500 research outputs found

    Enhancement of sustainable bioenergy production by valorising tomato residues: A GIS-based model

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    In order to increase the utilization of renewable energy sources, the biomethane production through anaerobic digestion has notably developed over the last years. Although, it is worldwide recognized, that valorising waste resources (i.e., by-products) is an opportunity to improve the efficiency rate of the agro-industrial chains, by reducing economic and environmental impact, it is necessary to support the strategic planning development of a future sustainable biomethane chain in line to circular economy. In this study, by adopting network information technologies, the importance of a strategic planning for sustainable developing biomethane sector was highlighted, since feedstocks logistic and supply phase is a key-aspect of any bioenergy project. The developed Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – methodology, that could be applied in any territorial area considering any type of biomass, allowed to define suitable locations for allocating new anaerobic digestion plants with the aim of developing a sustainable valorisation of tomato residues, by minimising the economic and environmental impacts. The achieved results provided advanced knowledge for the literature on the topic, helping to develop an operational GIS-tool for defining sustainable strategies for planning new plants, and proved that the development of integrated approach to define sustainable strategies for resource management along the whole supply chain is crucial

    Proximity effect in planar superconducting tunnel junctions containing Nb/NiCu superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers

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    We present experimental results concerning both the fabrication and characterization of superconducting tunnel junctions containing superconductor/ferromagnet (S/F) bilayers made by niobium (S) and a weak ferromagnetic Ni0.50Cu0.50 alloy. Josephson junctions have been characterized down to T=1.4 K in terms of current-voltage I-V characteristics and Josephson critical current versus magnetic field. By means of a numerical deconvolution of the I-V data the electronic density of states on both sides of the S/F bilayer has been evaluated at low temperatures. Results have been compared with theoretical predictions from a proximity model for S/F bilayers in the dirty limit in the framework of Usadel equations for the S and F layers, respectively. The main physical parameters characterizing the proximity effect in the Nb/NiCu bilayer, such as the coherence length and the exchange field energy of the F metal, and the S/F interface parameters have been also estimated

    Supporting University Students During the Pandemic: A Study on The Efficacy of a Mentalizing Online Group Counselling

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    Background: University counselling services assume a fundamental support function for students who are facing moments of crisis during their academic career. Such services often aim to reduce drop-out rates and achieve improvement in terms of psychological well-being. COVID-19 contagion containment measures have also had an impact on the psychological health of university students and their ability to cope with important developmental tasks. It has become necessary, therefore, to offer online counselling services which has become, however, the means of choice to support students during the university course in the pandemic era, as a complementary intervention to the traditional face-to-face approach. Methods: In a clinical and health psychology perspective, this study aims to analyze the efficacy of 13 online counselling groups involving 66 underachieving students, lagging with their studies. The intervention has adopted the methodology of the Narrative Mediation Path, which aims at promoting mentalization, academic engagement and psychological well-being in order to have an impact on students’ academic performance and prevent university dropouts. At the beginning and end of counselling the following measures were administered: a) Reflective Functioning Questionnaire, b) Psychological General Well-Being Index Short Form, c) Academic Performance Inventory, d) University Student Engagement Inventory, e) Group Climate Questionnaire. Results: The results showed that online counselling groups enabled an overall improvement in all the variables considered. Conclusion: Overall, the present study showed the efficacy of the online group counselling service in supporting students during the pandemic period and in coping with the difficulties encountered during the academic career

    Use of Sawing Waste from Zeolitic Tuffs in the Manufacture of Ceramics

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    This paper investigates the thermal transformation of powders of volcanic tuffs that are used as building stones and aims at thermally transforming them into ceramics. The following positive indications concerning this thermal transformation were found: (1) the structural evolution which brings products similar to traditional ceramics, (2) the good ability to give rise to dense and compact final products, and (3) the good mechanical properties and the lovely appearance of the final products. Nevertheless, the high values of linear shrinkages recorded in this work seem to strongly hinder the thermal transformation of this powder-like waste into ceramics. However, mixing this by-product with other powder-like waste exhibiting higher-dimensional stability, such as those deriving from sawing of granites, appears proper

    Superconductor to resistive state switching by multiple fluctuation events in NbTiN nanostrips

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    We report on measurements of the switching current distributions on two-dimensional superconducting NbTiN strips that are 5 nm thick and 80 nm wide. We observe that the width of the switching current distributions has a non-monotonous temperature dependence, where it is constant at the lowest temperatures up to about 1.5 K, after which it increases with temperature until 2.2 K. Above 2.5 K any increase in temperature decreases the distribution width which at 4.0 K is smaller than half the width observed at 0.3 K. By using a careful analysis of the higher order moments of the switching distribution, we show that this temperature dependence is caused by switching due to multiple fluctuations. We also find that the onset of switching by multiple events causes the current dependence of the switching rate to develop a characteristic deviation from a pure exponential increase, that becomes more pronounced at higher temperatures, due to the inclusion of higher order terms

    Zeolite-feldspar epiclastic rocks as flux in ceramic tile manufacturing

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    Low-cost, naturally-occurring mixtures of feldspar and zeolite occurring in epiclastic rocks are promising substitutes for conventional quartz-feldspathic fluxes in ceramic bodies, since their fusibility and low hardness are expected to improve both grinding and sintering. Three epiclastic outcrops, with a different zeolite-to-feldspar ratio, were characterized (XRPD, fusibility) and tested in porcelain stoneware bodies; their behaviour during processing was appraised and compared with that of a reference. The addition of an epiclastic rock (20 wt.%), replacing rhyolite and aplite fluxes, brought about some significant advantages, mainly represented by better grindability, lower firing temperature with improved mechanical strength and lower porosity. Disadvantages concern increased slip viscosity, worse powder compressibility, resulting in larger firing shrinkage, and a darker colour of the tiles due to relatively high amounts of iron oxide

    Y-Ba-Cu-O Nanostripes for Optical Photon Detection

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    Nanowires of Y-Ba-Cu-O, with the thickness of 50 nm and the width ranging from 90 nm to 500 nm have been successfully grown on lanthanum aluminate substrates for photon detection experiments. The nanowires were up to 10-mu m long and formed a meander structure, covering the area of up to 30x10 mu m(2) with a fill factor of 50%. The samples were excited using optical laser pulses at a 1550 nm wavelength and resulting photoresponse signals were measured as a function of both temperature and normalized bias current. Presence of two, distinct regimes in the photoresponse temperature dependence has been clearly evidenced, suggesting different physical mechanisms of the signal formation. Presented experimental results shed new light on prospects of implementation of high-temperature superconducting oxides in photon detection and counting

    Investigation of Superconducting Molybdenum Silicide Nanostrips and Microstrips for Single Photon Detectors

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    Superconducting nanostrip single photon detectors have emerged as the highest performing single-photon detectors; however, the possibility to use superconducting microstrip as single photon detectors is very appealing both to use them as larger areas detectors and for an easier technology in the manufacturing. The aim of this work is to test the photoresponse in liquid helium dewar of 9 nm thick MoSi covered with a very thin (2 nm) layer of Al, in two different configurations: nanomeanders and microstrips. We demonstrate that MoSi/Al microstrips can work as photodetectors also at T = 4.2 K. We also compare the dark count rate of the microstrip and the nanowire, confirming the lower noise for the microstrips also at 4.2 K
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