10 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometric experiment on the Verera-11 and Venera-12 descent vehicles: Some results of the analysis of the spectrum of the daytime sky of Venus

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    The spectra of the daytime sky of Venus were recorded on the Venera-11 and Venera-12 descent vehicles at various altitudes above the planet's surface, within the interval of 4500 to 12,000 Angstroms. The angular distribution of the brightness of the scattered radiation was recorded and the ratio of water and carbon dioxide were studied, with respect to the cloud cover boundaries

    Post-translational modifications soften vimentin intermediate filaments

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    The mechanical properties of biological cells are determined by the cytoskeleton, a composite biopolymer network consisting of microtubules, actin filaments and intermediate filaments (IFs). By differential expression of cytoskeletal proteins, modulation of the network architecture and interactions between the filaments, cell mechanics may be adapted to varying requirements on the cell. Here, we focus on the intermediate filament protein vimentin and introduce post-translational modifications as an additional, much faster mechanism for mechanical modulation. We study the impact of phosphorylation on filament mechanics by recording force-strain curves using optical traps. Partial phosphorylation softens the filaments. We show that binding of the protein 14-3-3 to phosphorylated vimentin IFs further enhances this effect and speculate that in the cell 14-3-3 may serve to preserve the softening and thereby the altered cell mechanics. We explain our observation by the additional charges introduced during phosphorylation

    An experimentally generated peptide database increases the sensitivity of XL-MS with complex samples

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    Cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) is steadily expanding its range of applications from purified protein complexes to more complex samples like organelles and even entire cells. One main challenge using non-cleavable cross-linkers is the so-called n2 problem: With linearly increasing database size, the search space for the identification of two covalently linked peptides per spectrum increases quadratically. Here, we report an alternative search strategy that focuses on only those peptides, which were demonstrated to cross-link under the applied experimental conditions. The performance of a parallel XL-MS experiment using a thiol-cleavable cross-linker enabled the identification of peptides that carried a cleaved cross-link moiety after reduction and hence were involved in cross-linking reactions. Based on these identifications, a peptide database was generated and used for the database search of the actual cross-linking experiment with a non-cleavable cross-linker. This peptide-focused approach was tested on protein complexes with a reported structural model and obtained results corresponded well to a conventional database search. An application of the strategy on in vivo cross-linked Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus cells revealed a five- to tenfold reduction in search time and led to significantly more identifications with the latter species than a search against the entire proteome

    The bicistronic gene würmchen encodes two essential components for epithelial development in Drosophila

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    Epithelial tissues are fundamental for the establishment and maintenance of different body compartments in multicellular animals. To achieve this specific task epithelial sheets secrete an apical extracellular matrix for tissue strength and protection and they organize a transepithelial barrier function, which is mediated by tight junctions in vertebrates or septate junctions in invertebrates. Here, we show that the bicistronic gene würmchen is functionally expressed in epithelial tissues. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutations in both coding sequences reveal two essential polypeptides, Würmchen1 and Würmchen2, which are both necessary for normal epithelial tissue development. Würmchen1 represents a genuine septate junction core component. It is required during embryogenesis for septate junction organization, the establishment of a transepithelial barrier function, distinct cellular transport processes and tracheal system morphogenesis. Würmchen2 is localized in the apical membrane region of epithelial tissues and in a central core of the tracheal lumen during embryogenesis. It is essential during the later larval development

    Ectosomes and exosomes modulate neuronal spontaneous activity

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are important mediators in intercellular communication. However, understanding the biological origin and functional effects of EVs subtypes has been challenging due to the moderate differences in their physical properties and absence of reliable markers. Here, we characterize the proteomes of ectosomes and exosomes using an improved differential ultracentrifugation protocol and quantitative proteomics. Our analyses revealed singular proteomic profiles for ectosomes and exosomes that enabled us to establish specific protein markers that can be used for their biochemical distinction. Cytoskeleton and glycolytic proteins are distinctively present in ectosomes, while endosomal sorting complexes proteins and tetraspanins are enriched in exosomes. Furthermore, annexin-A2 was identified as a specific marker for ectosomes derived from cell media and human cerebrospinal fluid. Expression of EGFP as a cytosolic reporter leads to its incorporation in EVs and enables their imaging with higher resolution. Assessment of neuronal network activity using multi-electrode array recordings demonstrated that spontaneous neuronal activity can be modulated by EVs. Ectosomes and exosomes internalization in neuronal cells disrupted their regular synchronized bursting activity, resulting in overall lower and more disorganized spiking activity. Our findings suggest that EVs cargoes reflect core intracellular processes, and their functional properties might regulate basic biological and pathological processes

    A Cross-linking mass spectrometry approach defines protein interactions in yeast mitochondria

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    Protein cross-linking and the analysis of cross-linked peptides by mass spectrometry is currently receiving much attention. Not only is this approach applied to isolated complexes to provide information about spatial arrangements of proteins, but it is also increasingly applied to entire cells and their organelles. As in quantitative proteomics, the application of isotopic labeling further makes it possible to monitor quantitative changes in the protein-protein interactions between different states of a system. Here, we cross-linked mitochondria from Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown on either glycerol- or glucose-containing medium to monitor protein-protein interactions under non-fermentative and fermentative conditions. We investigated qualitatively the protein-protein interactions of the 400 most abundant proteins applying stringent data-filtering criteria, i.e. a minimum of two cross-linked peptide spectrum matches and a cut-off in the spectrum scoring of the used search engine. The cross-linker BS3 proved to be equally suited for connecting proteins in all compartments of mitochondria when compared with its water-insoluble but membrane-permeable derivative DSS. We also applied quantitative cross-linking to mitochondria of both the growth conditions using stable-isotope labeled BS3. Significant differences of cross-linked proteins under glycerol and glucose conditions were detected, however, mainly because of the different copy numbers of these proteins in mitochondria under both the conditions. Results obtained from the glycerol condition indicate that the internal NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase Ndi1 is part of an electron transport chain supercomplex. We have also detected several hitherto uncharacterized proteins and identified their interaction partners. Among those, Min8 was found to be associated with cytochrome c oxidase. BN-PAGE analyses of min8Δ mitochondria suggest that Min8 promotes the incorporation of Cox12 into cytochrome c oxidase

    Structural basis for the regulatory interaction of the methylglyoxal synthase MgsA with the carbon flux regulator Crh in Bacillus subtilis.

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    Utilization of energy-rich carbon sources such as glucose is fundamental to the evolutionary success of bacteria. Glucose can be catabolized via glycolysis for feeding the intermediary metabolism. The methylglyoxal synthase MgsA produces methylglyoxal from the glycolytic intermediate dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Methylglyoxal is toxic, requiring stringent regulation of MgsA activity. In the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis, an interaction with the phosphoprotein Crh controls MgsA activity. In the absence of preferred carbon sources, Crh is present in the nonphosphorylated state and binds to and thereby inhibits MgsA. To better understand the mechanism of regulation of MgsA, here we performed biochemical and structural analyses of B. subtilis MgsA and of its interaction with Crh. Our results indicated that MgsA forms a hexamer (i.e. a trimer of dimers) in the crystal structure, whereas it seems to exist in an equilibrium between a dimer and hexamer in solution. In the hexamer, two alternative dimers could be distinguished, but only one appeared to prevail in solution. Further analysis strongly suggested that the hexamer is the biologically active form. In vitro cross-linking studies revealed that Crh interacts with the N-terminal helices of MgsA and that the Crh-MgsA binding inactivates MgsA by distorting and thereby blocking its active site. In summary, our results indicate that dimeric and hexameric MgsA species exist in an equilibrium in solution, that the hexameric species is the active form, and that binding to Crh deforms and blocks the active site in MgsA