4 research outputs found


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    Un enfoque diferente para las políticas europeas de inmigración

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    The author¿s starting point is that the European Union lacks a common policy on immigration and political asylum, in spite of such a policy first having been proposed five years ago. The author argues that migrations should be viewed as something that have always existed during humankind¿s history and should be seen as a means to avoid the dangers of an increasingly aged Europe, namely, a serious threat to its system of pensions and a clear comparative disadvantage with respect to the Unites States. Until now country-by-country regulation and overwrought and ungenerous immigration procedures have translated into a failure that has produced an... (Ver más) underground economy, social and labour dumping. This is evident with each successive amnesty granted. There is no indication the flow of irregular immigrants is going to decrease. This state of affairs will only change when the European Union possesses a ¿global and horizontal¿ legal framework that marks a pattern for European governments to follow and when the Council of Europe abandons the rule of unanimity and begins to adopt co-decision procedures with the Parliament.Parte el autor de que la Unión Europea carece de una política común de inmigración y asilo, a pesar de habérselo propuesto desde hace cinco años. El autor aboga por convertir las migraciones, algo consustancial a la historia de la humanidad, en factor para evitar los peligros que se ciernen sobre una Europa envejecida y en serio peligro de continuidad de sus programas de pensiones y en clara desventaja comparativa respecto de Estados Unidos. Hasta ahora la regulación país a país, los procedimientos alambicados de admisión han supuesto un fracaso que ha favorecido la economía sumergida, el dumping social y laboral, patente en las sucesivas amnistías.... (Ver más) No hay perspectivas de que los flujos irregulares vayan a menguar. Las cosas cambiarán solo cuando la UE disponga de un marco legislativo ¿global y horizontal¿ que marque un patrón a los gobiernos europeos, cuando el Consejo Europeo abandone la regla de la unanimidad y empiece a adoptar medidas en codecisión con el Parlamento

    Surgeons’ practice and preferences for the anal fissure treatment: results from an international survey

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    The best nonoperative or operative anal fissure (AF) treatment is not yet established, and several options have been proposed. Aim is to report the surgeons' practice for the AF treatment. Thirty-four multiple-choice questions were developed. Seven questions were about to participants' demographics and, 27 questions about their clinical practice. Based on the specialty (general surgeon and colorectal surgeon), obtained data were divided and compared between two groups. Five-hundred surgeons were included (321 general and 179 colorectal surgeons). For both groups, duration of symptoms for at least 6 weeks is the most important factor for AF diagnosis (30.6%). Type of AF (acute vs chronic) is the most important factor which guide the therapeutic plan (44.4%). The first treatment of choice for acute AF is ointment application for both groups (59.6%). For the treatment of chronic AF, this data is confirmed by colorectal surgeons (57%), but not by the general surgeons who prefer the lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS) (31.8%) (p = 0.0001). Botulin toxin injection is most performed by colorectal surgeons (58.7%) in comparison to general surgeons (20.9%) (p = 0.0001). Anal flap is mostly performed by colorectal surgeons (37.4%) in comparison to general surgeons (28.3%) (p = 0.0001). Fissurectomy alone is statistically significantly most performed by general surgeons in comparison to colorectal surgeons (57.9% and 43.6%, respectively) (p = 0.0020). This analysis provides useful information about the clinical practice for the management of a debated topic such as AF treatment. Shared guidelines and consensus especially focused on operative management are required to standardize the treatment and to improve postoperative results