174 research outputs found

    A Way of Living Study of Thirty Families in Divernon, Illinois

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    Introduction: This is a study of thirty families living in Divernon, Illinois and the surrounding area. The aim is to picture the homes; their furnishings; the size of the families; the education, religion, social and physical conditions; the incomes and their savings and investments. The subject was selected because the investigator felt the information learned might help her when planning a course of study in home economics for the Divernon Township High School. She felt that her teaching might become more effective if the home economics course of study was planned to meet the needs of the particular community. The families studied were chosen for three reasons. First, they represented homes of the students of the investigator in twenty-five cases and the other five were homes of particular interest to her. Second, the investigator felt they were representative of the families of the town in nationality, religion, education and financial status. Third, they were families the investigator thought would cooperate in giving, freely, information about their homes and families. Twenty-seven of the families studied lived in Divernon and the other three lived on farms in the township and sent their children to the Divernon Township High School. The data for the study were obtained by all of the following means: personal interview, statistics, questionnaire and class problems. The information was collected over a period of two years. The mayor of the town furnished information about the origin and development of the town. Data in regard to those on relief and federal employment were secured from the files of the Township Supervisor, father of the investigator. The Township tax collector was glad to supply the needed information about the tax conditions. One of the high school boys was hired by the investigator in June, 1938 to take a census of the town and determine the population and nationalities of the families. The investigator planned her own questionnaire, using one that had been formulated by the School of Home Economics of the University of Tennessee as a basis. Fifteen of the thirty questionnaires used in the study were filled out by the investigator in the presence of the mother or mother and father. The other fifteen were filled out by the parents themselves and the investigator checked the questionnaire with a member of the family when he or she returned it. In all cases the parents knew why the information was being secured. The information about the food consumption of the thirty families was secured by a class problem in twenty-five cases and by personal interviews in the other five cases. In each case menus for a whole day were secured

    On Reconciling Contemporary Feminism and Marxism

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    Feminist philosophers have recently begun the process of retelling history from a non-male point of view; this movement has led to the careful reevaluation of works on primitive accumulation and the role of women in capitalism. Maria Mies, Silvia Federici, and Catherine MacKinnon have all contributed significant work towards the goal of reconciling feminism with Marxism without compromising the integrity of either subjects, though the question still remains: how can contemporary feminism and Marxism be reconciled, if at all? This thesis surveys work from the aforementioned thinkers and attempts to answer the question of whether or not the two are compatible


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    This study assesses four institutional approaches to governing the use of the Northwest Passage, including the current rules in use. The assessment is conducted through the use of expert interviews, a review of the theoretical literature, and an examination of comparative cases. Because of significant environmental changes underway in the Arctic region, institutional change for Northwest Passage management is receiving increased attention. Due to the potential environmental and security impacts of regularized ship transits through the Northwest Passage, a number of informed observers have discussed the need for considering alternative means of governing the waterway. The advantages and disadvantages of institutional alternatives are investigated here. The analysis suggests maintenance of the status quo institution appears to be the most likely outcome in this case

    Business Development Strategies for Main Street Petersburg

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    The purpose of this project was to analyze the market conditions and identify assets within downtown Petersburg and the surrounding community, which informed strategies for revitalization to be implemented in phases over the course of five years by Main Street Petersburg, Inc (MSP). This plan is centered in asset-based community development and informed by the Four-Point Main Street Approach emphasizing economic vitality, design, promotion, and organization as the cornerstones of successful revitalization. Downtown Petersburg is a prime location for community development and revitalization, but he revitalization effort in Petersburg needs to be centered by a strong organization. The recommendations in this plan will position MSP to shape downtown development

    The cigarette tax: More support from new numbers, 2008 August

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    Post Conversion Correction of Non-Linear Mismatches for Time Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters

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    Time Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters (TI-ADCs) utilize an architecture which enables conversion rates well beyond the capabilities of a single converter while preserving most or all of the other performance characteristics of the converters on which said architecture is based. Most of the approaches discussed here are independent of architecture; some solutions take advantage of specific architectures. Chapter 1 provides the problem formulation and reviews the errors found in ADCs as well as a brief literature review of available TI-ADC error correction solutions. Chapter 2 presents the methods and materials used in implementation as well as extend the state of the art for post conversion correction. Chapter 3 presents the simulation results of this work and Chapter 4 concludes the work. The contribution of this research is three fold: A new behavioral model was developed in SimulinkTM and MATLABTM to model and test linear and nonlinear mismatch errors emulating the performance data of actual converters. The details of this model are presented as well as the results of cumulant statistical calculations of the mismatch errors which is followed by the detailed explanation and performance evaluation of the extension developed in this research effort. Leading post conversion correction methods are presented and an extension with derivations is presented. It is shown that the data converter subsystem architecture developed is capable of realizing better performance of those currently reported in the literature while having a more efficient implementation

    Tackling wicked problems in the Malaysian water industry: A framework for university-industry research partnerships

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    Despite the relative abundance of rainfall and plentiful surface water resources, recent reports suggest that Malaysia is faced with the prospect of water scarcity.The predicted scarcity is less related to changes in rainfall patterns but in the diminishing availability of water resources and treatment capacity for urban populations, both of which are linked to the inadequacy of the current water management regime.Further to this, growing concerns over dilapidated infrastructure, urban water pollution, institutional weaknesses, and political interference to the implementation of recent water reforms have sought to characterize Malaysia’s modern day water industry.One way of addressing the current un sustainability of the water industry is for greater collaboration and partnership between the industry’s key players, including developing robust and relevant university-industry collaborative partnerships. To date, there is no evidence of a strategy to coordinate and integrate broad interests of industry and university stakeholders; instead, research tends to be done in an ad hoc manner, focused on specific technical issues without addressing some of the more fundamental and complex industry challenges.With this in mind, this paper aims to present the findings of a recent research project aimed at developing an interdisciplinary research framework for university-industry collaboration in the Malaysian water industry

    Education in South Carolina: A capital investment for all, 2009 July

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