2,603 research outputs found

    The role of debriefing in enhancing learning and development in professional boxing

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    The use of debriefing by 6 elite coaches (9–16 years’ experience coaching professional boxers) and 6 professional boxers (minimum 3 professional bouts) was explored via interviews (25–40 minutes). Boxers represented the featherweight, welterweight, and heavyweight divisions. Interview questions were framed around, 1) the use of video and data analysis, 2) coach-athlete interaction, and 3) learning and development. The importance of data, video, and the effective integration of performance analysis to facilitate comprehensive feedback to maximise learning opportunities was identified. The coach-athlete relationship, and engagement of the athlete within the debriefing process emerged as an aspect needing continual micro-management to ensure ongoing effectiveness. The development of an “open and honest” relationship and a “safe space” to air thoughts and opinions was greatly encouraged. The length of debriefing session did not appear to impact overall engagement. The use of video debriefing to facilitate a coach’s ability to develop the athletes mentally, in addition to their physical boxing capabilities, was a key and standout aspect that should be appropriately considered. The findings add to the limited investigation within boxing, providing insight into the debriefing processes within professional boxing by those on both sides, i.e. the coach and the athlete

    X-ray observations of the high magnetic field radio pulsar PSR J1814-1744

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    PSR J1814-1744 is a 4 s radio pulsar with surface dipole magnetic field strength 5.5*10^13 G, inferred assuming simple magnetic dipole braking. This pulsar's spin parameters are very similar to those of anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs), suggesting that this may be a transition object between the radio pulsar and AXP population, if AXPs are isolated, high magnetic field neutron stars as has recently been hypothesized. We present archival X-ray observations of PSR J1814-1744 made with ROSAT and ASCA. X-ray emission is not detected from the position of the radio pulsar. The derived upper flux limit implies an X-ray luminosity significantly smaller than those of all known AXPs. This conclusion is insensitive to the possibility that X-ray emission from PSR J1814-1744 is beamed or that it undergoes modest variability. When interpreted in the context of the magnetar mechanism, these results argue that X-ray emission from AXPs must depend on more than merely the inferred surface magnetic field strength. This suggests distinct evolutionary paths for radio pulsars and AXP, despite their proximity in period--period derivative phase space.Comment: 11 pages, including 2 embedded figures. Accepted by Ap

    Intercalation-enhanced electric polarization and chain formation of nano-layered particles

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    Microscopy observations show that suspensions of synthetic and natural nano-layered smectite clay particles submitted to a strong external electric field undergo a fast and extended structuring. This structuring results from the interaction between induced electric dipoles, and is only possible for particles with suitable polarization properties. Smectite clay colloids are observed to be particularly suitable, in contrast to similar suspensions of a non-swelling clay. Synchrotron X-ray scattering experiments provide the orientation distributions for the particles. These distributions are understood in terms of competing (i) homogenizing entropy and (ii) interaction between the particles and the local electric field; they show that clay particles polarize along their silica sheet. Furthermore, a change in the platelet separation inside nano-layered particles occurs under application of the electric field, indicating that intercalated ions and water molecules play a role in their electric polarization. The resulting induced dipole is structurally attached to the particle, and this causes particles to reorient and interact, resulting in the observed macroscopic structuring. The macroscopic properties of these electro-rheological smectite suspensions may be tuned by controlling the nature and quantity of the intercalated species, at the nanoscale.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Effects of Strong Magnetic Fields on Neutron Star Structure

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    We study static neutron stars with poloidal magnetic fields and a simple class of electric current distributions consistent with the requirement of stationarity. For this class of electric current distributions, we find that magnetic fields are too large for static configurations to exist when the magnetic force pushes a sufficient amount of mass off-center that the gravitational force points outward near the origin in the equatorial plane. (In our coordinates an outward gravitational force corresponds to ∂ln⁡gtt/∂r>0\partial\ln g_{tt}/\partial r>0, where tt and rr are respectively time and radial coordinates and gttg_{tt} is coefficient of dt2dt^2 in the line element.) For the equations of state (EOSs) employed in previous work, we obtain configurations of higher mass than had been reported; we also present results with more recent EOSs. For all EOSs studied, we find that the maximum mass among these static configurations with magnetic fields is noticeably larger than the maximum mass attainable by uniform rotation, and that for fixed values of baryon number the maximum mass configurations are all characterized by an off-center density maximum.Comment: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal. 37 pages, 8 figures, uses aastex macro

    The quiescent X-ray emission of three transient X-ray pulsars

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    We report on BeppoSAX and Chandra observations of three Hard X-Ray Transients in quiescence containing fast spinning (P<5 s) neutron stars: A 0538-66, 4U 0115+63 and V 0332+53. These observations allowed us to study these transients at the faintest flux levels thus far. Spectra are remarkably different from the ones obtained at luminosities a factor >10 higher, testifying that the quiescent emission mechanism is different. Pulsations were not detected in any of the sources, indicating that accretion of matter down to the neutron star surface has ceased. We conclude that the quiescent emission of the three X-ray transients likely originates from accretion onto the magnetospheric boundary in the propeller regime and/or from deep crustal heating resulting from pycnonuclear reactions during the outbursts.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ (5 pages and 2 figures

    The Structure and X-ray Recombination Emission of a Centrally Illuminated Accretion Disk Atmosphere and Corona

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    We model an accretion disk atmosphere and corona photoionized by a central X-ray continuum source. We calculate the opacity and radiation transfer for an array of disk radii, to obtain the two-dimensional structure of the disk and its X-ray recombination emission. The atmospheric structure is insensitive to the viscosity alpha. We find a feedback mechanism between the disk structure and the central illumination, which expands the disk and increases the solid angle subtended by the atmosphere. We model the disk of a neutron star X-ray binary. We map the temperature, density, and ionization structure of the disk, and we simulate the high resolution spectra observable with the Chandra and XMM-Newton grating spectrometers. The X-ray emission lines from the disk atmosphere are detectable, especially for high-inclination binary systems. The grating observations of two classes of X-ray binaries already reveal important spectral similarities with our models. The line spectrum is very sensitive to the structure of each atmospheric layer, and it probes the heating mechanisms in the disk. The model spectrum is dominated by double-peaked lines of H-like and He-like ions, plus weak Fe L. Species with a broad range of ionization levels coexist at each radius: from Fe XXVI in the hot corona, to C VI at the base of the atmosphere. The choice of stable solutions affects the spectrum, since a thermal instability is present in the regime where the X-ray recombination emission is most intense.Comment: 32 pages, incl. 26 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Respiratory specialists working in different ways: development of a GP hotline and respiratory support service during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Integration of primary and secondary care for the management of respiratory disease is a long-held ambition. Here, we describe how respiratory specialists at a large NHS trust, working with primary care clinicians in the area, set up a GP hotline and respiratory support service in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim of enhancing delivery of care to patients in this unprecedented time. Working across traditional organisational boundaries in this way confers benefits to patients and clinicians, illustrating the value of new, integrated models of care

    Overdiagnosis in breast cancer screening: the importance of length of observation period and lead time

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    PMCID: PMC3706885This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    The composite starburst/AGN nature of the superwind galaxy NGC 4666

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    We report the discovery of a Compton-thick AGN and of intense star-formation activity in the nucleus and disk, respectively, of the nearly edge-on superwind galaxy NGC 4666. Spatially unresolved emission is detected by BeppoSAX only at energies <10 keV, whereas spatially resolved emission from the whole disk is detected by XMM-Newton. A prominent (EW ~ 1-2 keV) emission line at ~6.4 keV is detected by both instruments. From the XMM-Newton data alone the line is spectrally localized at E ~ 6.42 +/- 0.03 keV, and seems to be spatially concentrated in the nuclear region of NGC 4666. This, together with the presence of a flat (Gamma ~ 1.3) continuum in the nuclear region, suggests the existence of a strongly absorbed (i.e., Compton-thick) AGN, whose intrinsic 2-10 keV luminosity is estimated to be L_{2-10} > 2 x 10^{41} erg/s. At energies <1 keV the integrated (BeppoSAX) spectrum is dominated by a ~0.25 keV thermal gas component distributed throughout the disk (resolved by XMM-Newton). At energies ~2-10 keV, the integrated spectrum is dominated by a steep (G > 2) power-law (PL) component. The latter emission is likely due to unresolved sources with luminosity L ~ 10^{38} - 10^{39} erg/s that are most likely accreting binaries (with BH masses <8 M_sun). Such binaries, which are known to dominate the X-ray point-source luminosity in nearby star-forming galaxies, have Gamma ~ 2 PL spectra in the relevant energy range. A Gamma ~ 1.8 PL contribution from Compton scattering of (the radio-emitting) relativistic electrons by the ambient FIR photons may add a truly diffuse component to the 2-10 keV emission.Comment: A&A, in press (10 pages, 14 figures.) Full gzipped psfile obtainable from http://www.bo.iasf.cnr.it/~malaguti/r_stuff.htm
