98 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Teknologlpan Lmpljkasinya pada Bidangpendldlkan

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    Perkembangan teknologi seca~aglobC!-l,teiah menunjukkangejala perkembangan yang pe,sat". Demikian "·pulaprosesalih teknologi yang dilakukanoleh pemerintah te-Iahmenghasilkan perkembangan. teknologi:;dan industri-dalam. negeri yang pesat pula,. baik ,dalarp ,bidaIlg"te~nplog~ komuni'kasi, kohstruksi, transporta:,si ma!lpim. pr~d~~s.i. ·~rry~-nufakt'ur..Proses alih teknologi yang dilakukan, pem'erintah' ya,ng mer~;..pakan proses pembudayaan teknologi dad·atas~ meny:ebabJ<:ariterjadinya kesenjangan antarakemaliJan ~ lPTEK-;[email protected]". .penguasaan IPTEK ma~yarakat Indone~ia. Untuk::meng¥lfa~i,'kesenjarygan ini disarankan untuk rn:emasukkan' p.rogt:a~ ',tek~'nologi ke dalam kuri~uh.imsekolah-se'~oiah:$D;:'·S~,P#, .~dap:SMA. Program 'tekno!ogi "-ini harus 'disesua'U~a.n'd~ngan ling:-:kat perkembangan anak' didikpada- -s~trap je~jang.' Seh1ngga'struktur program dapat.- disusun sebagai.·bedkut, yaHu, pro,..gram siJdiJr teknologi untuk SD; program orieritasj" teknolqgiuntuk SMP; dan program persiapan teknologi" uht.l1:k SMA

    Kemandirian Belajar Mahasiswa Pendidlkan Teknik Mesin Ditinjau Dar! Asal Sekolah, Tempat Tinggal, dan Lama Studi

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    He system employing semester credit units requires students\u27good self-regulated learning in order that they attain learning goalssuccessfully. The present article concerns a research aimed atknowing(l) of what level mechanical engineering students\u27 self­dependence in learning was as seen from both their self-stated viewsabout their self-regulated learning and their self-regulated learningin practice; (2) whether there was any difference in levelof self­regulated learning among those having different typesof high schooleducational background; (3) whether there was any differenceinlevel of self-regulated learning among those having studied fordifferent numbersof semesters; and (4) whether the environmentwhere they live influences their self-dependence in learning,or, inother words, their self-regulated learning.The research employed a positivistic approach which wasexploratory in nature. The population consistedof 254 students ofthe Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program, Faculty ofEngineering, State University of Yogyakarta, who were takingcourses in one even-numbered semester or another in the academicyearof 2005/2006. The sample size was 228 and the researchsubjects were randomly selected. The data were compiled by using aclosed self-report typeof questionnaire using a Linkert-type scalemodel. The data were analyzed by meansof non-parametricstatistics using the Kruskal-Wallis Test and the Mann-Whitney UTest since the data distribution did not fulfill the inferentialparametric analysis assumption The research findings indicate that (1) the level of the students\u27self-regulated learning was very good though the mean score fortheir self-regulated learning in practice is lower than that for theirself-stated views about their self-regulated learning; (2) there is nodifference in levelof self-regulated learning between those with ageneral high school educational background and those with avocational high school educational background, accordingto boththeir self-stated views on it and their self-regulated learning inpractice; (3) there is no difference in levelof self-regulated learningbetween those who live with their family and those who live at someoff-campus housing, accordingto both their self-stated views on itand their self-regulated learning in practice; and (4) there is nodifference in levelof self-regulated learning among those havingstudied for different numbersof semesters, according to both theirself-stated views on it and their self-regulated learningin practice,excluding the viewsof those in their second semester on their self­regulated learnin

    Berpuar Lateral: Wahana dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Berpuar Kreatif

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    Sejak kita menyadari bahwa pendidikan yang hanya mening­katkan kemampuanuntuk. menyerap materi pelajaran~ dan dayaserap sebagai kriteria ketercapaian target pendidikan, maka disadaripula bahwa cara ini tidak akan membawa bangsa Indonesia menjadibangsa yang besar.Di dalam era perkembangan teknologi yang pesatpeserta didik tidak cukup hanya dibekali keterampilan danpengetahuan saja tanpa secara sengaja mengembangkan kemampuanberpikir. Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat menuntut kemampuan manusia untuk beradaptasi dengan kemajuan itu, dan kemampuanberpikirlah yangakan menentukan kemampuan adaptasi tersebut.Pentingnya masalah berpikir telah lama menjadi perhatian parafilosof. Aristoteles misalnya menggunakan istilah"thinkingcapacity"(kapasitas berpikir) '\Intuk memberikan atribut tentangmanusia. Descartes juga membedakan antara barang dengan manusiadengan memberikan istilah"that which thinks" bagi manusia, sepertiyang dikatakan oleh Robert Thomson (1962) dalam bukunya "ThePsychologyofThinking"

    Mencari Pijakan Azas Pendidikan Kejijrijan dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Perkembangan Teknologi

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate analytically some philosophies to find outwhat philosophy on which the vocational education is appropriately based for preparing theIndonesian live in the global and information era.The study is focused only on an idealism, realism, pragmatism, and re~onstructionism asa foundation of education curriculum in general and the possibilities of adoption forIndonesian vocational education.Some recommendations are suggested as follows: it is likely that vocational educationbetter to adopt eclectical principles derived from the principles of idealism, realism,pragmatism, and reconstructionism in order for the vocational education capable of preparingstudents for tommorrow living that have skins as well as capabilities in adapting their lifewithin the changing world, beside they have propositional abilities such as high motivation,creativity, and critical thinking


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan perkembangan sikap dan keterampilan menggambar teknik mesin yang ditinjau dari kelengkapan alat, sikap siswa dan hasil tugas menggambar siswa kelas X jurusan pemesinan di SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari. Populasi siswa kelas X jurusan Pemesinan berjumlah 96 siswa. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dengan mengambil 30% dari populasi. Pemilihan sampel di pilih secara acak dari 3 kelas, dan penelitian dilakukan di kelas X TPA. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yang diadalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan sikap dan keterampilan siswa yang dilihat dari kelengkapan alat, sikap siswa dan hasil gambar siswa mengalami peningkata

    Entrepreneurship education in the vocational high school of agribusiness and agrotechnology fields

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    This research aimed to know the pattern of entrepreneurship education in the vocational high school of agribusiness and agrotechnology fields. This research used the qualitative method with a case study approach. The technique of participants determination used snowball sampling. Research participants are teachers of entrepreneurship subjects and vocational subjects (productive) of Agribusiness and Agrotechnology expertise in SMK Negeri 1 Temanggung and SMK Negeri 1 Bawen. The data were collected through interviews, observations, and other relevant sources. The data analysis technique referred to the Interactive Model of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana which includes data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusion. This research found a pattern of entrepreneurial education consists of four stages: input, process, output, outcome. The primary strategy of entrepreneurship education is (1) learning strategies of collaboration and integration of entrepreneurial subjects with vocational subjects, (2) entrepreneurial growth strategies in schools. Entrepreneurial education outcomes are: (1) graduates choose careers as entrepreneur directly after graduating from the school, or indirectly after working first, (2) graduates can develop and expand the market

    Implementation of student active learning in primary mathematics in Indonesia

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    Twenty years after the first pilot projects began to develop Student Active Learning (SAL) in Indonesia, and four years since it was adopted for use in the last provinces, this research investigates the implementation of Student Active Learning in Indonesian primary mathematics classrooms. A study of the relevant literature indicates that teaching based on constructivist principles is unlikely to be implemented well in mathematics classrooms unless there are high quality teachers, readily available manipulative materials, and a supportive learning environment. As Indonesian schools often lack one or more of these aspects, it seemed likely that Student Active Learning principles might not be ‘fully’ implemented in Indonesian primary mathematics classrooms. Thus a smaller scale, parallel study was carried out in Australian schools where there is no policy of Student Active Learning, but where its underlying principles are compatible with the stated views about learning and teaching mathematics. The study employed a qualitative interpretive methodology. Sixteen primary teachers from four urban and four rural Indonesian schools and four teachers from two Victorian schools were observed for four mathematics lessons each. The twenty teachers, as well as fourteen Indonesian headteachers and other education professionals, were interviewed in order to establish links between the background and beliefs of participants, and their implementation of Student Active Learning. Information on perceived constraints on the implementation of SAL was also sought. The results of this study suggest that Student Active learning has been implemented at four levels in Indonesian primary mathematics classrooms, ranging from essentially no implementation to a relatively high level of implementation, with an even higher level of implementation in three of the four Australian classrooms observed. Indonesian teachers, headteachers and supervisors hold a range of views of SAL and also of mathematics learning and teaching. These views largely depended on their in-service training in SAL and, more particularly, on their participation in the PEQIP project Typically, participants’ expressed views of SAL were at the same or higher level as their views of mathematics learning and teaching, with a similar pattern being observed in the relationship between these latter views and their implementation of SAL principles. Three factors were identified as influencing teacher change in terms of implementation of SAL: policy, curricular and organisational, and attitudes. Recommendations arising from this study include the adoption of reflection as an underlying principle in the theory of SAL, the continuation and extension of PEQIP type projects, changes in government policy on curriculum coverage and pre-service teacher training, and more support for teachers at the school and local authority levels