10,435 research outputs found

    Recent trends in US patent grants and issues to be considered

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    The life sciences have changed radically since the Convention on Biological Diversity first opened for signatures in 1992. Traditional organism-based approaches to discovery and use of genetic resources have been supplanted by molecular approaches. Biodiversity prospecting is more likely to be a programmatic bioinformatics activity rather than an activity conducted by field scientists. Access to genetic resources is no longer centered on a hunt for novel species. Rather, the hunt is for novel genes and metabolic pathways that can be cloned into well-understood expression systems and readily scaled-up for industrial production. Information about contemporary research, development, and manufacturing practices needs to be addressed, especially when those genes do not need to be associated with their native host at the time of discovery. Information about the research organizations participating in all phases of the discovery and development process also needs to be considered, especially when it involves partnerships between academic and industrial organizations. 

We present a high-level view of recent trends in the issuance of US patent grants to commercial and non-commercial research organizations, and introduce a technology that is already in place which can be applied to monitoring the use of genetic materials by various stakeholders in an open and transparent manner, as intended under the International Regime for Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS).

    Immune- and nonimmune-compartment-specific interferon responses are critical determinants of herpes simplex virus-induced generalized infections and acute liver failure

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    The interferon (IFN) response to viral pathogens is critical for host survival. In humans and mouse models, defects in IFN responses can result in lethal herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) infections, usually from encephalitis. Although rare, HSV-1 can also cause fulminant hepatic failure, which is often fatal. Although herpes simplex encephalitis has been extensively studied, HSV-1 generalized infections and subsequent acute liver failure are less well understood. We previously demonstrated that IFN-αβγR-/- mice are exquisitely susceptible to liver infection following corneal infection with HSV-1. In this study, we used bone marrow chimeras of IFN-αβγR-/- (AG129) and wild-type (WT; 129SvEv) mice to probe the underlying IFN-dependent mechanisms that control HSV-1 pathogenesis. After infection, WT mice with either IFN-αβγR-/- or WT marrow exhibited comparable survival, while IFN-αβγR-/- mice with WT marrow had a significant survival advantage over their counterparts with IFN-αβγR-/- marrow. Furthermore, using bioluminescent imaging to maximize data acquisition, we showed that the transfer of IFN-competent hematopoietic cells controlled HSV-1 replication and damage in the livers of IFN-αβγR-/- mice. Consistent with this, the inability of IFN-αβγR-/- immune cells to control liver infection in IFN-αβγR-/- mice manifested as profoundly elevated aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) levels, indicative of severe liver damage. In contrast, IFN-αβγR-/-mice receiving WT marrow exhibited only modest elevations of AST and ALT levels. These studies indicate that IFN responsiveness of the immune system is a major determinant of viral tropism and damage during visceral HSV infections

    Aromatic cyclotriphosphazenes

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    Four-Aminophenoxy cyclotriphosphazenes are reacted with maleic anhydride to produce maleamic acids which are converted to the maleimides. The maleimides are polymerized. By selection of starting materials (e.g., hexakis amino or trisaminophenoxy trisphenoxy cyclotrisphosphazenes), selection of molar porportions of reactants, use of mixtures of anhydrides and use of dianhydrides as bridging groups a variety of maleimides and polymers are produced. The polymers have high limiting oxygen indices, high char yields and other useful heat and fire resistant properties making them useful as, for example, impregnants of fabrics

    Fire and heat resistant laminating resins based on maleimido substituted aromatic cyclotriphosphazene polymer

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    4-Aminophenoxy cyclotriphosphazenes are reacted with maleic anhydride to produce maleamic acids which are converted to the maleimides. The maleimides are polymerized. By selection of starting materials (e.g., hexakis amino or trisaminophenoxy trisphenoxy cyclotriphosphazenes), selection of molar proportions of reactants, use of mixtures of anhydrides and use of dianhydrides as bridging groups a variety of maleimides and polymers are produced. The polymers have high limiting oxygen indices, high char yields and other useful heat and fire resistant properties making them useful as, for example, impregnants of fabrics

    Aminophenoxycyclotriphosphazene cured epoxy resins and the composites, laminates, adhesives and structures thereof

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    Aminophenoxy cyclotriphosphazenes such as hexakis (4-aminophenoxy) cyclotriphosphazene and tris (4-aminophenoxy)-tris phenoxy cyclotriphosphazene are used as curing agents for epoxy resins. These 1,2-epoxy resins are selected from di- or polyepoxide containing organic moieties of the formula (CH2-CHO-CH2) m-W-R-W- (CH2CH-CH2O)m where R is diphenyl dimethylmethane, diphenylmethane; W is a nitrogen or oxygen atom; and m is 1 when W is oxygen and 2 when W is nitrogen. The resins are cured thermally in stages at between about 110 to 135 C for between about 1 and 10 min, then at between about 175 to 185 C for between 0.5 to 10 hr and post cured at between about 215 and 235 C for between 0.1 and 2 hr. These resins are useful for making fire resistant elevated temperature stable composites, laminates, molded parts, and adhesives and structures, usually for aircraft secondary structures and for spacecraft construction

    Strategies for Retaining Employees in the Nonprofit Sector

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    Voluntary employee turnover is a concern for nonprofit leaders due to human capital\u27s strategic role in achieving performance excellence. The consequences of volunteer turnover include loss of profitability, productivity, knowledge, and financial stability. The purpose of this single-case study was to explore strategies used by 3 leaders of a nonprofit organization in the Washington, DC, area who have experience with the nonprofit\u27s employee retention efforts. Data were collected from semistructured face-to-face interviews and organizational documentation and analyzed through the conceptual lens of Maslow\u27s hierarchy of needs theory. Data gathered from interviews and analyses of organizational data and performance outcomes were manually coded and thematically organized. The use of member checking the data and methodological triangulation increased the trustworthiness of data interpretation and the study. Three key themes emerged: (a) training and development, (b) advancement opportunities, and (c) strategic leadership. Through analysis of data collected for this study, nonprofit leaders can assess their employees\u27 development needs and provide training to support their growth. Nonprofit leaders may support their employees\u27 development by creating a career path by aligning tenure with advancement and formal training. Nonprofit leaders\u27 actions and decisions affect workforce commitment. Nonprofit employees are intrinsically motivated to create positive social change and make an impact on nonprofits\u27 stakeholders via programs and services. Nonprofit leaders can use this study to improve retention strategies, ensure their employees\u27 wellbeing, and contribute to positive social change by assisting employees in ensuring stakeholder wellbeing

    Diet of oceanic loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the central North Pacific

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    Diet analysis of 52 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) collected as bycatch from 1990 to 1992 in the high-seas driftnet fishery operating between lat. 29.5°N and 43°N and between long. 150°E and 154°W demonstrated that these turtles fed predominately at the surface; few deeper water prey items were present in their stomachs. The turtles ranged in size from 13.5 to 74.0 cm curved carapace length. Whole turtles (n =10) and excised stomachs (n= 42) were frozen and transported to a laboratory for analysis of major faunal components. Neustonic species accounted for four of the five most common prey taxa. The most common prey items were Janthina spp. (Gastropoda); Carinaria cithara Benson 1835 (Heteropoda); a chondrophore, Velella velella (Hydrodia); Lepas spp. (Cirripedia), Planes spp. (Decapoda: Grapsidae), and pyrosomas (Pyrosoma spp.)

    Process for preparing phthalocyanine polymer from imide containing bisphthalonitrile

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    Imide-linked bisphthalonitrile compounds are prepared by combining a dicyano aromatic diamine and an organic dianhydride to produce an amic acid linked bisphthalonitrile compound. The amic acid linked bisphthalonitrile compound is dehydrocyclized to produce the imide-linked bisphthalonitrile compounds. The imide-linked bisphthalonitrile compounds may be polymerized to produce a phythalocyanine polymer by heating the imide-linked bisphthalonitrile compound, either alone or in the presence of a metal powder or a metal salt. These compounds are useful in the coating, laminating and molding arts. The polymers are useful in composite matrix resins where increased fire resistance, toughness and resistance to moisture are required, particularly as secondary structures in aircraft and spacecraft
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