32 research outputs found


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    Tulisan ini membahas pembangunan situs belajar metode simpleks. Situs belajar metode simpleks ini menggunakan tipe pembelajaran asynchronous di mana sistem belajarnya melalui internet. Model E-Learning yang digunakan adalah model web enhanced course di mana pemanfaatan internet ditujukan untuk menunjang peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran yang dilakukan di kelas. Dan peyampaian pelajaran yang digunakan adalah format tutorial. Untuk membangun situs belajar metode simpleks dilakukan beberapa tahap, yaitu menentukan konsep E-Learning yang akan dibangun, merancang tampilan, pembangunan program dan melakukan uji coba menggunakan localhost dengan apache sebagai server dan internet explorer sebagai browser. Perangkat lunak yang dipakai dalam pembangunan program ini adalah PHP Triad versi 2.2.1 yang di dalamnya terdapatapache versi 1.3.23 dan PHPMyAdmin versi 2.2.3 dan web browser Internet Explorer versi 6.0. Bahasa pemrograman PHP tersebut digunakan dalam pembangunan program dan MySQL digunakan untuk tempat penampungan data. User yang menggunakan program ini terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu user sebagai peserta belajar, dosen dan admin. Setiap user mempunyai hak akses yang berbeda-beda. Uji coba dilakukan dengan menggunakan localhost dengan apache sebagai server dan internet explorer sebagai browser

    Herbivorous fish rise as a destructive fishing practice falls in an Indonesian marine national park

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    Securing ecosystem functions is challenging, yet common priority in conservation efforts. While marine parks aim to meet this challenge by regulating fishing through zoning plans, their effectiveness hinges on compliance levels and may respond to changes in fishing practices. Here we use a speciose assemblage of nominally herbivorous reef fish in Karimunjawa National Park (zoned since 1989) to investigate whether areas subject to a restrictive management regime sustained higher biomass over seven years compared to areas where moderate and permissive regulations apply. Using a trait‐based approach we characterize the functional space of the entire species pool and ask whether changes in biomass translate into changes in functional structure. We track changes in predator biomass, benthic community structure, and fishing practices that could influence herbivore trajectories. Overall herbivore biomass doubled in 2012 compared to 2006–2009 and remained high in 2013 across all management regimes. We found no evidence that this biomass build‐up resulted from predator depletion or increased food availability but suggest it emerged in response to a park‐wide cessation of fishing with large drive nets known as muroami. The biomass increase was accompanied by a modest increase in taxonomic richness and a slight decrease in community‐scale rarity that did not alter functional redundancy levels. Subtle changes in both functional specialization and identity of assemblages emerged as generalist species with low intrinsic vulnerability to fishing recovered sooner than more vulnerable specialists. While this implies a recovery of mechanisms responsible for the grazing of algal turfs and detritus, restoring other facets of herbivory (e.g., macroalgal consumption) may require more time. An increase in the cost‐benefit ratio per journey of muroami fishing facilitated a ban on muroami nets that met minimal resistance. Similar windows of opportunity may emerge elsewhere in which gear‐based regulations can supplement zoning plans, especially when compliance is low. This does not advocate for implementing such regulations once a fishery has become unprofitable. Rather, it underlines their importance for breaking the cycle of resource depletion and low compliance to zoning, thus alleviating the resulting threats to food security and ecosystem integrity

    Pronounced Genetic Structure in a Highly Mobile Coral Reef Fish, Caesio Cuning, in the Coral Triangle

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    The redbelly yellowtail fusilier, Caesio cuning, has a tropical Indo-West Pacific range that straddles the Coral Triangle, a region of dynamic geological history and the highest marine biodiversity on the planet. Previous genetic studies in the Coral Triangle indicate the presence of regional limits to connectivity across this region. However, these have focused almost exclusively on benthic reef dwelling species. Schooling, reef-associated fusiliers (Perciformes: Caesionidae) account for a sizable portion of the annual reef catch in the Coral Triangle, yet to date, there have been no in depth studies on the population structure of fusiliers or other mid-water, reef-associated planktivores across this region. We evaluated the genetic population structure of C. cuning using a 382bp segment of the mitochondrial control region amplified from over 620 fish sampled from 33 localities across the Philippines and Indonesia. Phylogeographic analysis showed that individuals sampled from sites in western Sumatra belong to a distinct Indian-Ocean lineage, resulting in pronounced regional structure between western Sumatra and the rest of the Coral Triangle (ΊCT = 0.4796, p \u3c 0.0043). We measured additional significant population structure between central Southeast Asia and eastern Indonesia (ΊCT = 0.0450, 36 p \u3c 0.0002). These data in conjunction with spatial analyses indicate that there are two major lineages of C. cuning and at least three distinct management units across the region. The location of genetic breaks as well as the distribution of divergent haplotypes across our sampling range suggests that current oceanographic patterns could be contributing to observed patterns of structure


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    Bulan April-Mei 2010 Perairan Andaman termasuk perairan Aceh mengalami kenaikan suhu permukaan air laut yang drastis. Kenaikan suhu permukaan air laut tersebut telah menyebabkan pemutihan karang di beberapa tempat di dunia, termasuk perairan utara Aceh. Survei pemutihan karang telah dilakukan untuk mengukur dampak pemutihan karang terhadap ekosistem terumbu karang yang meliputi, index pemutihan karang, tutupan karang keras dan kelimpahan ikan karang. Hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 35% karang keras yang memutih mengalami kematian. Genera karang yang mengalami tingkat kematian yang sangat besar adalah karang keras dari Genera Acropora dan Pocillopora. Pemutihan karang yang disertai dengan tingkat kematian karang yang tinggi telah menyebabkan penurunan tutupan karang keras di Perairan Utara Aceh secara signifikan bahkan di beberapa tempat tutupan karang dari Genera Acropora mengalami kematian sebesar 100%. Selain berdampak kepada penurunan tutupan karang keras, pemutihan karang pada tahun 2010 juga berdampak pada penurunan kelimpahan ikan karang terutama ikan karang pemakan polip karang (Corallivore) yang mengalami penurunan kelimpahan secara signifikan antara tahun 2009 dengan 2011 dan 2013. Data tersebut bisa disimpulkan bahwa, pemutihan karang pada tahun 2010 di Perairan Utara Aceh merupakan peristiwa yang paling parah yang pernah dilaporkan di Indonesia khususnya di Utara Aceh.A drastic increasing in Sea Surface Temperature (SST) was happened in Andaman Sea including in Aceh region from April through end of May 2010. The recent escalations of SST have caused mass coral bleaching event in many places in the world including northern Aceh water of Indonesia. Bleaching survey was conducted in Northern Aceh to measure ecological impact of bleaching including bleaching index, coral cover and reef fish abundance. More than 35% bleached coral were died, with tremendous mortality of susceptible genera such as Acropora and Pocillopora. Coral bleaching has impact in declining coral cover in Northern Aceh significantly after coral bleaching and the evidence of loss Acropora in some area. Coral bleaching also impact to coral fishes, where fishes abundance especially coralivorous fishes has declining significantly betwen 2009 and 2011 also 2013. The 2010 bleaching event is one of the most severe events reported for Indonesia including in Northern Aceh

    Pronounced Genetic Structure in a Highly Mobile Coral Reef Fish, Caesio cuning, in the Coral Triangle

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    The redbelly yellowtail fusilier Caesio cuning has a tropical Indo-West Pacific range that straddles the Coral Triangle, a region of dynamic geological history and the highest marine biodiversity on the planet. Previous genetic studies in the Coral Triangle indicate the presence of multiple limits to connectivity. However, these studies have focused almost exclusively on benthic, reef-dwelling species. Schooling, reef-associated fusiliers (Perciformes: Caesionidae) account for a sizable portion of the annual reef catch in the Coral Triangle, yet to date, there have been no indepth studies on the population structure of fusiliers or other mid-water, reef-associated planktivores across this region. We evaluated the genetic population structure of C. cuning using a 382 bp segment of the mitochondrial control region amplified from over 620 fish sampled from 33 localities across the Philippines and Indonesia. Phylogeographic analysis showed that individuals sampled from sites in western Sumatra belong to a distinct Indian Ocean lineage, resulting in pronounced regional structure between western Sumatra and the rest of the Coral Triangle (φCT = 0.4796, p \u3c 0.004). We found additional significant population structure between central Southeast Asia and eastern Indonesia (φCT = 0.0450, p \u3c 0.001). These data in conjunction with spatial analyses indicate that there are 2 major lineages of C. cuning and at least 3 distinct management units across the region. The location of genetic breaks as well as the distribution of divergent haplotypes across our sampling range suggests that current oceanographic patterns could be contributing to observed patterns of structure

    Digital reef rugosity estimates coral reef habitat complexity.

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    Ecological habitats with greater structural complexity contain more species due to increased niche diversity. This is especially apparent on coral reefs where individual coral colonies aggregate to give a reef its morphology, species zonation, and three dimensionality. Structural complexity is classically measured with a reef rugosity index, which is the ratio of a straight line transect to the distance a flexible chain of equal length travels when draped over the reef substrate; yet, other techniques from visual categories to remote sensing have been used to characterize structural complexity at scales from microhabitats to reefscapes. Reef-scale methods either lack quantitative precision or are too time consuming to be routinely practical, while remotely sensed indices are mismatched to the finer scale morphology of coral colonies and reef habitats. In this communication a new digital technique, Digital Reef Rugosity (DRR) is described which utilizes a self-contained water level gauge enabling a diver to quickly and accurately characterize rugosity with non-invasive millimeter scale measurements of coral reef surface height at decimeter intervals along meter scale transects. The precise measurements require very little post-processing and are easily imported into a spreadsheet for statistical analyses and modeling. To assess its applicability we investigated the relationship between DRR and fish community structure at four coral reef sites on Menjangan Island off the northwest corner of Bali, Indonesia and one on mainland Bali to the west of Menjangan Island; our findings show a positive relationship between DRR and fish diversity. Since structural complexity drives key ecological processes on coral reefs, we consider that DRR may become a useful quantitative community-level descriptor to characterize reef complexity

    Trophic structure of fish families at Kelor Point.

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    *<p>h = herbivore, d = detritivore, co = coralivore, ca = carnivore, i = benthic invertivore, o = omnivore, p = planktivore</p

    Digital Reef Rugosity sampling statistics.

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    <p>Digital Reef Rugosity sampling statistics.</p

    Digital Reef Rugosity study sites on the northwest corner of Bali, Indonesia.

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    <p>Study sites on mainland Bali at Kelor Point (A and B) and on Menjangan Island at Northwest Corner (C), Pasir Putih (D), Northeast Corner (E), and Pos 2 (F).</p

    Fish biodiversity diversity correlated with reef structural complexity.

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    <p>Fish biodiversity based on the abundance of fish (A) or the calculated biomass of each species (B) is significantly correlated with DRR<sub>std</sub> (Kendall tau τ = 0.87 and 0.73 respectively, p<.05 for both. The dashed lines delimit 95% confidence limits).</p