11 research outputs found

    Design of Multichannel Retailing Pet Shop

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    Purpose of this paper is to decide the pet shop channel combination that gives the fastest payback period or need less capital. There are 3 channels from preliminary survey. These channels are the physical store (Pet Shop), mobile store (Mobile Pet Salon) and Internet store (E-Pet). A questionnaire was developed to understand customer needs and there are more than 100 dog owners in Surabaya as the respondent, who were selected from some existing pet shops visitor. A total of 100 usable questionnaires were returned. The results are important factors for each channel, which will be a base to prepare the business development from marketing, technical, management and financial factor. Limitations of the study are minimum number of sample and a lack of theory to develop questionnaire. This paper will provides guidance for entrepreneurs who have a plan to running pet shop with multichannel retailing strategies. From all the factors, it was known that all of the combinations were feasible, but if the purpose is using minimum capital, it was better to choose Mobile Pet Salon and E-Pet, eventhough it takes longer pay back period. If the purpose is getting a minimum return period, it is better to choose Pet Shop and Mobile Pet Salon combination, with higher capital needed and shorter discounted pay back

    Increasing Hypermarket Retail Communication Mix Effectiveness by Digital Catalog

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    Many promotion tools variety can help a company to promote its product. The company must choose the right promotional tool to optimizing the promotion cost and increasing the customer interest. The impact of choosing the right promotion tool was increasing the sales and giving a positive progress for the company. This research explored Carrefour and Hypermart promotion tool, as two big hypermarkets in Indonesia. These hypermarkets used some promotion tools; one of them was digital catalog. This research wanted to find which ones from the digital catalog variables will affect the customer buying interest, and measured the effectiveness of both catalog. The result showed 75.60 % effectiveness for Carrefour's digital catalog, and 73.80 % for Hypermart's digital catalog. This research also suggested some improvement for variables that needs some attention, like printing quality, checking the product accuracy between product in store and on digital catalog, and reducing the file size because time to load the catalog was taken time

    Innovation within Small-Medium Scale Contractors in Indonesia

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    In order to survive within the industry, small-medium scale contractors are required to be adaptive. However, many obstacles have been experienced by this group to deal with. The term of survive can be interpreted by doing continuous innovation. This research was conducted to investigate the innovation issues related which possibly could triggering or canceling the innovation within small-medium scale contractors. Literature study was conducted as a primary and followed by a field research using questioners.  From the research it was found that the main motivation and orientation within innovation processes was the competitiveness among the group of contractors and followed by the attempt to respond the recently industry environment. However, they tend to avoid the change in their business concept. Finally, the availability in source of funding was highlighted as the main factor which might brough innovation initiative successful.&nbsp

    Perancangan Website dan Sistem Transaksi Ecommerce pada Toko Perhiasan Emas Mulia di Surabaya

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    Multi-channel retailing memungkinkan para konsumen untuk berbelanja dengan memanfaatkan bebagai jalur, salah satunya adalah melalui internet. Sistem e-commerce memanfaatkan media internet untuk mewakili proses pembelian, penjualan atau pertukaran barang, jasa dan informasi melalui jaringan. Toko Mulia di Surabaya yang menjual emas, baik perhiasan maupun batangan, merencanakan untuk menggunakan website untuk penjualannya. Langkah awal untuk membuat website dan sistem transaksi ini yaitu dengan menganalisis kebutuhan konsumen dengan melakukan survei awal kepada 20 orang responden yang merupakan pelanggan Toko Mulia. Hasil suvei awal dan teori Human Computer Interaction disusun menjadi kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada 100 orang responden dandilakukan analisis deskriptif dan analisis ketergantungan (crosstab). Selanjutnya dibuat product spesification yang di dalamnya terdapat tahapan-tahapan dalam membuat House of Quality (HOQ). Setelah itu, dibuat sistem transaksi dan concept website design. Dari hasil uji didapatkan bahwa waktu proses website prototype lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan waktu proses website pesaing, yaitu Orori.com. Selain itu, website prototype juga lebih mudah digunakan dan kesalahannyapun lebih sedikit

    Paving the Way for Self-Employment: Does Society Matter?

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    This paper empirically investigates the extent to which institutional and individual factors predict the level of intention relating to self-employment. Arriving at a better understanding of intentions will assist to provide answers as to why ratios of self-employment are as they are and how public and economic policy may respond to an often perceived requirement to increase the level of self-employment. Using the dataset of 2017 Amway Global Entrepreneurship Research (AGER) for Austria, the United Kingdom, Italy, the United States, and Brazil this study finds that all variables predicting the intention to enter self-employment are significant at varying degree. The research explores the interplay between age, risk, gender, and education, on the one hand, and unemployment (OECD Labour Force Statistics) and political constitution as measured by the EFW index, on the other hand. Distinguishing between “no intention„, an “indifferent intention,„ and a “strong intention„ towards self-employment, the findings show that all variables can predict a willingness for self-employment in different, but significant, ways to comparable measures (an indifferent intention relative to no intention, and a strong intention to no intention). The paper concludes with an outlook to some more general perspectives of institutional economics and needs for further research

    Exploring the Reasons and Ways to Exit: The Entrepreneur Perspective

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    Research on entrepreneurial exit has received growing attention recently, attributing to the importance of exit in the entrepreneurial process. Yet, the complex phenomena of exit render the research scattered in the field. This research is aimed at understanding entrepreneurial exit at the individual level, which has received less attention in the scholarly works. This article contributes to the discussion on the level of analysis researching entrepreneurial exit. Furthermore, the empirical work explores the reasons for and ways to exit of young firms. Following Austrian firms from founding until 3–4 years of operation, we are able to track entrepreneurs who exit. Our study reveals that the entrepreneurs who exit have fewer general managerial skills, are less experienced (general job experience, industry), have fewer entrepreneurial skills and less leadership quality, compared to the entrepreneurs who still engage in their founded firms in the sample. These findings indicate the importance of human capital, which plays a role in the continuation of the professional career of an entrepreneur. With regards to reasons to exit, our findings show that entrepreneurs exit due to personal-related reasons (alternative and normative) and firm-related reasons (calculative). Concerning ways to exit, the study reveals the specific context of Austria in which temporary closure is a possible way to exit. In the early stage, this study finds that the voluntary exit occurs in most cases, rather than the involuntary exit

    Organizational change: a review of theoretical conceptions that explain how and why young firms change

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    Change in new ventures is a vibrant research topic. Scholars can draw on a number of theories that emerged as a result of decades of research in organizational and social sciences focused on large and established firms. A review on organizational change theories that address young firms is still missing. We aim to contribute to the academic debate by (1) providing a systematic analysis and classification of theoretical conceptions on organizational change in terms of main assumptions, nature and reason of change, and by (2) discussing their applicability in the context of young firms. This article may aid researchers to select appropriate theoretical conceptions to study change in young firm

    Exploring the Reasons and Ways to Exit: The Entrepreneur Perspective

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    Research on entrepreneurial exit has received growing attention recently, attributing to the importance of exit in the entrepreneurial process. Yet, the complex phenomena of exit render the research scattered in the field. This research is aimed at understanding entrepreneurial exit at the individual level, which has received less attention in the scholarly works. This article contributes to the discussion on the level of analysis researching entrepreneurial exit. Furthermore, the empirical work explores the reasons for and ways to exit of young firms. Following Austrian firms from founding until 3–4 years of operation, we are able to track entrepreneurs who exit. Our study reveals that the entrepreneurs who exit have fewer general managerial skills, are less experienced (general job experience, industry), have fewer entrepreneurial skills and less leadership quality, compared to the entrepreneurs who still engage in their founded firms in the sample. These findings indicate the importance of human capital, which plays a role in the continuation of the professional career of an entrepreneur. With regards to reasons to exit, our findings show that entrepreneurs exit due to personal-related reasons (alternative and normative) and firm-related reasons (calculative). Concerning ways to exit, the study reveals the specific context of Austria in which temporary closure is a possible way to exit. In the early stage, this study finds that the voluntary exit occurs in most cases, rather than the involuntary exit