17 research outputs found

    The Evolutionary Map of the Universe Pilot Survey

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    We present the data and initial results from the first pilot survey of the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU), observed at 944 MHz with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope. The survey covers 270 deg2 of an area covered by the Dark Energy Survey, reaching a depth of 25–30 μJy beam−1 rms at a spatial resolution of ∼11–18 arcsec, resulting in a catalogue of ∼220 000 sources, of which ∼180 000 are single-component sources. Here we present the catalogue of single-component sources, together with (where available) optical and infrared cross-identifications, classifications, and redshifts. This survey explores a new region of parameter space compared to previous surveys. Specifically, the EMU Pilot Survey has a high density of sources, and also a high sensitivity to low surface brightness emission. These properties result in the detection of types of sources that were rarely seen in or absent from previous surveys. We present some of these new results here

    Fissile type analysis

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    Disease Ontology 2015 update: an expanded and updated database of human diseases for linking biomedical knowledge through disease data.

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    The current version of the Human Disease Ontology (DO) (http://www.disease-ontology.org) database expands the utility of the ontology for the examination and comparison of genetic variation, phenotype, protein, drug and epitope data through the lens of human disease. DO is a biomedical resource of standardized common and rare disease concepts with stable identifiers organized by disease etiology. The content of DO has had 192 revisions since 2012, including the addition of 760 terms. Thirty-two percent of all terms now include definitions. DO has expanded the number and diversity of research communities and community members by 50+ during the past two years. These community members actively submit term requests, coordinate biomedical resource disease representation and provide expert curation guidance. Since the DO 2012 NAR paper, there have been hundreds of term requests and a steady increase in the number of DO listserv members, twitter followers and DO website usage. DO is moving to a multi-editor model utilizing Protege to curate DO in web ontology language. This will enable closer collaboration with the Human Phenotype Ontology, EBI's Ontology Working Group, Mouse Genome Informatics and the Monarch Initiative among others, and enhance DO's current asserted view and multiple inferred views through reasoning

    Research and Development for HI Intensity Mapping

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    Development of the hardware, data analysis, and simulation techniques for large compact radio arrays dedicated to mapping the 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen gas has proven to be more difficult than imagined twenty years ago when such telescopes were first proposed. Despite tremendous technical and methodological advances, there are several outstanding questions on how to optimally calibrate and analyze such data. On the positive side, it has become clear that the outstanding issues are purely technical in nature and can be solved with sufficient development activity. Such activity will enable science across redshifts, from early galaxy evolution in the pre-reionization era to dark energy evolution at low redshift

    Packed Ultra-wideband Mapping Array (PUMA): A Radio Telescope for Cosmology and Transients

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    International audiencePUMA is a proposal for an ultra-wideband, low-resolution and transit interferometric radio telescope operating at 200−1100 MHz200-1100\,\mathrm{MHz}. Its design is driven by six science goals which span three science themes: the physics of dark energy (measuring the expansion history and growth of the universe up to z=6z=6), the physics of inflation (constraining primordial non-Gaussianity and primordial features) and the transient radio sky (detecting one million fast radio bursts and following up SKA-discovered pulsars). We propose two array configurations composed of hexagonally close-packed 6m dish arrangements with 50% fill factor. The initial 5,000 element 'petite array' is scientifically compelling, and can act as a demonstrator and a stepping stone to the full 32,000 element 'full array'. Viewed as a 21cm intensity mapping telescope, the program has the noise equivalent of a traditional spectroscopic galaxy survey comprised of 0.6 and 2.5 billion galaxies at a comoving wavenumber of k=0.5 hMpc−1k=0.5\,h\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1} spanning the redshift range z=0.3−6z = 0.3 - 6 for the petite and full configurations, respectively. At redshifts beyond z=2z=2, the 21cm technique is a uniquely powerful way of mapping the universe, while the low-redshift range will allow for numerous cross-correlations with existing and upcoming surveys. This program is enabled by the development of ultra-wideband radio feeds, cost-effective dish construction methods, commodity radio-frequency electronics driven by the telecommunication industry and the emergence of sufficient computing power to facilitate real-time signal processing that exploits the full potential of massive radio arrays. The project has an estimated construction cost of 55 and 330 million FY19 USD for the petite and full array configurations. Including R&D, design, operations and science analysis, the cost rises to 125 and 600 million FY19 USD, respectively