1,802 research outputs found

    Langevin Simulation of the Chirally Decomposed Sine-Gordon Model

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    A large class of quantum and statistical field theoretical models, encompassing relevant condensed matter and non-abelian gauge systems, are defined in terms of complex actions. As the ordinary Monte-Carlo methods are useless in dealing with these models, alternative computational strategies have been proposed along the years. The Langevin technique, in particular, is known to be frequently plagued with difficulties such as strong numerical instabilities or subtle ergodic behavior. Regarding the chirally decomposed version of the sine-Gordon model as a prototypical case for the failure of the Langevin approach, we devise a truncation prescription in the stochastic differential equations which yields numerical stability and is assumed not to spoil the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. This conjecture is supported by a finite size scaling analysis, whereby a massive phase ending at a line of critical points is clearly observed for the truncated stochastic model.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Multiplicative Noise: Applications in Cosmology and Field Theory

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    Physical situations involving multiplicative noise arise generically in cosmology and field theory. In this paper, the focus is first on exact nonlinear Langevin equations, appropriate in a cosmologica setting, for a system with one degree of freedom. The Langevin equations are derived using an appropriate time-dependent generalization of a model due to Zwanzig. These models are then extended to field theories and the generation of multiplicative noise in such a context is discussed. Important issues in both the cosmological and field theoretic cases are the fluctuation-dissipation relations and the relaxation time scale. Of some importance in cosmology is the fact that multiplicative noise can substantially reduce the relaxation time. In the field theoretic context such a noise can lead to a significant enhancement in the nucleation rate of topological defects.Comment: 21 pages, LaTex, LA-UR-93-210

    An approach to NLO QCD analysis of the semi-inclusive DIS data with modified Jacobi polynomial expansion method

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    It is proposed the modification of the Jacobi polynomial expansion method (MJEM) which is based on the application of the truncated moments instead of the full ones. This allows to reconstruct with a high precision the local quark helicity distributions even for the narrow accessible for measurement Bjorken xx region using as an input only four first moments extracted from the data in NLO QCD. It is also proposed the variational (extrapolation) procedure allowing to reconstruct the distributions outside the accessible Bjorken xx region using the distributions obtained with MJEM in the accessible region. The numerical calculations encourage one that the proposed variational (extrapolation) procedure could be applied to estimate the full first (especially important) quark moments

    Ensemble Inequivalence and the Spin-Glass Transition

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    We report on the ensemble inequivalence in a many-body spin-glass model with integer spin. The spin-glass phase transition is of first order for certain values of the crystal field strength and is dependent whether it was derived in the microcanonical or the canonical ensemble. In the limit of infinitely many-body interactions, the model is the integer-spin equivalent of the random-energy model, and is solved exactly. We also derive the integer-spin equivalent of the de Almeida-Thouless line.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Two infrared Yang-Mills solutions in stochastic quantization and in an effective action formalism

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    Three decades of work on the quantum field equations of pure Yang-Mills theory have distilled two families of solutions in Landau gauge. Both coincide for high (Euclidean) momentum with known perturbation theory, and both predict an infrared suppressed transverse gluon propagator, but whereas the solution known as "scaling" features an infrared power law for the gluon and ghost propagators, the "massive" solution rather describes the gluon as a vector boson that features a finite Debye screening mass. In this work we examine the gauge dependence of these solutions by adopting stochastic quantization. What we find, in four dimensions and in a rainbow approximation, is that stochastic quantization supports both solutions in Landau gauge but the scaling solution abruptly disappears when the parameter controlling the drift force is separated from zero (soft gauge-fixing), recovering only the perturbative propagators; the massive solution seems to survive the extension outside Landau gauge. These results are consistent with the scaling solution being related to the existence of a Gribov horizon, with the massive one being more general. We also examine the effective action in Faddeev-Popov quantization that generates the rainbow and we find, for a bare vertex approximation, that the the massive-type solutions minimise the quantum effective action.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Change of title to reflect version accepted for publicatio

    On the Phase Structure of the 3D Edwards Anderson Spin Glass

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    We characterize numerically the properties of the phase transition of the three dimensional Ising spin glass with Gaussian couplings and of the low temperature phase. We compute critical exponents on large lattices. We study in detail the overlap probability distribution and the equilibrium overlap-overlap correlation functions. We find a clear agreement with off-equilibrium results from previous work. These results strongly support the existence of a continuous spontaneous replica symmetry breaking in three dimensional spin glasses.Comment: 30 pages and 17 figures. Final version to be published in PR

    Collective behaviour without collective order in wild swarms of midges

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    Collective behaviour is a widespread phenomenon in biology, cutting through a huge span of scales, from cell colonies up to bird flocks and fish schools. The most prominent trait of collective behaviour is the emergence of global order: individuals synchronize their states, giving the stunning impression that the group behaves as one. In many biological systems, though, it is unclear whether global order is present. A paradigmatic case is that of insect swarms, whose erratic movements seem to suggest that group formation is a mere epiphenomenon of the independent interaction of each individual with an external landmark. In these cases, whether or not the group behaves truly collectively is debated. Here, we experimentally study swarms of midges in the field and measure how much the change of direction of one midge affects that of other individuals. We discover that, despite the lack of collective order, swarms display very strong correlations, totally incompatible with models of noninteracting particles. We find that correlation increases sharply with the swarm's density, indicating that the interaction between midges is based on a metric perception mechanism. By means of numerical simulations we demonstrate that such growing correlation is typical of a system close to an ordering transition. Our findings suggest that correlation, rather than order, is the true hallmark of collective behaviour in biological systems.Comment: The original version has been split into two parts. This first part focuses on order vs. correlation. The second part, about finite-size scaling, will be included in a separate paper. 15 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, 5 video

    Instability of one-step replica-symmetry-broken phase in satisfiability problems

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    We reconsider the one-step replica-symmetry-breaking (1RSB) solutions of two random combinatorial problems: k-XORSAT and k-SAT. We present a general method for establishing the stability of these solutions with respect to further steps of replica-symmetry breaking. Our approach extends the ideas of [A.Montanari and F. Ricci-Tersenghi, Eur.Phys.J. B 33, 339 (2003)] to more general combinatorial problems. It turns out that 1RSB is always unstable at sufficiently small clauses density alpha or high energy. In particular, the recent 1RSB solution to 3-SAT is unstable at zero energy for alpha< alpha_m, with alpha_m\approx 4.153. On the other hand, the SAT-UNSAT phase transition seems to be correctly described within 1RSB.Comment: 26 pages, 7 eps figure

    Finite-size scaling as a way to probe near-criticality in natural swarms

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    Collective behaviour in biological systems is often accompanied by strong correlations. The question has therefore arisen of whether correlation is amplified by the vicinity to some critical point in the parameters space. Biological systems, though, are typically quite far from the thermodynamic limit, so that the value of the control parameter at which correlation and susceptibility peak depend on size. Hence, a system would need to readjust its control parameter according to its size in order to be maximally correlated. This readjustment, though, has never been observed experimentally. By gathering three-dimensional data on swarms of midges in the field we find that swarms tune their control parameter and size so as to maintain a scaling behaviour of the correlation function. As a consequence, correlation length and susceptibility scale with the system's size and swarms exhibit a near-maximal degree of correlation at all sizes.Comment: Selected for Viewpoint in Physics; PRL Editor's Suggestio

    Griffiths singularities in the two dimensional diluted Ising model

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    We study numerically the probability distribution of the Yang-Lee zeroes inside the Griffiths phase for the two dimensional site diluted Ising model and we check that the shape of this distribution is that predicted in previous analytical works. By studying the finite size scaling of the averaged smallest zero at the phase transition we extract, for two values of the dilution, the anomalous dimension, η\eta, which agrees very well with the previous estimated values.Comment: 11 pages and 4 figures, some minor changes in Fig. 4, available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.htm