30 research outputs found

    Дебют. Курс русского языка для иностранных студентов.Русско-англо-французский словарь

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    Vocabulary of the text-book “Debut. A Course of Russian for International Students” is represented. The text-book includes a range of material to give students the essential skills and knowledge they need for Russian reading, speaking, and writing from level A2 (“Russian for beginners”) up to B1 (“Debut 1”) and B2 (“Debut 2”) according to Council of Europe language descriptor. This course is intended for a very wide audience of Russian language learners, pursuing various goals (living and studying in those countries where Russian is spoken; short-term Russian courses; traineeship; language credits, etc.).Репрезентовано лексику уроків підручника “Debut. A Course of Russian for International Students”, який містить матеріали, що мають на меті формування у студентів знань і навичок російського читання, говоріння та письма від рівня А2 (“Russian for beginners”) до рівня В1 (“Debut 1”) та рівня В2 (“Debut 2”) за мовним дескриптором Ради Європи. Призначено для широкого кола студентів, які вивчають російську мову для різних цілей (проживання та навчання в країнах, де говорять російською; короткострокові курси російської мови, стажування, отримання академічних кредитів з іноземної мови і т. ін.)

    Дебют. Курс русского языка для иностранных студентов

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    The text-book includes a range of material to give students the essential skills and knowledge they need for Russian reading, speaking, and writing from level A2 (“Russian for beginners”) up to B1 (“Debut 1”) and B2 (“Debut 2”) according to Council of Europe language descriptor. This course is intended for a very wide audience of Russian language learners, pursuing various goals (living and studying in those countries where Russian is spoken; short-term Russian courses; traineeship; language credits, etc.).Учебник содержит материалы, имеющие целью формирование у студентов знаний и навыков российского чтения, говорения и письма от уровня А2 ("Russian for beginners") до уровня В1 ("Debut 1") и уровня В2 ("Debut 2") по языковому дескриптору Совета Европы. Учебник предназначен для широкого круга студентов, которые изучают русский язык для разных целей (проживание и обучение в странах, где говорят на русском; краткосрочные курсы русского языка, стажировка, получение академических кредитов по иностранному языку и т. д.)

    Дебют. Русский язык для начинающих

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    The guide includes a range of material to give students the essential skills and knowledge they need for basic Russian reading, speaking, and writing (up to A2 Council of Europe language descriptor). This course is intended for a very wide audience of Russian language learners, pursuing various goals (living and studying in those countries where Russian is spoken; short-term Russian courses; traineeship; language credits, etc.).Посібник містить матеріали, що мають на меті формування у студентів базових знань і навичок російського читання, говоріння та письма (до рівня А2 за мовним дескриптором Ради Європи). Посібник призначено для широкого кола студентів, які вивчають російську мову для різних цілей (проживання та навчання в країнах, де говорять російською; короткострокові курси російської мови, стажування, отримання академічних кредитів з іноземної мови і т.д.)

    Distance course "Debut" for teaching and learning Russian as a foreign language

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    «Непрерывное библиотечно-информационное образование» – ежегодная конференция, вдохновлённая В. А. Минкиной, или О роли личности в истории

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    In March, 2021, Valentina A. Minkina would turn eighty. Valentina A. Minkina is a prominent scientist, doctor of pedagogy, Professor of Information Management Department that she headed from 1991 to 2004. In memory of Valentina Minkina, the Library and Information Faculty of Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Culture holds the annual International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Continuing LIS Education”. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many professional events had to move to online or were deferred to a later date, and this conference, too. It is hard to overestimate the contribution of Valentina Minkina made to the library science. The authors review in brief her research efforts as the leader of the library scientific school and a wonderful mentor. The authors also review the origins and development of the conference. Among other library professional forums, the conference is unique as it focuses on professional education and training staff for libraries and information organizations, which is due not in no small way to Minkina’s ideas and the faculty’s traditions. The most significant publications in the periodicals on the conference are listed.В марте 2021 г. исполнилось 80 лет со дня рождения В. А. Минкиной − известного учёного, доктора педагогических наук, профессора кафедры информационного менеджмента, которую она возглавляла с 1992 по 2004 г. В память Валентины Альфредовны на библиотечно-информационном факультете Санкт-Петербургского государственного института культуры ежегодно про- водится международная научно-методическая конференция «Непрерывное библиотечно-информационное образование». Вклад Валентины Альфредовны в развитие библиотековедения трудно переоценить. В статье дан краткий очерк о деятельности В. А. Минкиной как учёного, лидера научной школы и замечательного педагога. Авторы приводят основные этапы зарождения, становления и развития конференции, посвящённой памяти В. А. Минкиной. Эта конференция выделяется из множества других, проводимых в библиотечной сфере, поскольку здесь рассматриваются именно вопросы подготовки кадров для библиотечно-информационных учреждений, чему способствуют воплотившиеся в жизнь идеи Валентины Альфредовны и традиции кафедры

    Kostroma cattle breed in the new century: the state and the prospects (review)

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    The article reflects the current state and the prospects of the Kostroma cattle breed development. The creation and improvement of the breed anticipated the formation and further breed development in the domestic and world zoo technical science. In recent years, the number of Kostroma cattle breed has been unreasonably reducing despite its economic valuable traits. At the same time in the Kostroma region there are prospects for preserving the valuable gene pool of one of the best domestic dairy and meat cattle breeds. As a result of directed selection and breeding work with the use of Brown Swiss bulls, a stud milk breed "Karavaevsky KK-1" has been developed. At present cow-champions of the Kostroma breed give up to 12,000 kg of milk per lactation. The milk of the Kostroma breed cows has a high content of protein and fat. The animals of Kostroma breed have good meat qualities, high resistance to a number of diseases, strong ungulate horn, easy adaptability to intensive technologies, good fertility and high productive longevity. To save the Kostroma breed it is important to put on 8-10 bulls of 8 planned lines and related groups for the validation and accumulation of sperm every year. The restoration of previously created lines with high genetic potential should be foreseen. It is necessary to identify and actively use the stud bulls bred in their own breeding farms; to conduct a linear assessment of bulls and daughter heifers by body type for more competent selection. In addition to the generally accepted forms and methods of selection, it is necessary to continue immunogenetic control of the authenticity of the origin of breeding animals and introduce modern methods of DNA technology to assess the breeding and productive qualities of cattle, which will reveal valuable genetic complexes in the best breeding animals and thus 1.5-2 times accelerate the selection processes.Conflict of interest: the authors stated that there was no conflict of interest

    Печеночная недостаточность при механическом холестазе паразитарного генеза

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    In Tomsk zonal hepatologic center 358 patients with obstructive parasitogenic jaundice have been operated (alveococcosis-based — 43, echinococcosis-based — 17, opisthorchosis-based — 298). Clinical presentations of hepatic failure before the surgery have been observed at 30,7% of patients, more often — under long and intensive cholestasis. Postsurgical hepatic failure has developed at 23,1%. Intraportal medicine infusions play an important role in prophylaxis and treatment of hepatic failure along with timely and optimal surgery. Infusions permit to decrease the hepatic failure progress probability from 60,6 to 30,5%, probability of suppurative complications from 10,3 to 3,1% and postsurgical lethality from 38,2 to 9,5%.В Томском зональном гепатологическом центре оперировано по поводу механической желтухи паразитарного генеза 358 человек (на почве альвеококкоза — 43, эхинококкоза — 17, описторхоза — 298). Клинические проявления печеночной недостаточности до операции наблюдались у 30,7% пациентов, чаще при длительном и интенсивном холестазе. Послеоперационная недостаточность печени развилась у 23,2%. В профилактике и лечении печеночной недостаточности наряду со своевременностью и оптимальностью оперативного вмешательства важную роль играют внутрипортальные инфузии лекарственных средств, позволяющие снизить вероятность прогрессирования недостаточности печени с 60,6 до 30,5%, развития гнойных осложнений с 10,3 до 3,1%, уменьшить послеоперационную летальность с 38,2 до 9,5%

    Случай массивной описторхозной инвазии протоков поджелудочной железы

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    The objective of the present publication is to show clinical case of a rare massive affection of pancreatic duct by opisthorchosis.Продемонстрирован клинический случай редкого массивного описторхозного поражения протоковой системы поджелудочной железы


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    The safety issues of human intravenous immunoglobulin preparations are particularly important in modern pharmacotherapy for immunodeficiencies, hematologic and neurologic diseases, like as at transplant centers. Upon massive infusions of these media some complications are detected that are associated with spontaneous activation of complement system accompanied by production of anaphylatoxins, as well as activation of kallikrein/kinin, plasmin, and blood coagulation systems, changed blood rheology, initiation of intravascular hemolysis. For distinct groups of patients, these complications may be due to presence of some anti-erythrocyte antibodies (e.g., anti-A and anti-B haemagglutinins, anti-D antibodies) in the intravenous human immunoglobulin preparations. In the present review article, we show development of current quality standards for human intravenous immunoglobulins based on determination of antibody contents. Antibodies to erythrocytes represent a special safety index aiming to minimize risk of possible adverse effects connected with transfusions of human blood preparations. Different haemagglutination tests were compared to assess contents of anti-A, anti-B haemagglutinins and anti-D antibodies for specific safety of human intravenous immunoglobulins. Analysis of haemagglutination techniques for evaluation of human intravenous immunoglobulin preparations revealed their relative advantages and disadvantages. Various modifications of the methods are discussed, thus allowing to optimize process of quality control for these preparations based on detection of haemagglutinins and anti-D antibodies. We demonstrate a necessity to adjust regulations and to improve evaluation techniques for haemagglutinin determination in human immunoglobulin preparations at amounts of 100 mg/ml of protein. Special features of Russian national quality standards for human immunoglobulin preparations are considered with respect to assessment of haemagglutinins and anti-D contents. One may conclude that haemagglutination methods present the most informative and economically substantiated approach when assessing specific safety of human intravenous immunoglobulins by measuring contents of anti-A, anti-B haemagglutinins, and anti-D antibodies