337 research outputs found

    Nicotiana benthamiana protein, NbPCIP1, interacting with Potato virus X coat protein plays a role as susceptible factor for viral infection

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    AbstractThe interactions of viral coat protein (CP) and host factors play an important role in viral replication and/or host defense mechanism. In this study, we constructed Nicotiana benthamiana cDNA library to find host factors interacting with Potato virus X (PVX) CP. Using yeast two-hybrid assay, we screened 3.3×106 independent yeast transformants from N. benthamiana cDNA library and identified six positive clones. One positive clone, named PVX CP-interacting protein 1 (NbPCIP1), is a plant-specific protein with homologue in N. tabacum (GenBank accession no. AB04049). We confirmed the PVX CP–NbPCIP1 interaction using yeast-two hybrid assay in yeast, protein–protein binding assay in vitro, and bimolecular fluorescent complementation assay in planta. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis showed that the mRNA level of NbPCIP1 increased in PVX-infected N. benthamiana plants as compared to that of healthy plants. The green fluorescent protein (sGFP)-fused NbPCIP1 (NbPCIP1-sGFP) was localized in ER or ER-associated granular-like structure of cells. When we co-express NbPCIP1-sGFP and red fluorescent protein (RFP)-fused PVX CP (PVX CP-RFP), which were introduced by transiently expressing these proteins in N. benthamiana protoplasts and epidermal cells, however, we observed the co-localization of these proteins in the inclusion body-like complex in areas surrounding nucleus. Transient over-expression and transgene silencing of NbPCIP1 assay analysis indicated that NbPCIP1 plays a critical role in viral replication during PVX infection in host plant

    Release of SOS2 kinase from sequestration with GIGANTEA determines salt tolerance in Arabidopsis

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    Kim, Woe-Yeon et al.--Environmental challenges to plants typically entail retardation of vegetative growth and delay or cessation of flowering. Here we report a link between the flowering time regulator, GIGANTEA (GI), and adaptation to salt stress that is mechanistically based on GI degradation under saline conditions, thus retarding flowering. GI, a switch in photoperiodicity and circadian clock control, and the SNF1-related protein kinase SOS2 functionally interact. In the absence of stress, the GI:SOS2 complex prevents SOS2- based activation of SOS1, the major plant Na+/H+-antiporter mediating adaptation to salinity. GI over-expressing, rapidly flowering, plants show enhanced salt sensitivity, whereas gi mutants exhibit enhanced salt tolerance and delayed flowering. Salt-induced degradation of GI confers salt tolerance by the release of the SOS2 kinase. The GISOS2 interaction introduces a higher order regulatory circuit that can explain in molecular terms, the long observed connection between floral transition and adaptive environmental stress tolerance in Arabidopsis.This research was supported by the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Systems and Synthetic Agrobiotech Center, no. PJ008025), a Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ007850), and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology for the World Class University (WCU) program (R32-10148) from the Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea, and by grant BIO2009-08641 financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the FEDER program.Peer reviewe

    Two different types of malignant fibrous histiocytomas from pet dogs

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    We describe 2 cases of malignant fibrous histiocytomas (MFHs) that spontaneously developed in young pet dogs. To classify these tumors, we applied a panel of antibodies (vimentin, desmin, α-SMA, and ED1) and Azan staining for collagen. The MFHs were most consistent with osteoclast-like giant and inflammatory cell types. The first case had positive staining for ED1 and vimentin, and given the osteoclast-like giant cells, calcification sites accompanying peripheral giant cell infiltrates. The latter case, the inflammatory cell type, exhibited a storiform-pleomorphic variant of neoplastic cells, including an ossifying matrix. MFHs are among the most highly aggressive tumors occurring in soft tissue sarcomas in elderly dogs; however, MFHs have been poorly studied from a diagnostic point of view. Herein, we describe the histologic and immunohistologic features of MFHs in detail, thus classifying the subtypes of these tumors

    A Comparative Study of Anxiety, Pain and Maternal-fetal Attachment between Women who became Pregnant after Infertility Treatment and became Pregnant Naturally

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    PURPOSE: This study was a comparative study to understand the levels of anxiety, pain and maternal-fetal attachment between women who became pregnant after infertility treatment and became pregnant naturally. METHODS: This study used a comparative survey design. Data were collected by 50 couples of natural pregnancy and of who became pregnant after infertility treatment who visited delivery room in C Medical hospital, Seoul. These couples were to have first baby, and cervix dilatation of women was less than 3 cm regardless of diagnosis. RESULTS: The score of anxiety of infertile women was significantly higher than that of naturally pregnant women; however, that of spouses showed no difference. The pain score for infertile women was significantly higher in both the active and transition phases. Pain scores that reported by their spouses did not show differences in either phase. The score of maternal-fetal attachment showed no difference between two groups of women. CONCLUSION: The result showed the importance of nursing intervention to reduce women's anxiety and pain, through both antenatal-childbirth education programs and assertive nursing interventions. It is necessary to develop and evaluate new intervention which would be more effective for reducing pain and anxiety for couples who became pregnant after infertility treatment

    Fax +41 61 306 12 34 E-Mail karger@karger

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    done may have a regulatory effect on the stress-induced CRF mRNA expression and a role in the treatment of depressive mood symptom

    WWOX protein expression varies among ovarian carcinoma histotypes and correlates with less favorable outcome

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    BACKGROUND: The putative tumor suppressor WWOX gene spans the common chromosomal fragile site 16D (FRA16D) at chromosome area 16q23.3-24.1. This region is a frequent target for loss of heterozygosity and chromosomal rearrangement in ovarian, breast, hepatocellular, prostate carcinomas and other neoplasias. The goal of these studies was to evaluate WWOX protein expression levels in ovarian carcinomas to determine if they correlated with clinico-pathological parameters, thus providing additional support for WWOX functioning as a tumor suppressor. METHODS: We performed WWOX protein expression analyses by means of immunobloting and immunohistochemistry on normal ovaries and specific human ovarian carcinoma Tissue Microarrays (n = 444). Univariate analysis of clinical-pathological parameters based on WWOX staining was determined by χ(2 )test with Yates' correction. The basic significance level was fixed at p < 0.05. RESULTS: Immunoblotting analysis from normal ovarian samples demonstrated consistently strong WWOX expression while 37% ovarian carcinomas showed reduced or undetectable WWOX protein expression levels. The immunohistochemistry of normal human ovarian tissue sections confirmed strong WWOX expression in ovarian surface epithelial cells and in epithelial inclusion cysts within the cortex. Out of 444 ovarian carcinoma samples analyzed 30% of tumors showed lack of or barely detectable WWOX expression. The remaining ovarian carcinomas (70%) stained moderately to strongly positive for this protein. The two histotypes showing significant loss of WWOX expression were of the Mucinous (70%) and Clear Cell (42%) types. Reduced WWOX expression demonstrated a significant association with clinical Stage IV (FIGO) (p = 0.007), negative Progesterone Receptor (PR) status (p = 0.008) and shorter overall survival (p = 0.03). CONCLUSION: These data indicate that WWOX protein expression is highly variable among ovarian carcinoma histotypes. It was also observed that subsets of ovarian tumors demonstrated loss of WWOX expression and is potentially associated with patient outcome
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