1,622 research outputs found

    Raman spectroscopy meets organic biradicals. Study of a new diindeno [B,I] anthracene derivative

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    Comunicación oral a congresoIn recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the study of open-shell polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Among them, biradicals exhibit attractive electronic, magnetic and optical properties which make them promising candidates for a wide range of applications in organic electronics, such as nonlinear optics, molecular spintronics, energy storage and organic photovoltaic devices sensitized by singlet fission. Despite all the promising properties of open-shell PAHs, a common drawback still needs to be overcome: the high reactivity of radicals, which implies that most open-shell species tend to be too short-lived for practical aplications and even for characterization [1]. In this regard, Raman spectroscopy has shown to be a suitable tool for studying this kind of molecular systems, being able to provide valuable information. This work reports the study of a new biradical, diindeno[b,i]anthracene (DIAn)[2], [3] , highlighting the crucial role played by Raman Spectroscopy in the characterization of the ground electronic state as well as in the rationalization of the ambipolar behavior shown in OFETs. To this end, neutral and charged species has been studied by Raman spectroscopy as a function of excitation wavelength, temperatura and pressure.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Decoupling Application Intelligence and its Orchestration on IoT Devices

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    The current methodology for developing applications using machine learning in IoT devices presents serious issues of scalability due to the tight coupling between intelligence (machine learning) Services on the one hand, and applications on the other hand. The main issue is the lack of life cycle management features increasing the required efforts for deploying new intelligence in devices. This thesis aims to solve this problem by developing an Intelligence Layer that enables decoupling the Intelligence Services from applications. This thesis describes the Intelligence Layer idea from the point of view of how intelligence orchestration should be performed and how to implement the intelligent functionality, taking into account communication protocols, security, availability and authorization. This research focuses on the IoT area and it introduces a local intelligence orchestration prototype. This prototype relies on technologies such as Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) to implement the Intelligent components, Inter-Process Communication (IPC) and Android as the desired platform. The main conclusion of the research is that the Intelligence decoupling can be achieved by the proposed Intelligence Layer. Nevertheless, the IoT scope and its applications are wide, therefore the Intelligence Layer approach should be flexible enough to adapt in order to meet various application requirements. In addition, this research is not complete due to the lack of time and available IntelligentServices to test and improve the orchestration explained on this thesis, therefore the author recommends to develop more Intelligent Services to test more cases and improve the approach

    Dynamic Binary Translation for Embedded Systems with Scratchpad Memory

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    Embedded software development has recently changed with advances in computing. Rather than fully co-designing software and hardware to perform a relatively simple task, nowadays embedded and mobile devices are designed as a platform where multiple applications can be run, new applications can be added, and existing applications can be updated. In this scenario, traditional constraints in embedded systems design (i.e., performance, memory and energy consumption and real-time guarantees) are more difficult to address. New concerns (e.g., security) have become important and increase software complexity as well. In general-purpose systems, Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT) has been used to address these issues with services such as Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, dynamic optimization, virtualization, power management and code security. In embedded systems, however, DBT is not usually employed due to performance, memory and power overhead. This dissertation presents StrataX, a low-overhead DBT framework for embedded systems. StrataX addresses the challenges faced by DBT in embedded systems using novel techniques. To reduce DBT overhead, StrataX loads code from NAND-Flash storage and translates it into a Scratchpad Memory (SPM), a software-managed on-chip SRAM with limited capacity. SPM has similar access latency as a hardware cache, but consumes less power and chip area. StrataX manages SPM as a software instruction cache, and employs victim compression and pinning to reduce retranslation cost and capture frequently executed code in the SPM. To prevent performance loss due to excessive code expansion, StrataX minimizes the amount of code inserted by DBT to maintain control of program execution. When a hardware instruction cache is available, StrataX dynamically partitions translated code among the SPM and main memory. With these techniques, StrataX has low performance overhead relative to native execution for MiBench programs. Further, it simplifies embedded software and hardware design by operating transparently to applications without any special hardware support. StrataX achieves sufficiently low overhead to make it feasible to use DBT in embedded systems to address important design goals and requirements

    Quiz Games as a model for Information Hiding

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    We present a general computation model inspired in the notion of information hiding in software engineering. This model has the form of a game which we call quiz game. It allows in a uniform way to prove exponential lower bounds for several complexity problems of elimination theory.Comment: 46 pages, to appear in Journal of Complexit

    Capacity and Energy Local Flexibility Markets for Imbalance and Congestion Management

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    Local Flexibility Markets (LFMs) are a type of marketplace where flexibility products are traded to solve network issues. In the last several years, efforts were made in the field of LFM for imbalance and congestion management, but they only trade with energy products with highly complex mathematical descriptions. This paper presents a description of an efficient LFM formulation where both capacity and energy products are considered through a linear programming (LP) optimization problem to clear the LFM in a centralized manner. It is assumed that flexibility assets present in the distribution network are managed by Aggregators (Aggs). Results from this centralized approach are provided under three different scenarios, demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed approach to solve network issues at a distribution levelUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Coordinated Trading of Capacity and Balancing Products in Multi-Area Local Flexibility Markets.

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    In a scenario with high penetration of renewable and distributed energy resources, Local Flexibility Markets (LFMs) emerge to enhance operation of distribution networks. They deal with new consumption patterns, flexibility, and storage systems to mitigate imbalances and congestions. In recent years, efforts toward the definition of stand-alone LFMs have been made, enabling energy trading in isolated systems. This paper present an alternative solution for congestion and imbalance mitigation using capacity and balancing flexibility products. Products prices are defined considering their intrinsic relation with traditional markets, what enhances compatibility and enables full deployment of this local structures. Besides of that, using the properties of an adaptive ADMM algorithm, the market clearing problem is solved under a Multi-Area setting while information privacy is preserved. The feasibility of the proposed approach is demonstrated on a radial network based on the IEEE 34 bus system, where the solution for the two-area LFM is found in four tens iterations. Furthermore, the scalability analysis provides shows a linear relation between the number of areas and the convergence.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Evaluación de la calidad de servicio en el Hotel El Golf

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    La calidad de servicio hotelero es fundamental para las organizaciones de este rubro debido al aumento de las demandas del cliente actual, sin embargo, existen escasos estudios, en la región Lambayeque, que puedan medir el nivel de calidad de los establecimientos hoteleros locales; situación que motivo a realizar una investigación cuyo objetivo principal fue la evaluación de calidad de servicio en el Hotel El Golf. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, se tomó la escala de medición SERVPERF, herramienta que mide el nivel de calidad a través de 5 dimenciones: fiabilidad, capacidad de respuesta, empatía, seguridad y elementos tangibles. Tomándose como población y muestra a las personas que llegan a hotel mensualmente, siendo 100 clientes, según los registros del hotel. De esta manera, el cuestionario fue adaptado y aplicado a los huéspedes. Los resultados fueron procesados mediante el programa SPSS, donde se vió la percepción de lo clientes frente al servicio recibido, dando como resultado el déficit en las dimensiones de fiabilidad, capacidad de respuesta, empatía, elementos tangibles, a diferencia de la seguridad, donde se manifestó un resultado positivo. Se concluyó que los clientes se siente disconformes con el servicio brindad por el Hotel El Golf que, si bien existen aspectos positivos, se evidencia un déficit de los elementos relevantes para un buen servicio de calidad