549 research outputs found

    Strategic Performance Measurement of Research and Development: A Case Study

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    The paper used an in depth case study to investigate how firms can integrate the strategic performance measurement of R&D with the Balanced Scorecard. Moreover, the paper investigated the crucial role of controller in the decision making process of this integration. The literature review of R&D management evidenced the limits of Balanced Scorecard to manage and monitor the R&D activities. Therefore, the firms have to create a specific performance measurement system and to link it with the macro-indicators of Balanced Scorecard. The controller has a central role in the selection of non-financial ratio as the R&D measures to introduce in the Balanced Scorecard. In choosing our case study, we have selected the pharmaceutical industry because of its relevant R&D investment. Within the sector we chose the Italian affiliate of a traditional industry leader, Eli Lilly Italia,that was characterized by the reorganization of R&D performance measurement systems and its consequent simplification. The Balanced Scorecard of Eli Lilly Italy were categorized into four perspectives: Financial Perspective, Customer Perspective, Competence Perspective and People Perspective. The competence perspective was linked to the R&D dashboard, composed by several key performance indicators: cycle time, cycle time AMR, publication, corporate productivity, capacity, rating audit quality. Furthermore, when the company has implemented the Balanced Scorecard, the controller has assumed a crucial role in choosing indexes and in the organizational learning process connected to the feed-back process. The study offers an example of integration of R&D performance management with Balanced Scorecard and it contributes to the literature review about the role of controller in a complex system control environment

    Complicanze precoci nei lembi allestiti sull'asse vascolare toracodorsae: studio comparativo e matanalisi

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    INTRODUZIONE: Il Sistema dei vasi toracodorsali rappresenta un complesso asse vascolare che offre la possibilità di allestire differenti lembi peduncolati e liberi. Con il progresso scientifico, il miglioramento delle conoscenze anatomiche e l’avvento della microchirurgia si sono sviluppate diverse varianti anatomiche del classico lembo Latissimus Dorsi per ridurre le complicanze legate al prelievo di tale lembo. Il lembo toracodorsale perforante “thoracodorsal artery perforator flap” (TDAP) descritto per la prima volta da Angrigiani rappresenta una di queste opzioni. Altre tecniche sono state ideate e definite come lembo gran dorsale con risparmio del muscolo “muscle sparing latissimus dorsi” (MS-LD) con lo scopo di preservare il muscolo stesso ed il nervo toracodorsale in parte o completamente. Il termine “risparmio del muscolo” è stato applicato anche al lembo gran dorsale basato sulla branca discendente “descending branch latissimus dorsi”(DB-LD) che in realtà richiede il sacrificio della branca verticale (discendente) del nervo toracodorsale. MATERIALI E METODI. Studio Retrospettivo E’stato eseguito uno studio retrospettivo dei pazienti trattati presso l’Ospedale San Gerardo di Monza con i lembi TDAP, MS-LD, DB-LD al fine di valutare i risultati e lo sviluppo di complicanze precoci: ematoma del sito donatore, sieroma del sito donatore necrosi parziale e totale del lembo, deiscenza di ferita chirurgica ed infezione. Il test esatto di Fischer è stato applicato per valutare l’associazione tra ogni tipo di complicanza e tecnica chirurgica ed il valore di p-value è stato corretto secondo il metodo di Benjamini&Hochberg. E’ stato considerato significativo un p value<0,05. Meta-analisi E’stata eseguita una revisione sistematica della letteratura e meta-analisi utilizzando le linee guida PRISMA, da parte di due autori indipendenti utilizzando i seguenti data base: PubMed, Web of Science, Chocraine Library. La ricerca è stata limitata agli articoli pubblicati tra il 1 Gennaio 2004 ed il 12 Aprile 2021. Sono stati inclusi tutti gli articoli riportanti casi clinici di complicanze chirurgiche dopo ricostruzione con lembi TDAP, MS-LD e DB-LD. La meta-analisi è stata eseguita applicando il modello ad effetti random utilizzando il metodo di DerSimonian e Laird. Tutte le analisi statistiche sono state eseguite con il software statistico R (v4.1.1; R Core Team 2021). La meta-analisi è stata eseguita utilizzando il pacchetto ‘meta’ di R (v5.1.1; Balduzzi S, Rücker G, Schwarzer G (2019). RISULTATI Studio Retrospettivo 56 pazienti sono stati trattati dal Gennaio 2015 a Dicembre 2020 (14 MS-LD, 26 TDAP, 16 DB-LD). Il 32% ha sviluppato una complicanza precoce: 7/14 (50%) MS-LD, 7/26 TDAP, 4/16 (25%) DB-LD. E’stata evidenziata una differenza statisticamente marginale (test esatto di Fisher p=0.050) nel confronto tra i tre gruppi riguardo la necrosi totale/parziale del lembo: 42,9% di necrosi del lembo nel gruppo MS-LD, 15.4% nel gruppo TDAP, 6.2% nel gruppo DB-LD. L’analisi della percentuale di necrosi che ha richiesto un re-intervento ha evidenziato la seguente proporzione: 0% nel gruppo DB-LD, 7,7% nel gruppo TDAP, 35,7% nel gruppo MSLD. La valutazione comparativa delle tre tecniche chirurgiche ha evidenziato una differenza statisticamente significativa (test esatto di Fisher p=0.01). I confronti a coppie hanno mostrato una differenza statisticamente significativa tra il gruppo trattato con lembo DB-LD ed il gruppo MSLD (test esatto di Fisher p=0.014,p-value aggiustato con metodo Benjamini & Hochberg p=0.042); una differenza marginalmente significativa tra il gruppo TDAP ed il gruppo MS-LD (test esatto di Fisher p=0.039, p-value aggiustato con metodo Benjamini & Hochberg p=0.059) nessuna differenza statisticamente significativa è stata osservata tra il gruppo DB-LD ed il gruppo TDAP (test esatto di Fisher p=0.517, p-value aggiustato con metodo Benjamini & Hochberg p=0.517). Meta-analisi La ricerca iniziale ha fornito un totale di 806 articoli. Successivamente alla rimozione dei duplicati ed all’applicazione dei criteri di esclusione un totale di 41 articoli sono stati inclusi nella revisione sistematica e nella meta-analisi. Dalla meta-analisi eseguita per la valutazione della perdita dei lembi è emerso che le proporzioni unificate della perdita parziale del lembo sono pari all'8,9% per TDAP, al 4,3% per MS-LD e al 7% per DB-LD. L'Odd Ratio aggregato ha indicato che la probabilità di perdita parziale del lembo nei pazienti dopo MLSD era 2,64 volte la probabilità di perdita parziale del lembo dopo TDAP. Non è stato possibile eseguire un confronto a coppie per la perdita parziale del lembo tra MS-LD e DB-LD. CONCLUSIONI: Lo studio ha dimostrato che tutti e tre i lembi risultano essere affidabili in termini di complicanze precoci del sito donatore. In merito alla vitalità del lembo si è evidenziato che il lembo MS-LD ha un rischio maggiore di sviluppare complicanze vascolari (perdita parziale del lembo) rispetto al lembo TDAP. Nella casistica presentata i pazienti trattati con lembo MS-LD hanno avuto un tasso maggiore di re-intervento successivamente allo sviluppo di complicanze vascolari; ipotizziamo che tale dato possa essere correlato al collasso dei piccoli vasi perforanti in relazione allo sviluppo di edema muscolare. Ulteriori studi comparativi sono necessari per confermare i nostri risultati e la nostra teoria

    Bacterial biofilm associated with a case of capsular contracture

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    Capsular contracture is one of the most common complications of implant-based breast augmentation. Despite its prevalence, the etiology of capsular contracture remains controversial although the surface texture of the breast implant, the anatomical position of the prosthesis and the presence of bacterial biofilm could be considered trigger factors. In fact, all medical implants are susceptible to bacterial colonization and biofilm formation. The present study demonstrated the presence of microbial biofilm constituted by cocci in a breast implant obtained from a patient with Baker grade II capsular contracture. This suggests that subclinical infection can be present and involved in low-grade capsular contracture

    Dynamical fluctuations in an exactly solvable model of spin glasses

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    In this work we calculate the dynamical fluctuations at O(1/N) in the low temperature phase of the p=2p=2 spherical spin glass model. We study the large-times asymptotic regimes and we find, in a short time-differences regime, a fluctuation dissipation relation for the four-point correlation functions. This relation can be extended to the out of equilibrium regimes introducing a function XtX_{t} which, for large time tt, we find scales as t1/2t^{-1/2} as in the case of the two-point functions.Comment: Latex, 8 page

    Physico-Chemical Traits of Raw and Cooked Fillets of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) from Different Strains and Farms

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    Fillets and cooking yields, water holding capacity, textural properties, colour, proximate composition, collagen and fatty acids of five strains (IT1, IT2, IT3, USA, UK) of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, reared in three farms (F1, F2, F3), were measured before and after cooking. Physico-chemical parameters of the strains greatly differed both in raw and cooked state. IT2 and USA recorded the highest yields. IT2 distinguished from the other strains, showing lowest values of hardness, chewiness, gumminess and springiness. It also had brighter and less pigmented flesh with low fat, mainly in the raw state. USA strain showed the most valuable traits in terms of texture and colour, and had higher fat and collagen content in flesh. The physico-chemical profile of each strain was differently modified by cooking. USA strain maintained a positive texture and colour profile after cooking and its quality was the best

    Visual electrophysiological responses in subjects with cerebral autosomal arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL)

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    Objectives: To evaluate visual electrophysiological responses in subjects with cerebral autosomal arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL). Methods: Three subjects tone male and two females, mean age 55.3 +/- 2.9 years) belonging to an Italian family already diagnosed with CADASIL through clinicopathological and genetic studies and 14 control subjects (6 males and 8 females, mean age 52.7 +/- 3.6 years) were enrolled in the study. Flash electroretinogram (ERG), oscillatory potentials (OPs) and simultaneous recordings of pattern electroretinogram (PERG) and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were assessed in all 3 subjects with CADASIL and age-matched controls. Results: Subjects with CADASIL showed: reduced ERG, OP and PERG (N35-P50, P50-N95) amplitudes with respect to our normal limits; delayed PERG (N35, P50) and VEP (P100) implicit times when compared with our normal limits; and VEP (N75-P100) amplitudes and retinocortical times within our normal limits. Conclusions: Subjects with CADASIL present a dysfunction in the outer, middle and innermost retinal layers when the index of neural conduction in the postretinal visual pathways is normal. The delay in visual cortical responses observed in subjects with CADASIL may be ascribable to retinal impairment with a possible functional sparing of the postretinal visual structures. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Preparation of hybrid samples for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled to focused ion beam (FIB) analysis: A new way to study cell adhesion to titanium implant surfaces.

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    The study of the intimate connection occurring at the interface between cells and titanium implant surfaces is a major challenge for dental materials scientists. Indeed, several imaging techniques have been developed and optimized in the last decades, but an optimal method has not been described yet. The combination of the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with a focused ion beam (FIB), represents a pioneering and interesting tool to allow the investigation of the relationship occurring at the interface between cells and biomaterials, including titanium. However, major caveats concerning the nature of the biological structures, which are not conductive materials, and the physico-chemical properties of titanium (i.e. color, surface topography), require a fine and accurate preparation of the sample before its imaging. Hence, the aim of the present work is to provide a suitable protocol for cell-titanium sample preparation before imaging by SEM-FIB. The concepts presented in this paper are also transferrable to other fields of biomaterials research

    Preliminary approach on early post mortem stress and quality indexes changes in large size bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)

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    Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is very appreciated on Japan and USA market for the preparation of sushi and sahimi. The market price of the fresh product can vary from 8 to 33 Euro/kg (gate farm/producers prices) according to size, shape, fat level, meat colour, consistency and freshness (absence of "hyake"), all parameters strictly connected to feeding quality and quantity, rearing and killing stress factors and refrigeration times and conditions after death. Excessive levels of stress during the slaughtering can affect meat quality, contributing to significantly decrease of tuna's price. The present trial was carried out to evaluate the possible harvesting/slaughtering stress effect on reared bluefin tuna meat quality, starting from the examination of the most important stress and quality parameters changes during the early post mortem period

    Macronutrient and fatty acid profiles of meagre (Argyrosomus regius) fillets as influenced by harvesting time and boiling

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    The effect of harvesting time and cooking on water, protein, lipid, ash and fatty acid content of farmed meagre was assessed. Significant differences in nutrient content of raw fillets were detected in relation to harvesting time. Cooking by boiling induced loss of some macronutrients, mainly lipids and some fatty acids. Retention of total lipids, C18:2n-6 and C18:3n-3 decreased significantly with harvesting time, while C20:5n-3 (EPA) and C22:6n-3 (DHA) were retained in the same quantity. DHA retention was higher than that of the other FAs considered, at all harvesting times. The changes detected did not diminish the nutritional value of the fish. Despite losses induced by cooking and the low fat content, typical of this species, 100 g of fillet ensured an intake of EPA plus DHA more than double the recommended daily intake (250 mg day–1), at all harvesting times. The ability to preserve nutrients is an essential requirement for quality maintenance and suggests the possibility of heat-processing fillets. </p

    Oral implant-prostheses: New teeth for a brighter brain

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    Several studies have demonstrated that chewing can be regarded as a preventive measure for cognitive impairment, whereas masticatory deficiency, associated with soft-diet feeding, is a risk factor for the development of dementia. At present the link between orofacial sensorimotor activity and cognitive functions is unknown. In subjects with unilateral molar loss we have shown asymmetries in both pupil size and masticatory muscles electromyographic (EMG) activity during clenching: the molar less side was characterized by a lower EMG activity and a smaller pupil. Since implant-prostheses, greatly reduced both the asymmetry in EMG activity and in pupil's size, trigeminal unbalance, leading to unbalance in the activity of the Locus Coeruleus (LC), may be responsible for the pupil's asymmetry. According to the findings obtained in animal models, we propose that the different activity of the right and left LC may induce an asymmetry in brain activity, thus leading to cognitive impairment. According to this hypothesis, prostheses improved the performance in a complex sensorimotor task and increased the mydriasis associated with haptic tasks. In conclusion, the present study indicates that the implant-prosthesis therapy, which reduces the unbalance of trigeminal proprioceptive afferents and the asymmetry in pupil's size, may improve arousal, boosting performance in a complex sensorimotor task