9 research outputs found

    Predicting the artificial immunity induced by RUTI® vaccine against tuberculosis using universal immune system simulator (UISS)

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) represents a worldwide cause of mortality (it infects one third of the world's population) affecting mostly developing countries, including India, and recently also developed ones due to the increased mobility of the world population and the evolution of different new bacterial strains capable to provoke multi-drug resistance phenomena. Currently, antitubercular drugs are unable to eradicate subpopulations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) bacilli and therapeutic vaccinations have been postulated to overcome some of the critical issues related to the increase of drug-resistant forms and the difficult clinical and public health management of tuberculosis patients. The Horizon 2020 EC funded project "In Silico Trial for Tuberculosis Vaccine Development" (STriTuVaD) to support the identification of new therapeutic interventions against tuberculosis through novel in silico modelling of human immune responses to disease and vaccines, thereby drastically reduce the cost of clinical trials in this critical sector of public healthcare

    Moving forward through the in silico modeling of tuberculosis : a further step with UISS-TB

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    In 2018, about 10 million people were found infected by tuberculosis, with approximately 1.2 million deaths worldwide. Despite these numbers have been relatively stable in recent years, tuberculosis is still considered one of the top 10 deadliest diseases worldwide. Over the years, Mycobacterium tuberculosis has developed a form of resistance to first-line tuberculosis treatments, specifically to isoniazid, leading to multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis. In this context, the EU and Indian DBT funded project STriTuVaD-In Silico Trial for Tuberculosis Vaccine Development-is supporting the identification of new interventional strategies against tuberculosis thanks to the use of Universal Immune System Simulator (UISS), a computational framework capable of predicting the immunity induced by specific drugs such as therapeutic vaccines and antibiotics. Here, we present how UISS accurately simulates tuberculosis dynamics and its interaction within the immune system, and how it predicts the efficacy of the combined action of isoniazid and RUTI vaccine in a specific digital population cohort. Specifically, we simulated two groups of 100 digital patients. The first group was treated with isoniazid only, while the second one was treated with the combination of RUTI vaccine and isoniazid, according to the dosage strategy described in the clinical trial design. UISS-TB shows to be in good agreement with clinical trial results suggesting that RUTI vaccine may favor a partial recover of infected lung tissue. In silico trials innovations represent a powerful pipeline for the prediction of the effects of specific therapeutic strategies and related clinical outcomes. Here, we present a further step in UISS framework implementation. Specifically, we found that the simulated mechanism of action of RUTI and INH are in good alignment with the results coming from past clinical phase IIa trials

    The Potential of Computational Modeling to Predict Disease Course and Treatment Response in Patients with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis

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    As of today, 20 disease-modifying drugs (DMDs) have been approved for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) and, based on their efficacy, they can be grouped into moderate-efficacy DMDs and high-efficacy DMDs. The choice of the drug mostly relies on the judgment and experience of neurologists and the evaluation of the therapeutic response can only be obtained by monitoring the clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) status during follow up. In an era where therapies are focused on personalization, this study aims to develop a modeling infrastructure to predict the evolution of relapsing MS and the response to treatments. We built a computational modeling infrastructure named Universal Immune System Simulator (UISS), which can simulate the main features and dynamics of the immune system activities. We extended UISS to simulate all the underlying MS pathogenesis and its interaction with the host immune system. This simulator is a multi-scale, multi-organ, agent-based simulator with an attached module capable of simulating the dynamics of specific biological pathways at the molecular level. We simulated six MS patients with different relapsing-remitting courses. These patients were characterized based on their age, sex, presence of oligoclonal bands, therapy, and MRI lesion load at the onset. The simulator framework is made freely available and can be used following the links provided in the availability section. Even though the model can be further personalized employing immunological parameters and genetic information, we generated a few simulation scenarios for each patient based on the available data. Among these simulations, it was possible to find the scenarios that realistically matched the real clinical and MRI history. Moreover, for two patients, the simulator anticipated the timing of subsequent relapses, which occurred, suggesting that UISS may have the potential to assist MS specialists in predicting the course of the disease and the response to treatment

    An agent based modeling approach for the analysis of tuberculosis - Immune system dynamics

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    Tuberculosis is one of the world's deadliest diseases that infects one third of the world's population, mostly in developing countries. However, tuberculosis is becoming again very dangerous also for developed countries, due to the increased mobility of the world population, and the appearance of several new bacterial strains that are multi-drug resistant. With the aim to help in finding new therapeutic interventions against tuberculosis, we present the application of a computational modeling infrastructure named UISS (Universal Immune System Simulator) able to simulate the main features and dynamics of the immune system activities. We show a further development of UISS to consider the underlying tuberculosis pathogenesis and its interaction with the host immune system. Even though the model can be further personalized employing immunological parameters and genetic information, based on the available data, we obtained simulation scenarios able to reproduce persistent latent infection or the development of active disease. In particular, UISS is able to simulate those mechanisms in which M. tuberculosis is involved in the early influx of alveolar macrophages and recruited neutrophils until the formation of the tuberculous granuloma, at both cellular and molecular levels

    Agent based modeling of relapsing multiple sclerosis: A possible approach to predict treatment outcome

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    In this work, we present the application of a computational modeling infrastructure named UISS (Universal Immune System Simulator) able to simulate the main features and dynamics of the immune system activities. We provide an extended version of UISS to simulate all the underlying MS pathogenesis and its interaction with the host immune system. We simulated MS patients with different relapsing-remitting courses. Even though the model can be further personalized employing immunological parameters and genetic information, based on the available data, we obtained simulation scenarios for each patient who matched the real clinical and MRI history. UISS may have the potential to assist MS specialists in predicting the course of the disease and the response to treatment

    EpiMethEx: a tool for large-scale integrated analysis in methylation hotspots linked to genetic regulation

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    Abstract Background DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism of genomic regulation involved in the maintenance of homeostatic balance. Dysregulation of DNA methylation status is one of the driver alterations occurring in neoplastic transformation and cancer progression. The identification of methylation hotspots associated to gene dysregulation may contribute to discover new prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers, as well as, new therapeutic targets. Results We present EpiMethEx (Epigenetic Methylation and Expression), a R package to perform a large-scale integrated analysis by cyclic correlation analyses between methylation and gene expression data. For each gene, samples are segmented according to the expression levels to select genes that are differentially expressed. This stratification allows to identify CG methylation probesets modulated among gene-stratified samples. Subsequently, the methylation probesets are grouped by their relative position in gene sequence to identify wide genomic methylation events statically related to genetic modulation. Conclusions The beta-test study showed that the global methylation analysis was in agreement with scientific literature. In particular, this analysis revealed a negative association between promoter hypomethylation and overexpression in a wide number of genes. Less frequently, this overexpression was sustained by intragenic hypermethylation events

    Predicting the artificial immunity induced by RUTI® vaccine against tuberculosis using universal immune system simulator (UISS)

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    Tuberculosis (TB) represents a worldwide cause of mortality (it infects one third of the world's population) affecting mostly developing countries, including India, and recently also developed ones due to the increased mobility of the world population and the evolution of different new bacterial strains capable to provoke multi-drug resistance phenomena. Currently, antitubercular drugs are unable to eradicate subpopulations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) bacilli and therapeutic vaccinations have been postulated to overcome some of the critical issues related to the increase of drug-resistant forms and the difficult clinical and public health management of tuberculosis patients. The Horizon 2020 EC funded project "In Silico Trial for Tuberculosis Vaccine Development" (STriTuVaD) to support the identification of new therapeutic interventions against tuberculosis through novel in silico modelling of human immune responses to disease and vaccines, thereby drastically reduce the cost of clinical trials in this critical sector of public healthcare