1,094 research outputs found


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    For elucidating the degradation rates of phytoplankton, part of carbon cycle, the rates of cellulose breakdown were investigated at two sites in Lake Soyang. Cellulose films stained with Rmazol brilliant blue R were used as the substrate. The degradation rates were ranged betweeen 0.1-100 %. In summer and autumn, the cellulose films were completely decomposed in epilimnion of fish farm site, but only about 30 % of the dam site. The perfect degradation of cellulose at the fish farm site were due to the fish feed, which contains phosphate, and showed the possibility of new indicator of eutrophication. At the metalimnion, the rates were higher than other depth in summer and autumn.Article信州大学理学部付属諏訪臨湖実験所報告 7: 73-80(1991)departmental bulletin pape

    Separable states to distribute entanglement

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    It was shown that two distant particles can be entangled by sending a third particle never entangled with the other two [T. S. Cubitt et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 037902 (2003)]. In this paper, we investigate a class of three-qubit separable states to distribute entanglement by the same way, and calculate the maximal amount of entanglement which two particles of separable states in the class can have after applying the way.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, Revised argumen

    Visualization of one-dimensional diffusion and spontaneous segregation of hydrogen in single crystals of VO2

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    Hydrogen intercalation in solids is common, complicated, and very difficult to monitor. In a new approach to the problem, we have studied the profile of hydrogen diffusion in single-crystal nanobeams and plates of VO2, exploiting the fact that hydrogen doping in this material leads to visible darkening near room temperature connected with the metal-insulator transition at 65 �C. We observe hydrogen diffusion along the rutile c-axis but not perpendicular to it, making this a highly one-dimensional diffusion system. We obtain an activated diffusion coefficient ∼ 0.01 e-0.6eV/kBT cm2s-1, applicable in metallic phase. In addition, we observe dramatic supercooling of the hydrogen-induced metallic phase and spontaneous segregation of the hydrogen into stripes implying that the diffusion process is highly nonlinear, even in the absence of defects. Similar complications may occur in hydrogen motion in other materials but are not revealed by conventional measurement techniques. � 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Non-detection of a statistically anisotropic power spectrum in large-scale structure

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    We search a sample of photometric luminous red galaxies (LRGs) measured by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) for a quadrupolar anisotropy in the primordial power spectrum, in which P(\vec{k}) is an isotropic power spectrum P(k) multiplied by a quadrupolar modulation pattern. We first place limits on the 5 coefficients of a general quadrupole anisotropy. We also consider axisymmetric quadrupoles of the form P(\vec{k}) = P(k){1 + g_*[(\hat{k}\cdot\hat{n})^2-1/3]} where \hat{n} is the axis of the anisotropy. When we force the symmetry axis \hat{n} to be in the direction (l,b)=(94 degrees,26 degrees) identified in the recent Groeneboom et al. analysis of the cosmic microwave background, we find g_*=0.006+/-0.036 (1 sigma). With uniform priors on \hat{n} and g_* we find that -0.41<g_*<+0.38 with 95% probability, with the wide range due mainly to the large uncertainty of asymmetries aligned with the Galactic Plane. In none of these three analyses do we detect evidence for quadrupolar power anisotropy in large scale structure.Comment: 23 pages; 10 figures; 3 tables; replaced with version published in JCAP (added discussion of scale-varying quadrupolar anisotropy

    Searching for planar signatures in WMAP

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    We search for planar deviations of statistical isotropy in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data by applying a recently introduced angular-planar statistics both to full-sky and to masked temperature maps, including in our analysis the effect of the residual foreground contamination and systematics in the foreground removing process as sources of error. We confirm earlier findings that full-sky maps exhibit anomalies at the planar (ll) and angular (\ell) scales (l,)=(2,5),(4,7),(l,\ell)=(2,5),(4,7), and (6,8)(6,8), which seem to be due to unremoved foregrounds since this features are present in the full-sky map but not in the masked maps. On the other hand, our test detects slightly anomalous results at the scales (l,)=(10,8)(l,\ell)=(10,8) and (2,9)(2,9) in the masked maps but not in the full-sky one, indicating that the foreground cleaning procedure (used to generate the full-sky map) could not only be creating false anomalies but also hiding existing ones. We also find a significant trace of an anomaly in the full-sky map at the scale (l,)=(10,5)(l,\ell)=(10,5), which is still present when we consider galactic cuts of 18.3% and 28.4%. As regards the quadrupole (=2\ell=2), we find a coherent over-modulation over the whole celestial sphere, for all full-sky and cut-sky maps. Overall, our results seem to indicate that current CMB maps derived from WMAP data do not show significant signs of anisotropies, as measured by our angular-planar estimator. However, we have detected a curious coherence of planar modulations at angular scales of the order of the galaxy's plane, which may be an indication of residual contaminations in the full- and cut-sky maps.Comment: 15 pages with pdf figure

    Conference Discussion of the Nuclear Force

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    Discussion of the nuclear force, lead by a round table consisting of T. Cohen, E. Epelbaum, R. Machleidt, and F. Gross (chair). After an invited talk by Machleidt, published elsewhere in these proceedings, brief remarks are made by Epelbaum, Cohen, and Gross, followed by discussion from the floor moderated by the chair. The chair asked the round table and the participants to focus on the following issues: (i) What does each approach (chiral effective field theory, large Nc, and relativistic phenomenology) contribute to our knowledge of the nuclear force? Do we need them all? Is any one transcendent? (ii) How important for applications (few body, nuclear structure, EMC effect, for example) are precise fits to the NN data below 350 MeV? How precise do these fits have to be? (iii) Can we learn anything about nonperturbative QCD from these studies of the nuclear force? The discussion presented here is based on a video recording made at the conference and transcribed afterward.Comment: Discussion at the 21st European Conference on Few Body Problems (EFP21) held at Salamanca, Spain, 30 Aug - 3 Sept 201

    Self-Similar Factor Approximants

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    The problem of reconstructing functions from their asymptotic expansions in powers of a small variable is addressed by deriving a novel type of approximants. The derivation is based on the self-similar approximation theory, which presents the passage from one approximant to another as the motion realized by a dynamical system with the property of group self-similarity. The derived approximants, because of their form, are named the self-similar factor approximants. These complement the obtained earlier self-similar exponential approximants and self-similar root approximants. The specific feature of the self-similar factor approximants is that their control functions, providing convergence of the computational algorithm, are completely defined from the accuracy-through-order conditions. These approximants contain the Pade approximants as a particular case, and in some limit they can be reduced to the self-similar exponential approximants previously introduced by two of us. It is proved that the self-similar factor approximants are able to reproduce exactly a wide class of functions which include a variety of transcendental functions. For other functions, not pertaining to this exactly reproducible class, the factor approximants provide very accurate approximations, whose accuracy surpasses significantly that of the most accurate Pade approximants. This is illustrated by a number of examples showing the generality and accuracy of the factor approximants even when conventional techniques meet serious difficulties.Comment: 22 pages + 11 ps figure

    Shoulder muscle activity in sport climbing in naturally chosen and corrected shoulder positions

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to determine electromyographic activity of the scapula stabilizing muscles in naturally chosen and corrected shoulder positions in typical static climbing postures. Methods: Six male participants undertook surface electromyography measurement in four climbing postures for two different shoulder positions. The activity of the lower, middle and upper trapezius, serratus anterior, pectoralis major, and sternocleidomastoid was recorded. Electromyographic activity was expressed as the percentage of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for each muscle. Results: Climbing postures induced higher activation of middle and lower trapezius in corrected shoulder positions (35.3 ± 11.8 and 61.7 ± 15.4% MVC respectively) than in naturally chosen shoulder positions (18.4 ± 8.9 and 30.1 ± 13.8% MVC respectively). The highest activity of the middle and lower trapezius was found in postures with the arm in external rotation and 90° abduction and in an overhanging posture. Low activation was stated for the other muscles in both shoulder conditions. Conclusion: Results showed that climbers naturally elevate the shoulder during typical static postures. Corrected shoulder positions induce higher activation of the scapula stabilizing muscles than naturally chosen shoulder positions.N/

    Electromagnetic and Hadron Calorimeters in the MIPP Experiment

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    The purpose of the MIPP experiment is to study the inclusive production of photons, pions, kaons and nucleons in pi, K and p interactions on various targets using beams from the Main Injector at Fermilab. The function of the calorimeters is to measure the production of forward-going neutrons and photons. The electromagnetic calorimeter consist of 10 lead plates interspersed with proportional chambers. It was followed by the hadron calorimeter with 64 steel plates interspersed with scintillator. The data presented were collected with a variety of targets and beam momenta from 5 GeV/c to 120 GeV/c. The energy calibration of both calorimeters with electrons, pions, kaons, and protons is discussed. The resolution for electrons was found to be 0.27/sqrt(E), and for hadrons the resolution was 0.554/sqrt(E) with a constant term of 2.6%. The performance of the calorimeters was tested on a neutron sample

    Measurements of the Branching Fractions and Helicity Amplitudes in B --> D* rho Decays

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    Using 9.1 fb-1 of e+ e- data collected at the Upsilon(4S) with the CLEO detector using the Cornell Electron Storage Ring, measurements are reported for both the branching fractions and the helicity amplitudes for the decays B- -> D*0 rho- and B0bar -> D*+ rho-. The fraction of longitudinal polarization in B0bar -> D*+ rho- is found to be consistent with that in B0bar -> D*+ l- nubar at q^2 = M^2_rho, indicating that the factorization approximation works well. The longitudinal polarization in the B- mode is similar. The measurements also show evidence of non-trivial final-state interaction phases for the helicity amplitudes.Comment: 11 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS, submitted to PR