336 research outputs found

    The Mapping Of Action Verbs In The Teaching Of English For Food Production

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    This study is focused on the procedure of verbs' translation in English (source language) into Indonesian language (target language), and how the mapping of action verb meanings in the procedural text. The research uses qualitative method, employing a cooking book recipe “Step by Step Cooking Balinese Delightful for Everyday” as its data source and its Indonesian translation. The theory used in this research is the theory of Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti, 2000) about translation procedures that include borrowing, calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation. The theory of applying the natural semantic metalanguage approach (NSM) proposed by Wierzbicka (1996) is used to discuss the mapping of English action verbs. The theory is applied in order to explain how the Indonesian action verb meanings are mapped into English, with the exponential mapping technique. The description of the mapping meanings including the exponential mapping to the action verb of the Indonesian language has produced a new dimension. This new dimension turns out to be able to explore the meaning of the lexical item including the one that has even a subtle difference, therefore there is no more swirling of meaning. Keywords: translation procedure, action verb, mapping of meanin

    Indonesian Fan Girls' Perception Towards Soft Masculinity as Represented by K-pop Male Idols

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    This article aimed to examine how fan girls perceive this new form of masculinity represented by K-pop male idols (termed as soft masculinity). This research used a mixed method in collecting the data from a questionnaire distributed via e-mail and Line to twenty fan girls from various fandoms in April 2016. The result shows that the respondents are aware that in the entertainment business, gender identity can be modified and presented as a part of marketing strategy. In addition, they only see the soft masculinity delivered by K-pop male idols as a form of performance

    Asosiasi USAha Dalam Tinjauan Hukum Persaingan Indonesia

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    Trade Association as a Cartel Operative Under Indonesian Competition Law, is normative legal research. This research try to analyze the relation among business entities who are competitors among themselves while they established a trade association. Some experts said that those trade association tends to established a cartel among themselves.This is a normative legal research with descriptive analyze research approach.This research showed if a trade association operated without control, they will become a cartel operative. Indonesian anti monopoly law, did not regulate trade association. Law no 5 year 1999 only regulate cartel.If a trade association become a cartel, it will give a big impact not only towards its competitors but also for national economy and also for market (consumers) Keywords : Business Entities, Cartel, Trade Association, Antimonopoly Law Naskah ini berasal dari penelitian yang berjudul “Menakar Operasional Asosisasi Usaha Sebagai Suatu Operasional Kartel Berdasarkan Hukum Anti Monopoli Indonesia”. Beberapa Negara yang telah memiliki perangkat peraturan anti monopoli telah secara tegas mengatur agar asosiasi USAha tidak melakukan kesepakatan yang akan dapat dikategorikan sebagai kartel

    Eksistensi dan Kekuatan Eksekutorial Sertipikat Hak Tanggungan terhadap Hak Milik Atas Satuan Rumah Susun sebagai Jaminan Hutang dalam Perjanjian Kredit di Bank

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    Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah mengetahui eksistensi dan kekuatan eksekutorial sertipikat hak tanggunganterhadap hak milik atas satuan rumah susun sebagai jaminan hutang dalam perjanjian kredit di Bank. Metodeyang dipakai dalam penulisan ini adalah yuridis normativ. Hasil dari penulisan ini adalah dalam menjalankanprinsip kehati-hatian, Bank tidak akan berani memberikan pinjaman atau kredit kepada masyarakat tanpaadanya jaminan. Hak milik atas Satuan Rumah Susun dapat dijadikan objek jaminan kredit dan diikat denganHak Tanggungan.. Landasan hukum eksekusi Hak tanggungan atas satuan rumah susun terdapat dalam Pasal20 UUHT, dimana objek hak tanggungan dijual melalui pelelangan umum menurut cara yang ditentukan dalamperaturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan pemegang Sertipikat Hak tanggungan berhak mengambilseluruh atau sebagian dari hasilnya untuk pelunasan piutangnya, dengan hak yang mendahului dari padakreditur-kreditur yang lain

    Deconstructing the Stereotypes of Women Through a Female Voice in Burial Rites (2013) by Hannah Kent

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    Patriarchal society regulates how women should behave and act. If a woman obeys the social rules, she will be labeled as a good woman. On the other hand, if a woman does not follow the social values, she will be immediately categorized as an evil woman and given negative stereotypes. This binary opposition between a good woman and a bad woman is often criticized by the feminists because they think this categorization burdens women. This issue is also highlighted by Hannah Kent in her novel Burial Rites (2013). This novel is set in a rural society in Iceland in the 19th century with its patriarchal values, focusing on a woman named Agnes that will soon be executed. This theme interested the researcher to study Burial Rites more deeply using feminist perspective. Characters, setting and point of view are the intrinsic elements discussed in this research. The result of the analysis shows that through these three elements, Burial Rites describes society's stereotypes about ‘evil women' and there is an effort from the author to deconstruct the stereotype through a female voice

    Error Analysis in Writing an English Narrative Composition

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    The purpose of the research were to know the errors which have been made by the learners in their English narrative composition and it is also to know why they made the errors, to identify the errors made by the learners, to correct the errors, to improve the teaching quality which is appropriate with the curriculum and the syllabus and to get the data and the explanation about the difficulties in studying English especially in writing the English narrative composition. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Descriptive method means the method which tries to give thedata and the explanation about the recent symptoms. The data was taken from 20 students and it was taken by asking the learners to make the English narrative composition, classifying then analyzing the errors found in their composition.The errors that have been found in the compositions are 30 items or 15% for errors of selection, 25 items or 12, 5% for errors of ordering, 115 items or 57, 5% for errors of omission and 30 items or 15% for errors of addition. Some identifying, classifying, analyzing and correcting the errors have been done to correct the errors that have been found. It was done in order to minimize and avoid the same errors happen again in the learners' English narrative composition

    Analisis Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Subsektor Industri Energi di Indonesia dengan Pendekatan System Thinking

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    Terlepas dari sudah adanya Undang-Undang yang mengatur Tanggung Jawab Sosial suatu Perusahaan, Perusahaan di Indonesia masih memiliki praktik Tanggung Jawab Sosial yang berbeda dalam terminologi kegiatan dan dampak yang diakibatkan. Oleh karena itu, melalui Tugas Akhir ini, penulis berusaha menganalisis praktik Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan subsektor industri energi di Indonesia dengan menggunakan pendekatan system thinking. Sehingga dapat terlihat apakah Tanggung Jawab Sosial di subsektor industri tersebut bisa mencapai target three-bottom-line. Kata Kunci: Tanggung Jawab Sosial; Causal Loop Diagram (CLD), Pendekatan System Thinking, Keberlangsungan; Ekonomi-Sosial-Lingkungan. Despite already have national policies about CSR, the organizations in Indonesia has different CSR practices that not particularly similar nor close in the activities and impact term. Thus, by this research, the writer tried to analyze the CSR practices by subsector energy industry companies in Indonesia using the system thinking approach. Thus, we would see whether the CSR in this subsector really could achieve the triple-bottom-line target. Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); System Thinking; Causal Loop Diagram (CLD); Sustainability; Economic-Social-Environment. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Bivona, E. (2010). Outlining Long Term Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies in Non Profit Organizations: the case of a Colombian Health Care Insurance. International Conference on Applied Business Research, (pp. 1-14). Ras Al Khaimah. Esasari, & Mustamu, R. H. (2015). Strategi Keberlanjutan Perusahaan Pengembang Perumahan dengan Penerapan Metode ISIS Accelerator. AGORA, 3, 177-184. Global Reporting Initiative. (2013). Pendahuluan tentang G4. Amsterdam. Global Reporting Initiative. (2015). GRI: Empowering Sustainable Decisions; Our Five-Year Focus 2015-2020. Amsterdam. Indonesia Stock Exchange. (2014). IDX Fact Book 2014. Jakarta: Indonesia Stock Exchange. International Organization for Standardization. (2010). ISO 26000:2010 (E)- Guidance on Social Responsibility. Geneva: ISO Copyright Office. Kuniawan, Y., & Josua, T. (2013). Pengaruh Pengungkapan Sustainability Report terhadap Profitabilitas Perusahaan. Business Accounting Review, 1. Li, W.-Y., Yan, M.-R., & Liu, Y.-Y. (2012). A Strategic Thinking and Systems Analysis of Socially Responsible Business Models in the Telecommunications Industry. ATINER\u27S Conference Paper Series. Margono. (2010). Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. O\u27Rourke, D. (2004). Opportunities and Obstacles for Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in Developing Countries. Berkeley: The World Bank Group. Perera, C. R., & Takashima, K. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility and Product Evaluation: Moderating role of Brand familiarity. Plog, B. A., & Quinlan, P. J. (2002). Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene. United States of America: National Safety Council. Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. K. (2006). Strategy & Society. The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility. Harvard Business Review, 1-14. PT Leyand International Tbk. (2014). Laporan Tahunan 2014. Jakarta: PT Leyand International Tbk. PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk. (2014). Perjalanan Keberlanjutan PGN. Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014. Jakarta: PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk. PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk. (2014). The Story of PGN. Laporan Tahunan 2014. Jakarta: PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk. PT Rukun Raharja Tbk. (2014). Annual Report 2014. Progressing Towards The Future. Jakarta: PT Rukun Raharja Tbk. Senge, P. M. (2004). The Fifth Discipline. New York: Currency Doubleday. Sterman, J. D. (2000). Business Dynamics; System Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World. Boston: McGraw-Hill. Sugiyono. (2010). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta. Tran, T. N. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Pratices in Vietnam. Lahti University of Applied Science. Wiegel, K. (2013). The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting and Financial Performance. Rotterdam: Erasmus School of Economy