11 research outputs found

    Metabolism-Based Therapeutic Strategies Targeting Cancer Stem Cells

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    Cancer heterogeneity constitutes the major source of disease progression and therapy failure. Tumors comprise functionally diverse subpopulations, with cancer stem cells (CSCs) as the source of this heterogeneity. Since these cells bear in vivo tumorigenicity and metastatic potential, survive chemotherapy and drive relapse, its elimination may be the only way to achieve long-term survival in patients. Thanks to the great advances in the field over the last few years, we know now that cellular metabolism and stemness are highly intertwined in normal development and cancer. Indeed, CSCs show distinct metabolic features as compared with their more differentiated progenies, though their dominant metabolic phenotype varies across tumor entities, patients and even subclones within a tumor. Following initial works focused on glucose metabolism, current studies have unveiled particularities of CSC metabolism in terms of redox state, lipid metabolism and use of alternative fuels, such as amino acids or ketone bodies. In this review, we describe the different metabolic phenotypes attributed to CSCs with special focus on metabolism-based therapeutic strategies tested in preclinical and clinical settings

    Inhibition of mitochondrial dynamics preferentially targets pancreatic cancer cells with enhanced tumorigenic and invasive potential

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the deadliest tumors, partly due to its intrinsic aggressiveness, metastatic potential, and chemoresistance of the contained cancer stem cells (CSCs). Pancreatic CSCs strongly rely on mitochondrial metabolism to maintain their stemness, therefore representing a putative target for their elimination. Since mitochondrial homeostasis de-pends on the tightly controlled balance between fusion and fission processes, namely mitochondrial dynamics, we aim to study this mechanism in the context of stemness. In human PDAC tissues, the mitochondrial fission gene DNM1L (DRP1) was overexpressed and positively correlated with the stemness signature. Moreover, we observe that primary human CSCs display smaller mitochondria and a higher DRP1/MFN2 expression ratio, indicating the activation of the mitochondrial fission. In-terestingly, treatment with the DRP1 inhibitor mDivi-1 induced dose-dependent apoptosis, especially in CD133+ CSCs, due to the accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria and the subsequent energy crisis in this subpopulation. Mechanistically, mDivi-1 inhibited stemness-related features, such as self-renewal, tumorigenicity, and invasiveness and chemosensitized the cells to the cytotoxic effects of Gemcitabine. In summary, mitochondrial fission is an essential process for pancreatic CSCs and represents an attractive target for designing novel multimodal treatments that will more efficiently eliminate cells with high tumorigenic potentialThis research was funded by the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund, 2015 Award Round (P.S., C.H.); the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n 602783 (CAM-PaC) (C.H.), theWorldwide Cancer Research Charity together with Fundación Científica Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (FCAECC) (19-0250) (P.S.); A Fero Foundation grant and a Coordinated grant (GC16173694BARB) from the Fundación Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) (B.S.J.); and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the Miguel Servet Program (CP16/00121) and Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI17/00082) (both co-financed by European funds (FSE: “El FSE invierte en tu futuro” and FEDER: “Una manera de hacer Europa,” respectively) (P.S.

    Pharmacological targeting of the receptor ALK inhibits tumorigenicity and overcomes chemoresistance in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is an extremely aggressive disease characterized by its metastatic potential and chemoresistance. These traits are partially attributable to the highly tumorigenic pancreatic cancer stem cells (PaCSCs). Interestingly, these cells show unique features in order to sustain their identity and functionality, some of them amenable for therapeutic intervention. Screening of phospho-receptor tyrosine kinases revealed that PaCSCs harbored increased activation of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK). We subsequently demonstrated that oncogenic ALK signaling contributes to tumorigenicity in PDAC patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) by promoting stemness through ligand-dependent activation. Indeed, the ALK ligands midkine (MDK) or pleiotrophin (PTN) increased self-renewal, clonogenicity and CSC frequency in several in vitro local and metastatic PDX models. Conversely, treatment with the clinically-approved ALK inhibitors Crizotinib and Ensartinib decreased PaCSC content and functionality in vitro and in vivo, by inducing cell death. Strikingly, ALK inhibitors sensitized chemoresistant PaCSCs to Gemcitabine, as the most used chemotherapeutic agent for PDAC treatment. Consequently, ALK inhibition delayed tumor relapse after chemotherapy in vivo by effectively decreasing the content of PaCSCs. In summary, our results demonstrate that targeting the MDK/PTN-ALK axis with clinically-approved inhibitors impairs in vivo tumorigenicity and chemoresistance in PDAC suggesting a new treatment approach to improve the long-term survival of PDAC patients

    Marco activo de recursos de innovación docente: Madrid

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    Una guía de espacios e instituciones para actividades educativas complementarias en enseñanza secundaria y Formación Profesional

    Report: Labour and social security law in Spain in 2013

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    El informe ha sido elaborado por la Sección Juvenil de la Asociación Española de Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad SocialEste documento intenta reflejar algunos de los principales cambios y novedades del ordenamiento laboral español en 2013, levantando acta de cómo la mutabilidad de nuestro Derecho del Trabajo es imparable. Este informe, consciente de ello, ofrece una selección de elementos esenciales, a juicio de sus autores, especialistas en cada una de las materias, encuadrados en la Sección Juvenil de la Asociación Española de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. En él, conforme a la organización de dicha Sección en grupos de trabajo, se abordan las novedades más relevantes en materia de derechos fundamentales inespecíficos, contratación laboral, vicisitudes del contrato de trabajo, Derecho colectivo, conciliación y corresponsabilidad, protección social y prevención de riesgos laborales.This paper tries to show some of the many changes and novelties in Spanish Labour Law during 2013, drawing up a record of the unstoppable character of our Labour legal system. This report offers a selection of essential elements, according to its authors, all of them specialists in each one of the subjects, being part of the Young Scholars’ Section of the Spanish Association for Labour and Social Security Law. According to the organization of the said Section in working groups, we can find novelties concerning unspecific fundamental rights, work contracts, the life of the work contract and collective Labour Law, reconciliation and co responsibility, social protection and occupational risk preventio

    El derecho del trabajo y de la seguridad social en españa en 2018

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    En su quinta edición, el Informe “El Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social en España 2018” le ofrece una síntesis, que por concreta no es menos rigurosa, de los principales hitos por los que ha transitado el iuslaboralismo a lo largo del último año. En concreto, en las páginas que siguen, los expertos integrantes de la Sección Juvenil de la Asociación Española de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social (AEDTSS) analizan para usted, en primer lugar, las principales resoluciones europeas y nacionales en materia de igualad y no discriminación, acoso en sus más diversas manifestaciones, liberad religiosa y libertad de expresión. Asimismo, se abordan también las cuestiones relativas al empleo y la contratación, casi monopolizadas por el impacto de las plataformas y las consecuencias del caso de Diego. En materia de vicisitudes, sin perder importancia el despido colectivo, observará un cierto auge de los casos relativos a sucesión empresarial, movilidad funcional y empleo público. En el ámbito del derecho colectivo, además de analizarse el IV AENC, encontrará un estudio pormenorizado de las principales resoluciones en materia de libertad sindical, representación unitaria y ultraactividad. La sección relativa a conciliación y corresponsabilidad incluye este año como novedad un apartado relativo a violencia de género, al hilo de los avances normativos derivados del Real Decreto-ley 9/2018. Los epígrafes concernientes a la protección social y la prevención de riesgos laborales crecen de forma significativa en esta edición, lo que ha permitido abordar la evolución jurisprudencial para buena parte de las prestaciones y riesgos previstos en la Ley. Por último, las expertas del apartado de derecho procesal se han encargado de revisar a fondo los casos más significativos en el marco de las modalidades procesales especiales, con especial hincapié en el ámbito concursal. También han abordado la jurisprudencia constitucional más reciente sobre el de recurso de reposición. En suma, tienen ante usted un trabajo científico consolidado en el tiempo y sólido en cuanto al contenido, fiel reflejo de, a pesar del difícil contexto, el buen hacer de la joven doctrina iuslaboralista española

    El Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social en España en 2016. Sección Juvenil de la Asociación Española de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social

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    En su quinta edición, el Informe “El Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social en España 2018” le ofrece una síntesis, que por concreta no es menos rigurosa, de los principales hitos por los que ha transitado el iuslaboralismo a lo largo del último año. En concreto, en las páginas que siguen, los expertos integrantes de la Sección Juvenil de la Asociación Española de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social (AEDTSS) analizan para usted, en primer lugar, las principales resoluciones europeas y nacionales en materia de igualad y no discriminación, acoso en sus más diversas manifestaciones, liberad religiosa y libertad de expresión. Asimismo, se abordan también las cuestiones relativas al empleo y la contratación, casi monopolizadas por el impacto de las plataformas y las consecuencias del caso de Diego. En materia de vicisitudes, sin perder importancia el despido colectivo, observará un cierto auge de los casos relativos a sucesión empresarial, movilidad funcional y empleo público. En el ámbito del derecho colectivo, además de analizarse el IV AENC, encontrará un estudio pormenorizado de las principales resoluciones en materia de libertad sindical, representación unitaria y ultraactividad. La sección relativa a conciliación y corresponsabilidad incluye este año como novedad un apartado relativo a violencia de género, al hilo de los avances normativos derivados del Real Decreto-ley 9/2018. Los epígrafes concernientes a la protección social y la prevención de riesgos laborales crecen de forma significativa en esta edición, lo que ha permitido abordar la evolución jurisprudencial para buena parte de las prestaciones y riesgos previstos en la Ley. Por último, las expertas del apartado de derecho procesal se han encargado de revisar a fondo los casos más significativos en el marco de las modalidades procesales especiales, con especial hincapié en el ámbito concursal. También han abordado la jurisprudencia constitucional más reciente sobre el de recurso de reposición. En suma, tienen ante usted un trabajo científico consolidado en el tiempo y sólido en cuanto al contenido, fiel reflejo de, a pesar del difícil contexto, el buen hacer de la joven doctrina iuslaboralista española. The fifth edition of the report, "Labour and Social Security Law in Spain in 2018" analyses the key issues in the changing scenario of Labour Law and Social Security during last year. Elaborated by the Young Scholars’ Section of the Spanish Association of Labour and Social Security Law focuses on the following thematic blocks: non-specific fundamental rights; employment contracts and employment; issues related to employment relationship; collective rights; equality and co-responsibility; occupational risks prevention; and procedural law. In conclusion, you may find here a concrete but detailed analysis of the the main legal and case law novelties of Spanish Social Law

    The reference site collaborative network of the european innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing

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    Seventy four Reference Sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) have been recognised by the European Commission in 2016 for their commitment to excellence in investing and scaling up innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing. The Reference Site Collaborative Network (RSCN) brings together the EIP on AHA Reference Sites awarded by the European Commission, and Candidate Reference Sites into a single forum. The overarching goals are to promote cooperation, share and transfer good practice and solutions in the development and scaling up of health and care strategies, policies and service delivery models, while at the same time supporting the action groups in their work. The RSCN aspires to be recognized by the EU Commission as the principal forum and authority representing all EIP on AHA Reference Sites. The RSCN will contribute to achieve the goals of the EIP on AHA by improving health and care outcomes for citizens across Europe, and the development of sustainable economic growth and the creation of jobs

    70º Aniversario de la declaración universal de derechos humanos. La protección internacional de los Derechos Humanos en cuestión

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    Segundo volúmen de la Colección Perspectivas Iberoamericanas sobre la justicia. La Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas cumple, el 10 de diciembre de 2018, setenta años. La simbólica fecha obliga a los investigadores en derechos humanos a reflexionar críticamente sobre los avances y límites de un complejo sistema de normas y, sobre todo, de valores culturales sustentados en la matriz liberal occidental. Desde entonces, ha habido indiscutibles avances institucionales y normativos, como la creación del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, varios pactos y declaraciones complementarias, órganos específicos, tribunales internacionales, jurisprudencia, constituciones estatales, una infinidad de instituciones basadas en esta “ética mínima universal” que, contradictoriamente, no logró evitar un conjunto de catástrofes humanitarias y de vulneración de derechos. La primera década del siglo XX trae un reflejo limitante al consenso de la posguerra, pues la agresividad de los Estados hegemónicos, en alianza con intereses privados transnacionales, pone en jaque la capacidad del sistema protector frente a guerras humanitarias e internacionales. tratados económicos de nueva generación aquellos que excluyen por completo a la democracia del proceso de negociación.A Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas completa, em 10 de diciembre de 2018, setenta años. A data simbólica exige dos pesquisadores em direitos humanos uma reflexão crítica a respeito dos avanços y dos limites de um sistema complexo de normas e, principalmente, de valores culturales apoiados na matriz liberal ocidental. De lá para cá, houve indiscutível avanço institucional e normativo, do qual é exemplo a criação do Conselho de Direitos Humanos, diversos pactos e declarações complementarios, órgão específicos, tribunais internacionais, jurisprudência, constituições dos States, uma infinidade de instituições pautadas nesse “mínimo ético universal” que, contraditoriamente, não conseguiu evitar um conjunto de catástrofes humanitárias e de violação de direitos. A primeira década do século XX traz uma reflexão limite para o consenso do pós-guerra, pois a agressividade dos States hegemônicos, em aliança com interesses private transnacionais, põe em check a capacidade do sistema protectivo diante das guerras humanitárias e dos tratados internacionais econômicos de nueva generación aqueles que excluem completamente a democracia do processo negociador

    Developing a Diagnostic Multivariable Prediction Model for Urinary Tract Cancer in Patients Referred with Haematuria: Results from the IDENTIFY Collaborative Study

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    377siBackground: Patient factors associated with urinary tract cancer can be used to risk stratify patients referred with haematuria, prioritising those with a higher risk of cancer for prompt investigation. Objective: To develop a prediction model for urinary tract cancer in patients referred with haematuria. Design, setting, and participants: A prospective observational study was conducted in 10 282 patients from 110 hospitals across 26 countries, aged ≥16 yr and referred to secondary care with haematuria. Patients with a known or previous urological malignancy were excluded. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: The primary outcomes were the presence or absence of urinary tract cancer (bladder cancer, upper tract urothelial cancer [UTUC], and renal cancer). Mixed-effect multivariable logistic regression was performed with site and country as random effects and clinically important patient-level candidate predictors, chosen a priori, as fixed effects. Predictors were selected primarily using clinical reasoning, in addition to backward stepwise selection. Calibration and discrimination were calculated, and bootstrap validation was performed to calculate optimism. Results and limitations: The unadjusted prevalence was 17.2% (n = 1763) for bladder cancer, 1.20% (n = 123) for UTUC, and 1.00% (n = 103) for renal cancer. The final model included predictors of increased risk (visible haematuria, age, smoking history, male sex, and family history) and reduced risk (previous haematuria investigations, urinary tract infection, dysuria/suprapubic pain, anticoagulation, catheter use, and previous pelvic radiotherapy). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the final model was 0.86 (95% confidence interval 0.85-0.87). The model is limited to patients without previous urological malignancy. Conclusions: This cancer prediction model is the first to consider established and novel urinary tract cancer diagnostic markers. It can be used in secondary care for risk stratifying patients and aid the clinician's decision-making process in prioritising patients for investigation. Patient summary: We have developed a tool that uses a person's characteristics to determine the risk of cancer if that person develops blood in the urine (haematuria). This can be used to help prioritise patients for further investigation.noneopenKhadhouri, Sinan; Gallagher, Kevin M.; MacKenzie, Kenneth R.; Shah, Taimur T.; Gao, Chuanyu; Moore, Sacha; Zimmermann, Eleanor F.; Edison, Eric; Jefferies, Matthew; Nambiar, Arjun; Anbarasan, Thineskrishna; Mannas, Miles P.; Lee, Taeweon; Marra, Giancarlo; Gómez Rivas, Juan; Marcq, Gautier; Assmus, Mark A.; Uçar, Taha; Claps, Francesco; Boltri, Matteo; La Montagna, Giuseppe; Burnhope, Tara; Nkwam, Nkwam; Austin, Tomas; Boxall, Nicholas E.; Downey, Alison P.; Sukhu, Troy A.; Antón-Juanilla, Marta; Rai, Sonpreet; Chin, Yew-Fung; Moore, Madeline; Drake, Tamsin; Green, James S.A.; Goulao, Beatriz; MacLennan, Graeme; Nielsen, Matthew; McGrath, John S.; Kasivisvanathan, Veeru; Chaudry, Aasem; Sharma, Abhishek; Bennett, Adam; Ahmad, Adnan; Abroaf, Ahmed; Suliman, Ahmed Musa; Lloyd, Aimee; McKay, Alastair; Wong, Albert; Silva, Alberto; Schneider, Alexandre; MacKay, Alison; Knight, Allen; Grigorakis, Alkiviadis; Bdesha, Amar; Nagle, Amy; Cebola, Ana; Dhanasekaran, Ananda Kumar; Kondža, Andraž; Barcelos, André; Galosi, Andrea Benedetto; Ebur, Andrea; Minervini, Andrea; Russell, Andrew; Webb, Andrew; de Jalón, Ángel García; Desai, Ankit; Czech, Anna Katarzyna; Mainwaring, Anna; Adimonye, Anthony; Das, Arighno; Figueiredo, Arnaldo; Villers, Arnauld; Leminski, Artur; Chippagiri, Arvinda; Lal, Asim Ahmed; Yıldırım, Asıf; Voulgaris, Athanasios Marios; Uzan, Audrey; Oo, Aye Moh Moh; Younis, Ayman; Zelhof, Bachar; Mukhtar, Bashir; Ayres, Ben; Challacombe, Ben; Sherwood, Benedict; Ristau, Benjamin; Lai, Billy; Nellensteijn, Brechtje; Schreiter, Brielle; Trombetta, Carlo; Dowling, Catherine; Hobbs, Catherine; Benitez, Cayo Augusto Estigarribia; Lebacle, Cédric; Ho, Cherrie Wing Yin; Ng, Chi-Fai; Mount, Chloe; Lam, Chon Meng; Blick, Chris; Brown, Christian; Gallegos, Christopher; Higgs, Claire; Browne, Clíodhna; McCann, Conor; Plaza Alonso, Cristina; Beder, Daniel; Cohen, Daniel; Gordon, Daniel; Wilby, Daniel; Gordon, Danny; Hrouda, David; Lau, David Hua Wu; Karsza, Dávid; Mak, David; Martin-Way, David; Suthaharan, Denula; Patel, Dhruv; Carrion, Diego M; Nyanhongo, Donald; Bass, Edward; Mains, Edward; Chau, Edwin; Canelon Castillo, Elba; Day, Elizabeth; Desouky, Elsayed; Gaines, Emily; Papworth, Emma; Yuruk, Emrah; Kilic, Enes; Dinneen, Eoin; Palagonia, Erika; Xylinas, Evanguelos; Khawaja, Faizan; Cimarra, Fernando; Bardet, Florian; Kum, Francesca; Peters, Francesca; Kovács, Gábor; Tanasescu, Geroge; Hellawell, Giles; Tasso, Giovanni; Lam, Gitte; La Montagna, Giuseppe; Pizzuto, Giuseppe; Lenart, Gordan; MacLennan, Graeme; Özgür, Günal; Bi, Hai; Lyons, Hannah; Warren, Hannah; Ahmed, Hashim; Simpson, Helen; Burden, Helena; Gresty, Helena; Rios Pita, Hernado; Clarke, Holly; Serag, Hosam; Kynaston, Howard; Crawford-Smith, Hugh; Mostafid, Hugh; Otaola-Arca, Hugo; Koo, Hui Fen; Ibrahim, Ibrahim; Ouzaid, Idir; Puche-Sanz, Ignacio; Tomašković, Igor; Tinay, Ilker; Sahibzada, Iqbal; Thangasamy, Isaac; Cadena, Iván Revelo; Irani, Jacques; Udzik, Jakub; Brittain, James; Catto, James; Green, James; Tweedle, James; Hernando, Jamie Borrego; Leask, Jamie; Kalsi, Jas; Frankel, Jason; Toniolo, Jason; Raman, Jay D.; Courcier, Jean; Kumaradeevan, Jeevan; Clark, Jennifer; Jones, Jennifer; Teoh, Jeremy Yuen-Chun; Iacovou, John; Kelly, John; Selph, John P.; Aning, Jonathan; Deeks, Jon; Cobley, Jonathan; Olivier, Jonathan; Maw, Jonny; Herranz-Yagüe, José Antonio; Nolazco, Jose Ignacio; Cózar-Olmo, Jose Manuel; Bagley, Joseph; Jelski, Joseph; Norris, Joseph; Testa, Joseph; Meeks, Joshua; Hernandez, Juan; Vásquez, Juan Luis; Randhawa, Karen; Dhera, Karishma; Gronostaj, Katarzyna; Houlton, Kathleen; Lehman, Kathleen; Gillams, Kathryn; Adasonla, Kelvin; Brown, Kevin; Murtagh, Kevin; Mistry, Kiki; Davenport, Kim; Kitamura, Kosuke; Derbyshire, Laura; Clarke, Laurence; Morton, Lawrie; Martinez, Levin; Goldsmith, Louise; Paramore, Louise; Cormier, Luc; Dell'Atti, Lucio; Simmons, Lucy; Martinez-Piñeiro, Luis; Rico, Luis; Chan, Luke; Forster, Luke; Ma, Lulin; Moore, Madeline; Gallego, Maria Camacho; Freire, Maria José; Emberton, Mark; Feneley, Mark; Antón-Juanilla, Marta; Rivero, Marta Viridiana Muñoz; Pirša, Matea; Tallè, Matteo; Crockett, Matthew; Liew, Matthew; Trail, Matthew; Peters, Max; Cooper, Meghan; Kulkarni, Meghana; Ager, Michael; He, Ming; Li, Mo; Omran Breish, Mohamed; Tarin, Mohamed; Aldiwani, Mohammed; Matanhelia, Mudit; Pasha, Muhammad; Akalın, Mustafa Kaan; Abdullah, Nasreen; Hale, Nathan; Gadiyar, Neha; Kocher, Neil; Bullock, Nicholas; Campain, Nicholas; Pavan, Nicola; Al-Ibraheem, Nihad; Bhatt, Nikita; Bedi, Nishant; Shrotri, Nitin; Lobo, Niyati; Balderas, Olga; Kouli, Omar; Capoun, Otakar; Oteo Manjavacas, Pablo; Gontero, Paolo; Mariappan, Paramananthan; Marchiñena, Patricio Garcia; Erotocritou, Paul; Sweeney, Paul; Planelles, Paula; Acher, Peter; Black, Peter C.; Osei-Bonsu, Peter K; Østergren, Peter; Smith, Peter; Willemse, Peter-Paul Michiel; Chlosta, Piotr L.; Ul Ain, Qurrat; Barratt, Rachel; Esler, Rachel; Khalid, Raihan; Hsu, Ray; Stamirowski, Remigiusz; Mangat, Reshma; Cruz, Ricardo; Ellis, Ricky; Adams, Robert; Hessell, Robert; Oomen, Robert J.A.; McConkey, Robert; Ritchie, Robert; Jarimba, Roberto; Chahal, Rohit; Andres, Rosado Mario; Hawkins, Rosalyn; David, Rotimi; Manecksha, Rustom P.; Agrawal, Sachin; Hamid, Syed Sami; Deem, Samuel; Goonewardene, Sanchia; Swami, Satchi Kuchibhotla; Hori, Satoshi; Khan, Shahid; Mohammud Inder, Shakeel; Sangaralingam, Shanthi; Marathe, Shekhar; Raveenthiran, Sheliyan; Horie, Shigeo; Sengupta, Shomik; Parson, Sian; Parker, Sidney; Hawlina, Simon; Williams, Simon; Mazzoli, Simone; Grzegorz Kata, Slawomir; Pinheiro Lopes, Sofia; Ramos, Sónia; Rai, Sonpreet; Rintoul-Hoad, Sophie; O'Meara, Sorcha; Morris, Steve; Turner, Stacey; Venturini, Stefano; Almpanis, Stephanos; Joniau, Steven; Jain, Sunjay; Mallett, Susan; Nikles, Sven; Shahzad, null; Yan, Sylvia; Lee, Taeweon; Uçar, Taha; Drake, Tamsin; Toma, Tarq; Cabañuz Plo, Teresa; Bonnin, Thierry; Muilwijk, Tim; Wollin, Tim; Chu, Timothy Shun Man; Appanna, Timson; Brophy, Tom; Ellul, Tom; Austin, Tomas; Smrkolj, Tomaž; Rowe, Tracey; Sukhu, Troy; Patel, Trushar; Garg, Tullika; Çaşkurlu, Turhan; Bele, Uros; Haroon, Usman; Crespo-Atín, Víctor; Parejo Cortes, Victor; Capapé Poves, Victoria; Gnanapragasam, Vincent; Gauhar, Vineet; During, Vinnie; Kumar, Vivek; Fiala, Vojtech; Mahmalji, Wasim; Lam, Wayne; Fung Chin, Yew; Filtekin, Yigit; Chyn Phan, Yih; Ibrahim, Youssed; Glaser, Zachary A; Abiddin, Zainal Adwin; Qin, Zijian; Zotter, Zsuzsanna; Zainuddin, ZulkifliKhadhouri, Sinan; Gallagher, Kevin M.; Mackenzie, Kenneth R.; Shah, Taimur T.; Gao, Chuanyu; Moore, Sacha; Zimmermann, Eleanor F.; Edison, Eric; Jefferies, Matthew; Nambiar, Arjun; Anbarasan, Thineskrishna; Mannas, Miles P.; Lee, Taeweon; Marra, Giancarlo; Gómez Rivas, Juan; Marcq, Gautier; Assmus, Mark A.; Uçar, Taha; Claps, Francesco; Boltri, Matteo; La Montagna, Giuseppe; Burnhope, Tara; Nkwam, Nkwam; Austin, Tomas; Boxall, Nicholas E.; Downey, Alison P.; Sukhu, Troy A.; Antón-Juanilla, Marta; Rai, Sonpreet; Chin, Yew-Fung; Moore, Madeline; Drake, Tamsin; Green, James S. A.; Goulao, Beatriz; Maclennan, Graeme; Nielsen, Matthew; Mcgrath, John S.; Kasivisvanathan, Veeru; Chaudry, Aasem; Sharma, Abhishek; Bennett, Adam; Ahmad, Adnan; Abroaf, Ahmed; Suliman, Ahmed Musa; Lloyd, Aimee; Mckay, Alastair; Wong, Albert; Silva, Alberto; Schneider, Alexandre; Mackay, Alison; Knight, Allen; Grigorakis, Alkiviadis; Bdesha, Amar; Nagle, Amy; Cebola, Ana; Dhanasekaran, Ananda Kumar; Kondža, Andraž; Barcelos, André; Galosi, Andrea Benedetto; Ebur, Andrea; Minervini, Andrea; Russell, Andrew; Webb, Andrew; de Jalón, Ángel García; Desai, Ankit; Czech, Anna Katarzyna; Mainwaring, Anna; Adimonye, Anthony; Das, Arighno; Figueiredo, Arnaldo; Villers, Arnauld; Leminski, Artur; Chippagiri, Arvinda; Lal, Asim Ahmed; Yıldırım, Asıf; Voulgaris, Athanasios Marios; Uzan, Audrey; Oo, Aye Moh Moh; Younis, Ayman; Zelhof, Bachar; Mukhtar, Bashir; Ayres, Ben; Challacombe, Ben; Sherwood, Benedict; Ristau, Benjamin; Lai, Billy; Nellensteijn, Brechtje; Schreiter, Brielle; Trombetta, Carlo; Dowling, Catherine; Hobbs, Catherine; Benitez, Cayo Augusto Estigarribia; Lebacle, Cédric; Ho, Cherrie Wing Yin; Ng, Chi-Fai; Mount, Chloe; Lam, Chon Meng; Blick, Chris; Brown, Christian; Gallegos, Christopher; Higgs, Claire; Browne, Clíodhna; Mccann, Conor; Plaza Alonso, Cristina; Beder, Daniel; Cohen, Daniel; Gordon, Daniel; Wilby, Daniel; Gordon, Danny; Hrouda, David; Lau, David Hua Wu; Karsza, Dávid; Mak, David; Martin-Way, David; Suthaharan, Denula; Patel, Dhruv; Carrion, Diego M; Nyanhongo, Donald; Bass, Edward; Mains, Edward; Chau, Edwin; Canelon Castillo, Elba; Day, Elizabeth; Desouky, Elsayed; Gaines, Emily; Papworth, Emma; Yuruk, Emrah; Kilic, Enes; Dinneen, Eoin; Palagonia, Erika; Xylinas, Evanguelos; Khawaja, Faizan; Cimarra, Fernando; Bardet, Florian; Kum, Francesca; Peters, Francesca; Kovács, Gábor; Tanasescu, Geroge; Hellawell, Giles; Tasso, Giovanni; Lam, Gitte; La Montagna, Giuseppe; Pizzuto, Giuseppe; Lenart, Gordan; Maclennan, Graeme; Özgür, Günal; Bi, Hai; Lyons, Hannah; Warren, Hannah; Ahmed, Hashim; Simpson, Helen; Burden, Helena; Gresty, Helena; Rios Pita, Hernado; Clarke, Holly; Serag, Hosam; Kynaston, Howard; Crawford-Smith, Hugh; Mostafid, Hugh; Otaola-Arca, Hugo; Koo, Hui Fen; Ibrahim, Ibrahim; Ouzaid, Idir; Puche-Sanz, Ignacio; Tomašković, Igor; Tinay, Ilker; Sahibzada, Iqbal; Thangasamy, Isaac; Cadena, Iván Revelo; Irani, Jacques; Udzik, Jakub; Brittain, James; Catto, James; Green, James; Tweedle, James; Hernando, Jamie Borrego; Leask, Jamie; Kalsi, Jas; Frankel, Jason; Toniolo, Jason; Raman, Jay D.; Courcier, Jean; Kumaradeevan, Jeevan; Clark, Jennifer; Jones, Jennifer; Teoh, Jeremy Yuen-Chun; Iacovou, John; Kelly, John; Selph, John P.; Aning, Jonathan; Deeks, Jon; Cobley, Jonathan; Olivier, Jonathan; Maw, Jonny; Herranz-Yagüe, José Antonio; Nolazco, Jose Ignacio; Cózar-Olmo, Jose Manuel; Bagley, Joseph; Jelski, Joseph; Norris, Joseph; Testa, Joseph; Meeks, Joshua; Hernandez, Juan; Vásquez, Juan Luis; Randhawa, Karen; Dhera, Karishma; Gronostaj, Katarzyna; Houlton, Kathleen; Lehman, Kathleen; Gillams, Kathryn; Adasonla, Kelvin; Brown, Kevin; Murtagh, Kevin; Mistry, Kiki; Davenport, Kim; Kitamura, Kosuke; Derbyshire, Laura; Clarke, Laurence; Morton, Lawrie; Martinez, Levin; Goldsmith, Louise; Paramore, Louise; Cormier, Luc; Dell'Atti, Lucio; Simmons, Lucy; Martinez-Piñeiro, Luis; Rico, Luis; Chan, Luke; Forster, Luke; Ma, Lulin; Moore, Madeline; Gallego, Maria Camacho; Freire, Maria José; Emberton, Mark; Feneley, Mark; Antón-Juanilla, Marta; Rivero, Marta Viridiana Muñoz; Pirša, Matea; Tallè, Matteo; Crockett, Matthew; Liew, Matthew; Trail, Matthew; Peters, Max; Cooper, Meghan; Kulkarni, Meghana; Ager, Michael; He, Ming; Li, Mo; Omran Breish, Mohamed; Tarin, Mohamed; Aldiwani, Mohammed; Matanhelia, Mudit; Pasha, Muhammad; Akalın, Mustafa Kaan; Abdullah, Nasreen; Hale, Nathan; Gadiyar, Neha; Kocher, Neil; Bullock, Nicholas; Campain, Nicholas; Pavan, Nicola; Al-Ibraheem, Nihad; Bhatt, Nikita; Bedi, Nishant; Shrotri, Nitin; Lobo, Niyati; Balderas, Olga; Kouli, Omar; Capoun, Otakar; Oteo Manjavacas, Pablo; Gontero, Paolo; Mariappan, Paramananthan; Marchiñena, Patricio Garcia; Erotocritou, Paul; Sweeney, Paul; Planelles, Paula; Acher, Peter; Black, Peter C.; Osei-Bonsu, Peter K; Østergren, Peter; Smith, Peter; Willemse, Peter-Paul Michiel; Chlosta, Piotr L.; Ul Ain, Qurrat; Barratt, Rachel; Esler, Rachel; Khalid, Raihan; Hsu, Ray; Stamirowski, Remigiusz; Mangat, Reshma; Cruz, Ricardo; Ellis, Ricky; Adams, Robert; Hessell, Robert; Oomen, Robert J. A.; Mcconkey, Robert; Ritchie, Robert; Jarimba, Roberto; Chahal, Rohit; Andres, Rosado Mario; Hawkins, Rosalyn; David, Rotimi; Manecksha, Rustom P.; Agrawal, Sachin; Hamid, Syed Sami; Deem, Samuel; Goonewardene, Sanchia; Swami, Satchi Kuchibhotla; Hori, Satoshi; Khan, Shahid; Mohammud Inder, Shakeel; Sangaralingam, Shanthi; Marathe, Shekhar; Raveenthiran, Sheliyan; Horie, Shigeo; Sengupta, Shomik; Parson, Sian; Parker, Sidney; Hawlina, Simon; Williams, Simon; Mazzoli, Simone; Grzegorz Kata, Slawomir; Pinheiro Lopes, Sofia; Ramos, Sónia; Rai, Sonpreet; Rintoul-Hoad, Sophie; O'Meara, Sorcha; Morris, Steve; Turner, Stacey; Venturini, Stefano; Almpanis, Stephanos; Joniau, Steven; Jain, Sunjay; Mallett, Susan; Nikles, Sven; Shahzad, Null; Yan, Sylvia; Lee, Taeweon; Uçar, Taha; Drake, Tamsin; Toma, Tarq; Cabañuz Plo, Teresa; Bonnin, Thierry; Muilwijk, Tim; Wollin, Tim; Chu, Timothy Shun Man; Appanna, Timson; Brophy, Tom; Ellul, Tom; Austin, Tomas; Smrkolj, Tomaž; Rowe, Tracey; Sukhu, Troy; Patel, Trushar; Garg, Tullika; Çaşkurlu, Turhan; Bele, Uros; Haroon, Usman; Crespo-Atín, Víctor; Parejo Cortes, Victor; Capapé Poves, Victoria; Gnanapragasam, Vincent; Gauhar, Vineet; During, Vinnie; Kumar, Vivek; Fiala, Vojtech; Mahmalji, Wasim; Lam, Wayne; Fung Chin, Yew; Filtekin, Yigit; Chyn Phan, Yih; Ibrahim, Youssed; Glaser, Zachary A; Abiddin, Zainal Adwin; Qin, Zijian; Zotter, Zsuzsanna; Zainuddin, Zulkifl