66 research outputs found

    Firm size and age on non-adopters of monthly tax deduction electronic payment: Negeri Sembilan SME employers

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    Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) has arranged several electronic platforms for employer group of taxpayers to remit Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) payments more easily. Even though the online payment has shown progressive support from the year 2014 to 2016 which is from 20% to 24%, if compared to the traditional payment methods it is still far behind as not many employers using MTD e-payment facilities. This study is aimed to find whether there are significant differences between firm characteristics and non-adopters of MTD e-payment. There were two objectives in this study. Firstly, to understand if there is a significance difference between firm age and non-adopters of MTD e-payment and next to understand if there is a significance difference between firm size and non-adopters of MTD e-payment among the employer group taxpayers. In order to meet the objectives, this study was carried out by obtaining secondary data from IRBM. The data was derived from 2,186 SMEs employer files that belongs to IRBM Seremban branch. Inference analysis methods were applied in this study to test the significant differences between the firm’s demographic characteristics which are firm age and firm size with non-adopters of MTD e-payment. As to test the differences between the firm age and non-adopters of MTD e-payment the T-test analysis was applied and to test the differences between the firm size and non-adopters of MTD e-payment the Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied. Through the analysis, noteworthy findings were disclosed in relation to this study. The findings shows both the firm characteristics in this study which are firm size and firm age have significant different with the non-adopters of MTD e-payment

    Dotted crystallisation: nucleation accelerated, regulated, and guided by carbon dots

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    Crystallisation from solution is an important process in pharmaceutical industries and is commonly used to purify active pharmaceutical ingredients. Crystallisation involves phase change and the mechanisms involved are random which makes the process stochastic. This creates a variation in the time required to reach a fixed percentage of yield from batch to batch. It is essential to regulate the batch crystallisation process and make it more predictable for industrial applications for the ease of process chain scheduling of upstream and downstream unit operations. In this work, we propose a new technique called dotted crystallisation, where carbon dots are used to dictate and regulate events associated with nucleation and crystallisation processes. Following the rules of two-step nucleation theory, the carbon dots intentionally added to a supersaturated solution of curcumin anchors the crystallising compound to form prenucleation clusters that evolve into stable nuclei. Using curcumin as a model compound, we showed that the nucleation of this compound in isopropanol can be regulated, and the nucleation rate can be improved via addition of small quantities of carbon dots to the supersaturated solution. Our results confirmed that the nucleation rate of curcumin by dotted crystallisation was roughly four times higher than the nucleation rate by conventional cooling crystallisation and produced smaller sized crystals with a narrow size distribution

    Effect of co-crystallization on physico-chemical properties of Gefitinib

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    by Parimaladevi Palanisamy, Althaf Shaik, Sivapriya Kirubakaran and Vijay Thiruvenkata

    Influence of Weather Parameters on Incidence of Black Spot of Papaya Caused by Asperisporium caricae

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    The severity of the black leaf spot disease of papaya increased with increase in rainfall and during dry spells the disease declined considerably. The maximum disease severity was found during the late winter and spring seasons of the year. In the present study, the disease severity of black spot of papaya was recorded in the TNAU, Orchard at monthly interval for a period of one year from January to December 2018. The results revealed that the disease severity increased progressively from August to November 2018 and the disease was found to be less in summer months. The disease severity was found to reach maximum of 31.21% during the November 2018. The lowest disease severity of 9.45% was found during the month of May 2018

    Effect of co-crystallization on physico-chemical properties of gefitinib

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    Well-controlled crystallization of the API's (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) is often an important factor in pharmaceuticalindustries. The development of new crystallization methods to design the products with specific physico-chemical propertiesis a complex and challenging issue. This existing challenge impetus us to explore the possible ways to control thecrystallization of gefitinib. Gefitinib, [N-(3-chloro-4-fluro-phenyl)-7-methoxy-6-(3-morpholin-4-yl propoxy) quinazolin-4-amine] is an anticancer drug used in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. Gefitinib exists in five polymorphic forms (i)anhydrous (ii) solvate of MeOH (iii) solvate of DMSO, (iv) monohydrate and (v) trihydrate forms. Each polymorph hasdifferent physical properties and leads to large variation in the biopharmaceutical performance. The bioavailability of puregefitinib is low and there is a need to enhance the solubility. With this regard, our aim is to isolate the more specificcrystalline polymorph of gefitinib and to enhance the solubility of the preferred form. Here we present, the effect of selectiveamino acids used for co-crystallization with gefitinib and the results will be discussed in detail.by Parimaladevi Palanisamy, Althaf Shaik, Sivapriya Kirubakaran and Vijay Thiruvenkata

    In-vitro Evaluation of Different Fungicides against Black Leaf Spot Causing Fungus Asperisporium caricae in Papaya

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    Ten different contact, systemic and combination products of fungicides were evaluated for their effectiveness against black spot of papaya Asperisporium caricae under in vitro condition by following poisoned food technique. Among fungicides tested, trifloxystrobin 25% + tebuconazole 50% WG, propiconzole 25% EC and zineb 68% + hexaconazole 4% WP were successful in completely (100%) inhibiting the growth of A. caricae at all concentrations (50,100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 ppm) which is followed by hexaconazole 25% EC, difenconazole 25% EC, zineb 68% hexaconazole 4% WP completely inhibited the growth of the fungus at 500 ppm and above concentration. Least inhibition of fungal growth was recorded in copper oxychloride 50% WP at all concentrations. Trifloxystrobin 25% + tebuconazole 50% WG, propiconazole 25% EC and zineb 68% + hexaconzole 4% WP were most effective which completely inhibited the spore germination at all concentrations, while the copper oxychloride 50% WP was recorded the least per cent inhibition of fungal spores

    Analgesic activity of methanol extract of <i>Eupatorium adenophorum </i>Spreng. leaves

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    662-663The methanol extract of the leaves of E. adenophorum (100, 200 and 300 mg/kg, po) showed significant analgesic activity, as compared to standard drugs diclofenac sodium and pentazocine, employing acetic acid-induced writhing test, tail immersion test and tail flick test models