65 research outputs found

    Four malaria-import patterns: Sporadic region

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    Sıtma tarihte olduğu gibi günümüzde de önemli bir sağlık sorunu oluşturan paraziter bir infeksiyon hastalığıdır. Ülkemizde en fazla görülen tür Plasmodium vivax’dır, nadiren import vakalarda P. falciparum’da görülmektedir. 1926 yılında başlayan eradikasyon çalışmaları ile vaka sayıları oldukça azalmıştır. Ancak, seyahat, göçler ve programdaki aksaklıklar dolayısıyla import vaka sayıları artmaktadır. Sıtma açısından dünyada tropical, subtropical ülkelere, ülkemiz için Güneydoğu Anadolu ve Çukurova gibi endemik bölgelere seyahat öyküsü olan her ateşli olguda önce sıtma düşünülmelidir. Bu çalışmada yurt dışında çalışma öyküsü olan dört import olgunun epidemiyolojik ve klinik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.Malaria, as it has been during history, is an important parasitic infectious health problem nowadays. In Turkey, the most common kind of malaria is Plasmodium vivax, and P. falciparum is rarely observed in import events. After eradication activities started in 1926, the number of cases dramatically decreased in our country. However, the number of import cases is increasing as a result of tourism, migration, and deficiency in the eradication program. In tropical and sub-tropical regions and in endemic regions of Turkey such as South-Eastern Anatolia and Çukurova, in every feverish phenomenon, malaria is the first disease to be considered. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate clinical epidemiological characteristics of the four import patterns in foreign studies

    Cutaneous Anthrax on Eyelid in a Pregnant Woman

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    A 32-year-old patient who was 17 weeks of pregnant referred to our hospital due to a lesion on the eyelid and swelling on her face. Patient’s history revealed that she helped her husband for slaughtering of a sick animal and contacted with the meat. A scabby lesion was detected on the inferior eyelid with hyperaemia around, central necrotic appearance and swelling. The diagnosis of anthrax was performed based on her epidemiological data, physical examination findings, and Bacillus anthracis were seen on direct preparation. This case was considered worthy to present since she was pregnant, the disease was located on the inferior eyelid, which is a rare place for location, and caused no complication or sequel either in mother or in baby