9 research outputs found

    Evolving norms of protection: China, Libya and the problem of intervention in armed conflict

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    This article examines the influence of civilian protection norms on China’s response to the 2011 crisis in Libya. It argues that Responsibility to Protect—an emerging norm commonly associated with the Libyan case—did not play a major role in China’s abstention on Resolution 1973 (2011) authorizing international intervention in Libya. For China, Responsibility to Protect is merely a concept and could not serve as the basis for intervention. Instead, Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict, as a normative foundation for civilian protection endorsed by China, offers a more appropriate lens for understanding China’s vote. Protection of Civilians, however, does not accommodate China’s unprecedented evacuation of Chinese nationals from Libya. This operation proceeded from a third logic of Protection of Nationals Abroad, which poses dilemmas for China’s strict adherence to the principles of sovereignty and non-interference and brings to bear domestic interests and notions of protection

    FN er ikke nok. Demokratierne må finde et andet forum

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    FN er begrænset af sine medlemmers interesser og har derfor sin primæ- re funktion i det mere apolitiske felt. Det bør holde sig til vacciner, katastrofebistand og enkelte fredsbevarende missioner. Kampen for frihed og demokrati skal føres andetsteds

    Grading Europe in the Asia-Pacific : European foreign policy scorecard 2013

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    For more about the East-West Center, see http://www.eastwestcenter.org/Jonas Parello-Plesner, Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, explains that "On issues of trade and economics, the EU is clearly showing that is has a strategy that it is implementing.

    Kinas pluralistiske diplomati

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    Kinas diplomati har traditionelt været varetaget af Kinas udenrigsministerium, men kombinationen af globalisering og Kinas øgede internationale rolle gør, at en række andre bureakratiske aktører i stigende grad sætter deres fi ngeraftryk. På trods af Kinas autoritære system ser vi ansatser til en bureakratisk pluralisme på udenrigsfronten, der ligner den, som vi kan observere i Vesten. Det har en effekt på Kinas evne til at sende ét klart udenrigspolitisk budskab til omverden