339 research outputs found

    Learning Lives and Reconstructing Identities of young adult North Korean defectors

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    This study is to explore young adult North Korean defectors’ learning and identity reconstruction process within daily activities in South Korea based on Cultural-historical activity theory as a theoretical framework

    Learning Identity A Sociocultural Perspective

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    This study examines the sociocultural perspective as the initial step to discovering an appropriate theoretical framework for describing how people learn identity. By illustrating the relation between the sociocultural perspective and identity, it suggests implications to overcome the limitations of existing adult learning studies to understand identity construction

    Consumer Social Identity and Competition

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    Consumers belong to various social groups and their social identity plays an important role in their purchase decisions. By buying products that are associated with their social group, consumers can show who they are and which social group they belong to (e.g., iPhones rather than android phones for cool professionals, t-shirts with sports logos rather than with hipster logos for athletic teenagers, and Tesla rather than BMW for environmentally-conscious moms). Consuming a product identified with its social group yields a consumer a benefit in being able to show to both in-group and out-group consumers which group she belongs to. There is also evidence that when a consumer deviates and chooses a product that is not identified with its social group, it bears some ostracism cost from its non-deviating group members. This paper examines the strategic implications of these features of consumer behavior in a model in which competing firms face such consumers. Specifically, we model a market in which consumers belong to one of two social groups of possibly different sizes, and each social group is associated with a particular product. Besides caring for price and product features, consumers also care about the effect their product choice has on their social identity. Consuming a product identified with its group yields a consumer a benefit in being able to show to both in-group and out-group consumers which group she belongs to. On the other hand, if a consumer deviates and chooses a product that is not identified with her social group, she suffers ostracism from a subset of her group -- from those members of her group who buy the product associated with their group and do not deviate. This setup allows us to examine the effects of relative social group sizes, inherent differences between social groups, and importance of social identity on market prices, firms\u27 messaging strategies, and profits. In particular, we show market conditions under which such identity considerations intensify price competition and reduce market prices, and when these identity considerations allow firms to raise consumer prices. Further, based on the idea that situational cues and explicit messages can prime whether and which social identity becomes salient for a consumer in a particular purchase situation, we use our results to suggest some normative implications for firms\u27 messaging strategies. In particular, we suggest when and which firm can benefit from using communication that focuses on product features; that primes some social identity that is shared by competing firms in the product category (e.g., a loving mom giving breakfast to kids); or that primes a social identity that is unique to the focal firm (e.g., showing cool uses of iPhone in social settings)

    Identity Formation among North Korean Defectors in South Korea: Implications from a Socio-Cultural Learning Theoretical Lens

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    This paper aims to analyze the present situation of North Korean Defectors (NKDs)’ adaptation in South Korea from the relationship between social adjustment and identity construction. By using a socio-cultural learning theoretical lens, it reveals structural barriers and tacit differentiations to hinder NKDs’ participation and to disturb their identity formation

    Searching for Own Space: Korean Female Graduate Students’ (Re)construction of Their Professional Selves in the U.S. Academia

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    Taking the transnational feminist approach, the purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions and experiences of Korean female graduate students in the U.S. higher education institution and the host society

    JMASM 32: SAS Template for Single-Subject Experimental Designs

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    Meta-analysis has been used to synthesize research findings and to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments or the accuracy of diagnostic tools. Although meta-analytic techniques were developed to synthesize the results of several studies, controversy exists as to how to quantify the results from singlesubject experimental designs (SSEDs). The most commonly used metrics are reviewed, including nonregression and regression based methods. The application of the SAS template is demonstrated through simulated data sets. The SAS templates can be modified to accommodate a more complex data structure

    The Social Networks of Korean Female Adult Learners in a Middle School

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    This study investigates the social networks of Korean female adult learners in middle school through social network analysis and examines the development of these networks by interviewing the main actors involved

    The Impact of Sample Size in Cross-Classified Multiple Membership Multilevel Models

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    A simulation study was conducted to examine parameter recovery in a cross-classified multiple membership multilevel model. No substantial relative bias was identified for the fixed effect or level-one variance component estimates. However, the level-two cross-classification multiple membership factor variance components were substantially biased with relatively fewer groups

    Learning of Older Adults in Makerspaces

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    To address inclusion and equity issues related to older adults in makerspaces, we examine the void in current discussions of the maker movement and its intersection with adult learning theories
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