714 research outputs found

    Building an International Learning Community: Lessons and Insights From theTransatlantic Community Foundation Network

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    The report describes the major lessons learned and insights realised during the creation and development of the Transatlantic Community Foundation Network (TCFN), from 1999 to 2005. The Network has been established to promote the development of community foundations on both sides of the Atlantic. Based on two extensive evaluations of the TCFN conducted by the authors and designed for broad dissemination in the philanthropic world, the report describes how international, peer-based learning communities can advance philanthropy around the globe

    Effects of electronic correlation on X-Ray absorption and dichroic spectra at L2,3_{2,3} edge

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    We present a new theoretical approach to describe X-Ray absorption and Magnetic Circular Dichroism spectra in the presence of e-e correlation. Our approach provides an unified picture to include correlations in both charged and neutral excitations, namely in direct / inversion photoemission where electrons are removed/added, and photo absorption where electrons are promoted from core levels to empty states. We apply this approach to the prototypical case of L2,3_{2,3} edge of 3dd transition metals and we show that the inclusion of many body effects in the core level excitations is essential to reproduce, together with satellite structures in core level photoemission, the observed asymmetric line shapes in X-ray absorption and dichroic spectra.Comment: 3 figures, 5 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Chen-Ruan cohomology of ADE singularities

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    We study Ruan's \textit{cohomological crepant resolution conjecture} for orbifolds with transversal ADE singularities. In the AnA_n-case we compute both the Chen-Ruan cohomology ring HCR∗([Y])H^*_{\rm CR}([Y]) and the quantum corrected cohomology ring H∗(Z)(q1,...,qn)H^*(Z)(q_1,...,q_n). The former is achieved in general, the later up to some additional, technical assumptions. We construct an explicit isomorphism between HCR∗([Y])H^*_{\rm CR}([Y]) and H∗(Z)(−1)H^*(Z)(-1) in the A1A_1-case, verifying Ruan's conjecture. In the AnA_n-case, the family H∗(Z)(q1,...,qn)H^*(Z)(q_1,...,q_n) is not defined for q1=...=qn=−1q_1=...=q_n=-1. This implies that the conjecture should be slightly modified. We propose a new conjecture in the AnA_n-case which we prove in the A2A_2-case by constructing an explicit isomorphism.Comment: This is a short version of my Ph.D. Thesis math.AG/0510528. Version 2: chapters 2,3,4 and 5 has been rewritten using the language of groupoids; a link with the classical McKay correpondence is given. International Journal of Mathematics (to appear

    The non-coding rna journal club: Highlights on recent papers-8

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    We are glad to share with you our eighth Journal Club and to highlight some of the most interesting papers published recently [...

    Characteristics of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Abkhazia (Georgia), a high-prevalence area in Eastern Europe

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    Although multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem in Eastern Europe, the factors contributing to emergence, spread and containment of MDR-TB are not well defined. Here, we analysed the characteristics of drug-resistant TB in a cross-sectional study in Abkhazia (Georgia) between 2003 and 2005, where standard short-course chemotherapy is supplemented with individualized drug-resistance therapy. Drug susceptibility testing (DST) and molecular typing were carried out for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains from consecutive smear-positive TB patients. Out of 366 patients, 60.4% were resistant to any first-line drugs and 21% had MDR-TB. Overall, 25% of all strains belong to the Beijing genotype, which was found to be strongly associated with the risk of MDR-TB (OR 25.9, 95% CI 10.2-66.0) and transmission (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.6-5.0). One dominant MDR Beijing clone represents 23% of all MDR-TB cases. The level of MDR-TB did not decline during the study period, coinciding with increasing levels of MDR Beijing strains among previously treated cases. Standard chemotherapy plus individualized drug-resistance therapy, guided by conventional DST, might be not sufficient to control MDR-TB in Eastern Europe in light of the spread of "highly transmissible" MDR Beijing strains circulating in the community

    Treatment of tuberculosis in a region with high drug resistance: Outcomes, drug resistance amplification and re-infection

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    Introduction: Emerging antituberculosis drug resistance is a serious threat for tuberculosis (TB) control, especially in Eastern European countries. Methods: We combined drug susceptibility results and molecular strain typing data with treatment outcome reports to assess the influence of drug resistance on TB treatment outcomes in a prospective cohort of patients from Abkhazia (Georgia). Patients received individualized treatment regimens based on drug susceptibility testing (DST) results. Definitions for antituberculosis drug resistance and treatment outcomes were in line with current WHO recommendations. First and second line DST, and molecular typing were performed in a supranational laboratory for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) strains from consecutive sputum smear-positive TB patients at baseline and during treatment. Results: At baseline, MTB strains were fully drug-susceptible in 189/326 (58.0%) of patients. Resistance to at least H or R (PDR-TB) and multidrug-resistance (MDR-TB) were found in 69/326 (21.2%) and 68/326 (20.9%) of strains, respectively. Three MDR-TB strains were also extensively resistant (XDR-TB). During treatment, 3/189 (1.6%) fully susceptible patients at baseline were re-infected with a MDR-TB strain and 2/58 (3.4%) PDR-TB patients became MDR-TB due to resistance amplification. 5/ 47 (10.6%) MDR- patients became XDR-TB during treatment. Treatment success was observed in 161/189 (85.2%), 54/69 (78.3%) and 22/68 (32.3%) of patients with fully drug susceptible, PDR- and MDR-TB, respectively. Development of ofloxacin resistance was significantly associated with a negative treatment outcome. Conclusion: In Abkhazia, a region with high prevalence of drug resistant TB, the use of individualized MDR-TB treatment regimens resulted in poor treatment outcomes and XDR-TB amplification. Nosocomial transmission of MDR-TB emphasizes the importance of infection control in hospitals

    Derived categories of Burniat surfaces and exceptional collections

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    We construct an exceptional collection Υ\Upsilon of maximal possible length 6 on any of the Burniat surfaces with KX2=6K_X^2=6, a 4-dimensional family of surfaces of general type with pg=q=0p_g=q=0. We also calculate the DG algebra of endomorphisms of this collection and show that the subcategory generated by this collection is the same for all Burniat surfaces. The semiorthogonal complement A\mathcal A of Υ\Upsilon is an "almost phantom" category: it has trivial Hochschild homology, and K_0(\mathcal A)=\bZ_2^6.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure; further remarks expande

    Identification of distinct lymphocyte subsets responding to subcellular fractions of Mycobacterium bovis bacille calmette-Guerin (BCG)

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    In order to investigate the ability of Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccination to induce immune responses toward different classes of mycobacterial antigens and the cell populations involved in such responses, proliferation of distinct human lymphocyte subsets from BCG-vaccinated donors in response to different subcellular fractions of BCG was analysed and compared with that of not sensitized subjects. Proliferation of different cell subsets was evaluated by flow cytometric determination of bromodeoxyuridine incorporated into DNA of dividing cells and simultaneous identification of cell surface markers. Although a certain degree of variability was observed among different donors, after 6 days of in vitro stimulation BCG-vaccinated subjects displayed, as a mean, a stronger blastogenic response to all the classes of antigens compared with non-sensitized ones. PPD, culture filtrates and membrane antigens induced a predominant proliferation of CD4(+) T cells. In contrast, preparations enriched in cytosolic antigens elicited strong proliferation of gamma delta(+) T cells which, as a mean, represented 55% of the proliferating cells. Although to a lesser extent, proliferation of gamma delta(+) T cells was also elicited by preparations enriched in membrane and cell wall antigens. In response to the latter preparation proliferation of CD4(+) T cells and CD16(+)/CD3(-) (natural killer (NK)) cells was observed, as well. In particular, cell wall antigens were found to induce significantly higher levels of proliferation of NK cells compared with all the other classes of antigens

    A Systems Thinking Approach to Redesigning the Patient Experience to Reduce 30 Day Hospital Readmission

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    INTRODUCTION The cost of medical care is spiraling out of control, and one of the many reasons is lack of preventative care, poor communication to the patient and primary caregiver(s) both in an inpatient and outpatient setting. There are potentially many reasons for this cost escalation, one of the drivers of this cost is 30 day readmission after a hospitalization and this is what was examined in this analysis. The purpose of this paper in particular is to share what has been learned using a systems thinking approach to hospital readmissions and the patient experience. It is critical to understand the problems that occurred in the past. In addition, we will explain the methodology utilized and bring awareness to the iterative process. We will also demonstrate a suggested redesigned model
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