3 research outputs found

    Warm pool thermodynamics from the Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX)

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    Before the onset of the south Asian summer monsoon, sea surface temperature (SST) of the north Indian Ocean warms to 30–32°C. Climatological mean mixed layer depth in spring (March–May) is 10–20 m, and net surface heat flux (Q net ) is 80–100 W m−2 into the ocean. Previous work suggests that observed spring SST warming is small mainly because of (1) penetrative flux of solar radiation through the base of the mixed layer (Q pen ) and (2) advective cooling by upper ocean currents. We estimate the role of these two processes in SST evolution from a two-week Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment process experiment in April–May 2005 in the southeastern Arabian Sea. The upper ocean is stratified by salinity and temperature, and mixed layer depth is shallow (6 to 12 m). Current speed at 2 m depth is high even under light winds. Currents within the mixed layer are quite distinct from those at 25 m. On subseasonal scales, SST warming is followed by rapid cooling, although the ocean gains heat at the surface: Q net is about 105 W m−2 in the warming phase and 25 W m−2 in the cooling phase; penetrative loss Q pen is 80 W m−2 and 70 W m−2. In the warming phase, SST rises mainly because of heat absorbed within the mixed layer, i.e., Q net minus Q pen ; Q pen reduces the rate of SST warming by a factor of 3. In the second phase, SST cools rapidly because (1) Q pen is larger than Q net and (2) advective cooling is ∼85 W m−2. A calculation using time-averaged heat fluxes and mixed layer depth suggests that diurnal variability of fluxes and upper ocean stratification tends to warm SST on subseasonal timescale. Buoy and satellite data suggest that a typical premonsoon intraseasonal cooling event occurs under clear skies when the ocean is gaining heat through the surface. In this respect, premonsoon SST cooling in the north Indian Ocean is different from that due to the Madden-Julian oscillation or monsoon intraseasonal oscillation

    Warm pool thermodynamics from the Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX)

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    Before the onset of the south Asian summer monsoon, sea surface temperature (SST) of the north Indian Ocean warms to 30-32&#176; C. Climatological mean mixed layer depth in spring (March-May) is 10-20 m, and net surface heat flux (Q <SUB>net</SUB> ) is 80-100 W m<SUP>-2</SUP> into the ocean. Previous work suggests that observed spring SST warming is small mainly because of (1) penetrative flux of solar radiation through the base of the mixed layer (Q <SUB>pen</SUB> ) and (2) advective cooling by upper ocean currents. We estimate the role of these two processes in SST evolution from a two-week Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment process experiment in April-May 2005 in the southeastern Arabian Sea. The upper ocean is stratified by salinity and temperature, and mixed layer depth is shallow (6 to 12 m). Current speed at 2 m depth is high even under light winds. Currents within the mixed layer are quite distinct from those at 25 m. On subseasonal scales, SST warming is followed by rapid cooling, although the ocean gains heat at the surface: Q<SUB> net</SUB> is about 105 W m<SUP>-2</SUP> in the warming phase and 25 W m<SUP>-2</SUP> in the cooling phase; penetrative loss Q <SUB>pen</SUB> is 80 W m<SUP>-2</SUP> and 70 W m<SUP>-2</SUP>. In the warming phase, SST rises mainly because of heat absorbed within the mixed layer, i.e., Q <SUB>net</SUB> minus Q <SUB>pen</SUB> ; Q<SUB> pen</SUB> reduces the rate of SST warming by a factor of 3. In the second phase, SST cools rapidly because (1) Q <SUB>pen</SUB> is larger than Q<SUB> net</SUB> and (2) advective cooling is ~85 W m<SUP>-2</SUP>. A calculation using time-averaged heat fluxes and mixed layer depth suggests that diurnal variability of fluxes and upper ocean stratification tends to warm SST on subseasonal timescale. Buoy and satellite data suggest that a typical premonsoon intraseasonal cooling event occurs under clear skies when the ocean is gaining heat through the surface. In this respect, premonsoon SST cooling in the north Indian Ocean is different from that due to the Madden-Julian oscillation or monsoon intraseasonal oscillation