73 research outputs found

    Joint constraints on galaxy bias and σ8\sigma_8 through the N-pdf of the galaxy number density

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    We present a full description of the N-probability density function of the galaxy number density fluctuations. This N-pdf is given in terms, on the one hand, of the cold dark matter correlations and, on the other hand, of the galaxy bias parameter. The method relies on the assumption commonly adopted that the dark matter density fluctuations follow a local non-linear transformation of the initial energy density perturbations. The N-pdf of the galaxy number density fluctuations allows for an optimal estimation of the bias parameter (e.g., via maximum-likelihood estimation, or Bayesian inference if there exists any a priori information on the bias parameter), and of those parameters defining the dark matter correlations, in particular its amplitude (σ8\sigma_8). It also provides the proper framework to perform model selection between two competitive hypotheses. The parameters estimation capabilities of the N-pdf are proved by SDSS-like simulations (both ideal log-normal simulations and mocks obtained from Las Damas simulations), showing that our estimator is unbiased. We apply our formalism to the 7th release of the SDSS main sample (for a volume-limited subset with absolute magnitudes Mr20M_r \leq -20). We obtain b^=1.193±0.074\hat{b} = 1.193 \pm 0.074 and σ8^=0.862±0.080\hat{\sigma_8} = 0.862 \pm 0.080, for galaxy number density fluctuations in cells of a size of 30h130h^{-1}Mpc. Different model selection criteria show that galaxy biasing is clearly favoured.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. v2: Substantial revision, adding the joint constraints with \sigma_8 and testing with Las Damas mocks. Matches version accepted for publication in JCA

    Conformable Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions

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    Recently, the conformable derivative and its properties have been introduced. In this paper, we propose and prove some new results on the conformable multivariable fractional calculus. We introduce a conformable version of classical Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions. Furthermore, we are extending the aforementioned result for higher-order partial derivatives

    Cosmología Fractal

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    Los fractales han sido y son una herramienta muy útil para describir la distribución de galaxias en el Universo. En este artículo se hace un breve resumen de la teoría de fractales y su aplicación a la distribución de galaxias observada.Proyecto Alhambra. Estudio Sistemático de la Evolución Cósmica. (C-Consolider, AYA2006-14056

    Solving systems of conformable linear differential equations via the conformable exponential matrix

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    In this research paper, we discuss systems of conformable linear differential equations. The conformable fundamental exponential matrix has been used to express the solution of the homogeneous and nonhomogeneous systems. The method of variation of parameters has been investigated to find the particular solution of the conformable system of nonhomogeneous linear differential equations. Several illustrative examples have been provided at the end of our study to validate all obtained results

    Novel results on conformable Bessel functions

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    Novel results on conformable Bessel functions are proposed in this study. We complete this study by proposing and proving certain properties of the Bessel functions of first order involving their conformable derivatives or their zeros. We also establish the orthogonality of such functions in the interval [0,1]. This study is essential due to the importance of these functions while modeling various physical and natural phenomena

    New results on complex conformable integral

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    A new theory of analytic functions has been recently introduced in the sense of conformable fractional derivative. In addition, the concept of fractional contour integral has also been developed. In this paper, we propose and prove some new results on complex fractional integration. First, we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for a continuous function to have antiderivative in the conformable sense. Finally, some of the well-known Cauchy′s integral theorems will also be the subject of the extension that we do in this paper

    Crop coefficients and transpiration of a super intensive Arbequina olive orchard using the dual Kc approach and the Kcb computation with thr fraction of ground cover and height

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    ArticleThe SIMDualKc model was used to simulate crop water requirements for a super high density olive orchard in the region of Alentejo, Portugal. This model uses the dual crop coefficient approach to estimate and partitioning the actual crop evapotranspiration (ETc act) and therefore to perform the soil water balance. The model was calibrated with 2011 tree transpiration using trunk sap flow measurements and was validated using similar data from 2012 and tested with 2013 data. Low root mean square errors (RMSE < 0.53 mm d 1) and acceptable modelling efficiency indicators (EF > 0.25) were obtained. Further validation was performed comparing modelled ETc act with eddy covariance measurements. These indicators support the appropriateness of using SIMDualKc to guide irrigation management. The basal crop coefficient (Kcb) curves obtained with SIMDualKc for those 3 years were compared with the Kcb values computed with the Allen and Pereira approach (A&P approach) where Kcb is estimated from the fraction of ground cover and plant height considering an adjustment factor for crop stomatal control (Fr). Fr values were obtained through a trial and error procedure through comparing the Kcb estimated with this approach and with SIMDualKc. The Kcb curves obtained by both methods resulted highly correlated, which indicates that the A&P approach may be used in the irrigation management practice to estimate crop water requirements. Results of performing the soil water balance with SIMDualKc have shown that soil evaporation is a large fraction of ETc act, varying between 41% and 45% for the 3 years under study. Irrigation, applied with a drip system, represented 39 to 56% of ETc act, which shows the great importance of irrigation to achieve the water requirements of super intensive olive orchards. Nevertheless, the analysis has shown that the irrigation management adopted at the orchard produces a water deficit larger than desirable, with a ratio of ETc act to non-stressed crop evapotranspiration (ETc) varying from 70% to 94% during the mid-season, when that ratio for a eustress irrigation management could be around 90%info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Novel investigation of multivariable conformable calculus for modeling scientific phenomena

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    New investigation on the conformable version (CoV) of multivariable calculus is proposed. The conformable derivative (CoD) of a real-valued function (RVF) of several variables (SVs) and all related properties are investigated. An extension to vector-valued functions (VVFs) of several real variables (SRVs) is studied in this work. The CoV of chain rule (CR) for functions of SVs is also introduced. At the end, the CoV of implicit function theorem (IFThm) for SVs is established. All results in this work can be potentially applied in studying various modeling scenarios in physical oceanography such as Stommel’s box model of thermohaline circulation and other related models where all our results can provide a new analysis and computational tool to investigate these models or their modified formulations

    Evapotranspiration and crop coefficients for a super intensive olive orchard. An application of SIMDualKc and METRIC models using ground and satellite observations

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    The estimation of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and a standard crop coefficient (Kc) in olive orchards requires that the latter be adjusted to planting density and height. The use of the dual Kc approach may be the best solution because the basal crop coefficient Kcb represents plant transpiration and the evaporation coefficient reproduces the soil coverage conditions and the frequency of wettings. To support related computations for a super intensive olive orchard, the model SIMDualKc was adopted because it uses the dual Kc approach. Alternatively, to consider the physical characteristics of the vegetation, the satellite-based surface energy balance model METRIC™ – Mapping EvapoTranspiration at high Resolution using Internalized Calibration – was used to estimate ETc and to derive crop coefficients. Both approaches were compared in this study. SIMDualKc model was calibrated and validated using sap-flow measurements of the transpiration for 2011 and 2012. In addition, eddy covariance estimation of ETc was also used. In the current study, METRIC™ was applied to Landsat images from 2011 to 2012. Adaptations for incomplete cover woody crops were required to parameterize METRIC. It was observed that ETc obtained from both approaches was similar and that crop coefficients derived from both models showed similar patterns throughout the year. Although the two models use distinct approaches, their results are comparable and they are complementary in spatial and temporal scalesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Funcionamiento familiar y proyecto de vida en adolescentes de la institución educativa “José Carlos Mariátegui” de Sausal 2014.

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    El presente estudio descriptivo correlacional, se realizó con el propósito de determinar la relación entre el funcionamiento familiar y el proyecto de vida en adolescentes de la Institución Educativa “José Carlos Mariátegui” de Sausal en el año 2014. El universo muestral estuvo conformado por 182 adolescentes. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos, el primero fue para medir el funcionamiento familiar y el segundo para evaluar el proyecto de vida. Obteniendo los siguientes resultados: el 74.7% tienen familia funcional y el 25.3% familia disfuncional. En relación al proyecto de vida, el 53.8% tienen proyecto de vida pero no ejecutan, el 36.3% tienen y ejecutan su proyecto de vida y el 9.9% tienen noción de proyecto de vida. Así mismo se encontró que los adolescentes que presentan un funcionamiento familiar funcional el 53.7% tienen un proyecto de vida pero no lo ejecutan, el 41.2% tienen y ejecutan un proyecto de vida y el 5.1% tienen noción del proyecto de vida; mientras que los adolescentes que presentaron funcionamiento familiar disfuncional, el 54.3% tienen un proyecto de vida pero no lo ejecutan, el 23.9% tienen noción del proyecto de vida y el 21.7% tienen y ejecutan un proyecto de vida, Existe una relación significativa de p<0.05.His correlational descriptive study was conducted in order to determine the relationship between family functioning and adolescent life project of School "Jose Carlos Mariategui" of Sausal in 2014. The sample universe consisted of 182 adolescents. Two instruments were used, the first was to measure family functioning and the second to assess the project life. With the following results: 74.7% had functional family and 25.3% dysfunctional family. Regarding the project life, 53.8% have life plan but not implemented, and 36.3% had run their life project and 9.9% have no notion of life projects. It also found that teens who have a functional family functioning 53.7% have a life but not executed, and 41.2% had run a life and 5.1% have no notion of the life project; while teens who had dysfunctional family functioning, 54.3% had a life but do not run, 23.9% had notion of life projects and 21.7% had a life running, There is a significant relationship of p <0.05.Tesi