481 research outputs found

    Broken lines of Il/Legality and the reproduction of state sovereignty: the impact of visa policies on immigrants to Turkey from Bulgaria

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    After the granting of citizenship to the 300,000 Turkish migrants from Bulgaria in 1989, the Turkish state has proceeded to enact a series of visa regime changes concerning more recent migrants from Bulgaria, who, according to the most recent modification, are only allowed to stay for ninety days within any six month period. This paper argues that the arbitrariness sustained by Turkish immigration policies partakes, on the one hand, in more global trends to increase the vulnerability of the dispensable workforce required by neoliberal market economies and, on the other hand, the arbitrariness enhances the political power of the state within and outside of its borders. The temporary legalization of Bulgarian Turkish migrants in return for voting in the Bulgarian elections reveals that the state consolidates its transnational political power by drawing and redrawing the broken lines of legality/ illegality. Moreover we demonstrate not only the ways in which the migrant population from Bulgaria is managed but also the strategies deployed by the migrants themselves in the face of such sovereign acts

    Keyifle okunan bir çalışma:İngiliz edebiyatı tarihi:İngiltere'de romanın çıkışı

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 34/A-Mina UrganUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Temperature and Growth: a Panel Mixed Frequency VAR Analysis using NUTS2 data

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    In this study, we contribute to the existing literature on the impact of temperature on growth by examining the orthogonalized seasonal effect jointly with the feedback from economic activity (hence treating the increase in global temperature as anthropogenic) on a sample of 225 EU NUTS2 regions. For this purpose, we use a Panel Mixed- Frequency VAR. The empirical findings show, first, a worsening impact of temperature on growth over the last sub-sample (2000-2019) relative to the full sample analysis (covering the 1981-2019 time span). Moreover, our findings show that seasonal temperature effects are not restricted only to the agriculture sector, and we also find evidence of a heterogeneous impact of seasonal temperature on growth when we turn our focus on hot and cold regions (using the average EU median annual temperature as a threshold), rich and poor regions (using the average EU median income per capita as a threshold) and between competitiveness (using the median Regional Competitiveness index as a threshold)

    Financial Conditions for the US: Aggregate Supply or Aggregate Demand Shocks?

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    It depends. We reply to this question by providing novel empirical evidence about the US economy. We identify the impact of financial high-frequency shocks on macroeconomic variables by estimating mixed- and common frequency VARs. The results from the mixed-frequency VAR show that economic output and inflation move in opposite directions in response to detrimental financial conditions, mimicking negative aggregate supply shocks. Oppositely, the results from the common-frequency VAR show that worsening financial conditions lead to a drop in output and inflation (and in the monetary policy rate), resembling negative aggregate demand shocks


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    The mechanical characteristics of the railway superstructure are related to the properties of the ballast, and especially to the particle size distribution of its grains. Under the constant stress-strain of carriages, the ballast can deteriorate over time, and consequently it should properly be monitored for safety reasons. The equipment which currently monitors the railway superstructure (like the Italian diagnostic train Archimede) do not make any “quantitative” evaluation of the ballast. The aim of this paper is therefore to propose a new methodology for extracting railway ballast particle size distribution by means of the image processing technique. The procedure has been tested on a regularly operating Italian railway line and the results have been compared with those obtained from laboratory experiments, thus assessing how effective is the methodology which could potentially be implemented also in diagnostic trains in the near future

    Climate risk and investment in equities in Europe: a Panel SVAR approach

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    In this study, we use data on European stocks to construct a green-minus-brown portfolio hedging climate risk and to evaluate its performance in terms of cumulative expected and unexpected returns. More specifically, we estimate a Structural Panel VAR fitted to one month return and realized volatility computed for 40 constituents of a green portfolio (i.e., the low carbon emission portfolio monitored by Refinitiv) and for 41 constituents of a brown portfolio (underlying the Oil&Gas and Utilities industry sectors of the STOXX Europe 600). The common shocks underlying the cross-sectional averages, interpreted as portfolio shocks, are retrieved in a first stage of the analysis and they are used to control for cross-sectional dependence. We compute the historical decomposition (for cumulative returns) in a second stage of the analysis and we find, in line with P´astor, L., Stambaugh, R. F., & Taylor, L. A. (2022). Dissecting green returns. Journal of Financial Economics, 146 (2), 403–424, an out-performance of the expected component of the brown portfolio relative to the one for the green portfolio, and an out-performance of the green portfolio when we turn our focus on the unexpected component. We also extend the analysis of P´astor et al. (2022), assessing, for the top 5 constituents of the green portfolio (e.g., those which are found to have the worst performance in terms of expected return), the role played by idiosyncratic shocks in shaping their out-performance in terms of unexpected component. Finally, after exploiting the non-gaussian time series properties of the financial time series considered for the purpose of statistical identification, we are able to interpret ex post the idiosyncratic shocks in terms of financial leverage and risk aversion

    Identifying High-Frequency Shocks with Bayesian Mixed-Frequency VARs

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    We contribute to research on mixed-frequency regressions by introducing an innovative Bayesian approach. We impose a Normal-inverse Wishart prior by adding a set of auxiliary dummies in estimating a Mixed-Frequency VAR. We identify a high frequency shock in a Monte Carlo experiment and in an illustrative example with uncertainty shock for the U.S. economy. As the main findings, we document a "temporal aggregation bias" when we adopt a common low-frequency model instead of estimating a mixed-frequency framework. The bias is amplified in case of a large mismatching between the high-frequency shock and low-frequency business cycle variables

    Housing Market Shocks in Italy: a GVAR Approach

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    In this paper, we use a Global Vector Autoregression (GVAR) model to assess the spatio-temporal mechanism of house price spillovers, also known as “ripple effect”, among 93 Italian provincial housing markets, over the period 2004 − 2016. In order to better capture the local housing market dynamics, we use data not only on house prices but also on transaction volumes. In particular, we focus on estimating, to what extent, exogenous shocks, interpreted as negative housing demand shocks, arising from 10 Italian regional capitals, impact on their house prices and sales and how these shocks spill over to neighbours housing markets. The negative housing market demand shock hitting the GVAR model is identified by using theory-driven sign restrictions. The spatio-temporal analysis carried through impulse response functions shows that there is evidence of a “ripple effect” mainly occurring through transaction volumes

    Carta que le escrive Geromillo de Parla a su amigo Bartolillo Cabrera dandole quenta de lo que ha pasado en Castilla desde agosto hasta noviembre de 1710

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Texto a dos col