237 research outputs found

    A Boxful of Rules

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    Have you wondered what happens when things go wrong during the transport, such as when a shipment of televisions is received in damaged condition, a container of cigarettes is stolen, or, an important shipment of prawns is received a week too late for the local market? Well, this is what this book is all about! In the modern global economy, finished and semi-finished products are transported in large volumes across the globe. Things do go wrong during such transport; then what recourse does the cargo owner have? How much loss will be made good by the insurers and under which convention? Where to sue? How much is the carrier liable for? With multiple modes of transport and different carriers, the questions of liability become very complex to determine. This translates into increased insurance and litigation costs, estimated at 500 million Euro per year in Europe alone.https://commons.wmu.se/lib_books/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Digital Online Dan Trust Dalam Hubungan Antara Tokopedia Dengan Pengguna Layanan

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    Maraknya bisnis e-commerce yang ada di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari semakin banyaknya penggunaan layanan digital online pada masyarakat.Hal ini mendorong perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang e-commerce berkompetisi untuk memberikan pelayanan online yang terbaik bagi para pelanggan dan penggunanya.Mulai dari layanan transaksi pembayaran terhadap penjualan produk hingga yang terbaru adalah layanan pembayaran tagihan. Namun demikian layanan yang terakhir ini nampaknya masih jarang digunakan oleh para pelanggan karena belum adanya kepercayaan yang tumbuh dalam konteks hubungan antara pelanggan dengan perusahaan penyedia jasa layanan. Tokopedia merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang sedang berupaya untuk menanamkan kepercayaan kepada para pelanggannya untuk mau melakukan transaksi pembayaran tagihan melalui online.Oleh karenanya, studi ini mencoba memberikan gambaran tentang strategi yang dilakukan oleh Tokopedia untuk membangun hubungan dengan para pelanggannya menyangkut penggunaan transaksi layanan pembayaran tagihan. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan Tokopedia sebagai unit analisa. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap satu orang key informant dan dua orang informant yang mewakili Tokopedia

    Compliance to Health Protocols in the Implementation of the 2020 Regional Elections

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    The regional elections (Pilkada) of 2020 have been concluded, and could be considered a success. Yet, its implementation cannot be said to be entirely successful, considering the lack of concern of political parties in helping the Government handle the Covid-19 pandemic through their political campaigns.  This study intends to discuss political communication carried out by political parties in an effort to raise awareness of preventing the spread of Covid-19 to the public during the 2020 Pilkada in Indonesia. The approach taken is qualitative, collecting data through in-depth interviews, with the subjects comprising of representatives of political parties and political communication experts.  The study finds that the bulk of the political campaigns carried out by political parties is focused on winning the elections, rather than on efforts to help deal with Covid-19. Community involvement also tends to be low in the 2020 elections, due to a lack of understanding of digital literacy and reluctance to vote due to a lack of understanding of health protocols.Keywords: health protocols; regional elections; community involvement

    The Effect of Service Quality and Performance of Cooperative on Cooperative Image and Its Impact to the Satisfaction of Cooperative Member in the Central Sulawesi Province

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality and performance of cooperatives on the cooperative image and its impact to the satisfaction of cooperative member in Central Sulawesi Province. The relation between the research variables corroborated by some marketing experts opinions, among others, Kotler (2013), Bateson (2005), Tjiptono (2014; 266), Rust, et al (1996) in Tjiptono (2014; 268), Lovelock (1988) in Tjiptono (2014; 268), Grönroos in Tjiptono (2014: 268) and Harrison in Iman (2010). The populations in this research are members of the cooperative that received the rating "quality" of the Department of Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of Central Sulawesi province in 2015. The number of cooperatives received the rating of "Quality" in 2015 as many as 33 units of cooperative. Total of population in this study are 7663 members of the cooperative, sampling techniques performed is Proportionate Random Sampling of 7663 members of the cooperative, the number of the sample are150 members of cooperative as well as respondents. The data collection was conducted using questionnaires and data collected are tested for their validity, reliability, and normality. Research hypothesis are proven by the path analysis. The results of the study are summarized in the conclusion: 1) Quality of Service significantly and positively impact on the image of cooperatives in the Central Sulawesi Province. 2) The Performance of Cooperative has significant and positive impact on the image of cooperatives in the Province of Central Sulawesi. 3) Service Quality has significant and positive impact on Cooperative Members satisfaction in Central Sulawesi province. 4) Cooperative Performance has significant and positive impact on satisfaction Cooperative Members in Central Sulawesi province. 5) The image of Cooperative significant and positive impact on satisfaction Cooperative Members in Central Sulawesi province. 6) Service quality has no significant effect on the satisfaction of Cooperative Members in Central Sulawesi mediated by Citra Cooperative. 7) Performance of the Cooperative significantly affect the satisfaction of Cooperative Members in Central Sulawesi which mediated by Citra Cooperative. Keywords: Quality, Performance, Image and Satisfactio


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    Banking has activities to bring together those in need of funds and those who have surplus funds. The existence of the banking world are increasingly required the government and society in the form of deposits and distribute in the form of credit. Credit is the provision of money or bills that can be equated with it, based on the approvalor the borrowing and lending between banks and other parties that requires the borrower to repay the debt after a certain period of time with interest. BTN apart as one of the state-owned banks are also government owned commercial banks to carry out the task and mission to provide public housing finance in supporting national development.Mort a gecaterto customers who have been eligible to buy land and houses with building standards at least equal to the provisions of modest homes, credit products BTN Branch Surabaya is preferred by consumers because it helps the customers who want to own a home but with the payer is done in installments. In addition to submitting the necessary documents, customers also have to fill ou tan application form mortgage(mortgage) which has been provided by the bank properly, and in accordance with the customer's identity card of the loan applicant. Keyword : State Savings Bank Housing Credit Surabay