measurements and calculations of the Coulomb cross section for the production of direct electron pairs by energetic heavy nuclei in nuclear track emulsion

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    Measurements and theoretical predictions of the Coulomb cross section for the production of direct electron pairs by heavy ions in emulsion have been performed. Nuclear track emulsions were exposed to the 1.8 GeV/amu Fe-56 beam at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory bevalac and to the 60 and 200 GeV/amu O-16 and the 200 GeV/amu S-32 beam at the European Center for Nuclear Research Super Proton Synchrotron modified to accelerate heavy ions. The calculations combine the Weizsacker-Williams virtual quanta method applicable to the low-energy transfers and the Kelner-Kotov relativistic treatment for the high-energy transfers. Comparison of the measured total electron pair yield, the energy transfer distribution, and the emission angle distribution with theoretical predictions revealed a discrepancy in the frequency of occurrence of the low-energy pairs (less than or = 10 MeV). The microscope scanning criteria used to identify the direct electron pairs is described and efforts to improve the calculation of the cross section for pair production are also discussed

    Spin echo small angle neutron scattering using a continuously pumped He-3 neutron polarisation analyser

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    We present a new instrument for spin echo small angle neutron scattering (SESANS) developed at the Low Energy Neutron Source at Indiana University. A description of the various instrument components is given along with the performance of these components. At the heart of the instrument are a series of resistive coils to encode the neutron trajectory into the neutron polarisation. These are shown to work well over a broad range of neutron wavelengths. Neutron polarisation analysis is accomplished using a continuously operating neutron spin filter polarised by Rb spin-exchange optical pumping of 3He. We describe the performance of the analyser along with a study of the 3He polarisation stability and its implications for SESANS measurements. Scattering from silica Stöber particles is investigated and agrees with samples run on similar instruments

    Coral Disease and Health Workshop: Coral Histopathology II

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    The health and continued existence of coral reef ecosystems are threatened by an increasing array of environmental and anthropogenic impacts. Coral disease is one of the prominent causes of increased mortality among reefs globally, particularly in the Caribbean. Although over 40 different coral diseases and syndromes have been reported worldwide, only a few etiological agents have been confirmed; most pathogens remain unknown and the dynamics of disease transmission, pathogenicity and mortality are not understood. Causal relationships have been documented for only a few of the coral diseases, while new syndromes continue to emerge. Extensive field observations by coral biologists have provided substantial documentation of a plethora of new pathologies, but our understanding, however, has been limited to descriptions of gross lesions with names reflecting these observations (e.g., black band, white band, dark spot). To determine etiology, we must equip coral diseases scientists with basic biomedical knowledge and specialized training in areas such as histology, cell biology and pathology. Only through combining descriptive science with mechanistic science and employing the synthesis epizootiology provides will we be able to gain insight into causation and become equipped to handle the pending crisis. One of the critical challenges faced by coral disease researchers is to establish a framework to systematically study coral pathologies drawing from the field of diagnostic medicine and pathology and using generally accepted nomenclature. This process began in April 2004, with a workshop titled Coral Disease and Health Workshop: Developing Diagnostic Criteria co-convened by the Coral Disease and Health Consortium (CDHC), a working group organized under the auspices of the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force, and the International Registry for Coral Pathology (IRCP). The workshop was hosted by the U.S. Geological Survey, National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) in Madison, Wisconsin and was focused on gross morphology and disease signs observed in the field. A resounding recommendation from the histopathologists participating in the workshop was the urgent need to develop diagnostic criteria that are suitable to move from gross observations to morphological diagnoses based on evaluation of microscopic anatomy. (PDF contains 92 pages

    Circulating myostatin is reduced with aging in humans but not altered by short-term, high intensity training

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    Introduction: Ageing involves a loss of muscle mass and function. The rate of decline is associated with negative health outcomes and increased mortality (1). Muscle atrophy is observed at a predictable rate from 30 years of age (2), however maintenance of function is seen in masters athletes > 60 years of age (3). Myostatin acts as a negative regulator of muscle mass (4) and underlies hypertrophy with chronic resistance training (5) and atrophy in chronic conditions (4). Experiment 1: Declared healthy participants (n = 83, 18 - 75 years of age, 36 male, 47 female) were recruited. Body composition, metabolic rate, grip strength and 6-minute walk test were recorded. Venous blood was collected and total myostatin concentration (herein referred to as myostatin) quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Total myostatin was lower in females compared with males (2176.1 [135.3] vs. 2788.7 [180.2] pg.mL-1 [p = 0.007]). Stepwise regression observed that myostatin concentration is best predicted firstly by gender, then by age (r = 0.399, p = 0.02), and was not further improved by the addition of measures of metabolism, muscle mass or function. Experimental 2: A cohort of aged sedentary (SED) males (n = 14; 63.9 [5.6] years of age) and masters athletes (lifelong exerciser [LEX]; n = 10, 61.1 [5.8] years of age) completed 6 weeks of high intensity interview training (HITT). Two way ANOVA suggested no group (SED, LEX) × time (pre, post) interaction on myostatin concentration (p = 0.649), nor a main effect of time (p = 0.757), however there was a trend towards increased myostatin in the LEX group relative to SED (p = 0.083). Discussion: Loss of muscle mass and function occurs at a predictable rate from ~30 years of age, however the rate of loss differs between active and inactive populations. Here we demonstrate that total circulating myostatin decreases as age increases, and differs significantly between males and females. Total circulating myostatin negatively correlates with increasing age, however alterations in myostatin do not appear after short term training interventions. Longer term activity may alter myostatin, thus our next work will follow up experiment 2 with a 3 year longitudinal analysis

    Porosity of silica Stöber particles determined by spin-echo small angle neutron scattering.

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    Stöber silica particles are used in a diverse range of applications. Despite their widespread industrial and scientific uses, information on the internal structure of the particles is non-trivial to obtain and is not often reported. In this work we have used spin-echo small angle neutron scattering (SESANS) in conjunction with ultra small angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) and pycnometry to study an aqueous dispersion of Stöber particles. Our results are in agreement with models which propose that Stöber particles have a porous core, with a significant fraction of the pores inaccessible to solvent. For samples prepared from the same master sample in a range of H2O : D2O ratio solutions we were able to model the SESANS results for the solution series assuming monodisperse, smooth surfaced spheres of radius 83 nm with an internal open pore volume fraction of 32% and a closed pore fraction of 10%. Our results are consistent with USAXS measurements. The protocol developed and discussed here shows that the SESANS technique is a powerful way to investigate particles much larger than those studied using conventional small angle scattering methods

    Elevated expression of artemis in human fibroblast cells is associated with cellular radiosensitivity and increased apoptosis

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    Copyright @ 2012 Nature Publishing GroupThis article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: The objective of this study was to determine the molecular mechanism(s) responsible for cellular radiosensitivity in two human fibroblast cell lines 84BR and 175BR derived from two cancer patients. Methods: Clonogenic assays were performed following exposure to increasing doses of gamma radiation to confirm radiosensitivity. γ-H2AX foci assays were used to determine the efficiency of DNA double strand break (DSB) repair in cells. Quantitative-PCR (Q-PCR) established the expression levels of key DNA DSB repair proteins. Imaging flow cytometry using Annexin V-FITC was used to compare artemis expression and apoptosis in cells. Results: Clonogenic cellular hypersensitivity in the 84BR and 175BR cell lines was associated with a defect in DNA DSB repair measured by the γ-H2AX foci assay. Q-PCR analysis and imaging flow cytometry revealed a two-fold overexpression of the artemis DNA repair gene which was associated with an increased level of apoptosis in the cells before and after radiation exposure. Over-expression of normal artemis protein in a normal immortalised fibroblast cell line NB1-Tert resulted in increased radiosensitivity and apoptosis. Conclusion: We conclude elevated expression of artemis is associated with higher levels of DNA DSB, radiosensitivity and elevated apoptosis in two radio-hypersensitive cell lines. These data reveal a potentially novel mechanism responsible for radiosensitivity and show that increased artemis expression in cells can result in either radiation resistance or enhanced sensitivity.This work was supported in part by The Vidal Sassoon Foundation USA. This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Redefining residual feed intake to account for marbling fat in beef breeding programs

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    Context. Improving meat quality traits such as marbling is a well established breeding objective for many beef producers. More recently, the inclusion of feed efficiency is being considered. The main driving factors being the direct feed cost, as well as consumer concerns related to environmental sustainability of beef production.Aims.The main aim of this study was to examine modifying the definition of residual feed intake (RFI), by including an adjustment for intramuscular fat (IMF). The secondary aim was to further understand the genetic relationships between feed intake and a range of carcass traits.Methods. Using a population of 4034 Australian Angus animals, feed intake and carcass traits, along with pedigree and fixed effects, were analysed. This included the calculation of three definitions of RFI, being the standard definition, accounting for average daily gain and metabolic mid-weight, and two amended versions accounting for ultrasound IMF (RFIu), or carcass IMF (RFIi). Variance components, heritabilities, and genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated and compared.Key results. All three definitions of RFI were moderately heritable (0.30–0.32) and highly correlated, both genetically (0.99) and phenotypically (0.99). Unfavourable genetic correlations were observed between RFI and carcass IMF (CIMF), and between RFIu and CIMF at 0.29 and 0.24 respectively. Similarly, there were unfavourable genetic correlations between RFI and ultrasound IMF (UIMF), between RFIi and UIMF, and between RFIu and UIMF at 0.30, 0,21 and 0.23 respectively.Conclusions. RFI can be redefined to account for traits, other than average daily gain and metabolic mid-weight, such as IMF. However due to limitations of phenotypic linear regression, and only small amounts of variation in feed intake being explained by the IMF traits, the redefinition of RFI was a suboptimal approach to breeding candidate selection. Furthermore, the present study confirmed the challenges with selecting for both feed efficiency and meat quality traits as they are generally genetically antagonist.Implications. For beef cattle breeding programs, the investigation of alternative selection approaches is warranted. This may include further understanding the genetic correlations among traits in the breeding objective and, according to their economic value, optimally weighting the related estimated breeding value

    Detecting ancient life : Investigating the nature and origin of possible stromatolites and associated calcite from a one billion year old lake

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    ATB acknowledges the hospitality of the North West Highlands Geopark in July 2017. DW acknowledges funding from the Australian Research Council via the Future Fellowship scheme (FT 140100321).Peer reviewedPostprin