90 research outputs found


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    This study refers to the fundamental right of the human being to have a healthy, ecologically balanced environment as well as to the necessity of recognizing and guaranteeing this right. We analyze the major components of the human being environment protection, the right to water, the right to fresh air, the right to the environment of the human settlements, the relationship: health – environment. A special attention is given to the integration of the sustainable development in the EU policies.sustainable development, the environmental law, the right to environment, the environmental strategy

    Social Protection and Economic Security of North African Migrant Workers in France

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    This essay describes and analyses the situation of Maghrebis in France, as far as social security is concerned. The paradoxical situation experienced by these immigrants is related to their eligibility for social security and their discrimination on the labour market. As such, Maghrebis form the precarious layer of French society

    Accounting as a Factor of Progress in the Social and Economic Environment

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     Accounting has deep roots, keeping pace with the social needs and aspirations. Along with the evolution of humankind, the role and importance of accounting have increased. If in the primitive commune the object of accounting was the social property on production means, in the slave-owning system and feudal system, accounting extended its sphere. The existence of a control mechanism on business in general and on trade,  in  particular,  was  needed.  There  could  be  felt  the  concretization  of  practical  accumulations  in accounting under the form of a study or a specialty paper.  Accounting is the science that has contributed to the affirmation of the organization and scientific spirit which represented “for a long time a small isolated island in a vast ocean of empiricism.”  Ever since the appearance of the first double entry bookkeeping  treaty of Luca Paciolo until the present day the double entry accounting has greatly evolved from the role of historian of an economic agent’ life and it has  become  the  most  important  instrument  of  arbitration  in  the  social  environment  of  those  involved  in business

    Die Partimenti von Giovanni Paisiello Ansätze zu ihrem Verständnis

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    The Partimenti of Giovanni Paisiello: Towards Their Understanding in Context.   This doctoral thesis focuses on Paisiello's partimenti and how to approach their realization and performance. To that end I completed an in-depth profile of his pedagogical activities and expanded the already well-known sources—the Regole published in St. Petersburg (1782)—with newly discovered partimenti by Paisiello. Crucial for this study were connections between Paisiello's partimenti and not only his own compositions but also those of his teacher Francesco Durante and his other contemporaries. This broader perspective required taking into account the genre-specific contexts in which Paisiello’s partimenti reside. The inclusion of larger musical forms and complex progressions as compositional models significantly expands the spectrum of possibilities in the realization of his partimenti. A central idea emerging from this study is that partimenti provide a key to the musical language of the time and offer vast possibilities for realization and ornamentation.Research in and through artistic practic

    Political belonging and fantasies of inclusion. Romanians in London and Paris.

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    This article analyses from a bottom-up perspective Romanians’ complex emotions surrounding their reasoning for applying for a French or British passport. It illustrates the extent to which interviewees’ fantasies of inclusion in the host countries are thought to be dependent on the political membership of the country of residence. It is argued that British/French naturalisation is perceived as a status enhancer, allowing the interviewees to overcome the marginalisation associated with their Romanian nationality

    Zur Verbreitung der Arten der Formica rufa Linnaeus-Gruppe. II. Die hügelbauenden Formica-Arten in der Sozialistischen Republik Rumänien (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).

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    In 68 Sammelgebieten in Rumänien wurde die Artenzusammensetzung der hügelbauenden Waldameisen festgestellt. Es dominiert stark die Artengruppe Formica pratensis Retzius, F. nigricans Emery, F. polyctena Foerster und F. rufa Linnaeus finden sich ebenso wie F. truncorum Fabricius mit geringer Nestzahl in mittleren Gebirgslagen. In den Hochgebirgen wird vorwiegend die auch in allen anderen Waldlandschaften vorkommende F.(Raptiformica) sanguinea Latreille angetroffen, F. lugubris Zetterstedt und F. aquilonia Yarrow fehlen. Von F. (Coptoformica) exsecta Nylander wurde ein Vorkommen entdeckt.The hill-building wood-ants from 68 collecting-places in Roumania were determined. The species-group of Formica pratensis Retzius, F. nigricans Emery strongly predominated. F. polyctena Foerster and F. rufa Linnaeus as well as F. truncorum Fabricius are to be found in a small number of nests in the middle altitude of the mountains. In the high mountains F. (Raptiformica) sanguinea Latreille prevails, which is found in all other wood districts too. F. lugubris Zetterstedt and F. aquilonia Yarrow are absent. F. (Coptoformica) exsecta Nylander was discovered only in one place