
Asosiasi USAha Dalam Tinjauan Hukum Persaingan Indonesia


Trade Association as a Cartel Operative Under Indonesian Competition Law, is normative legal research. This research try to analyze the relation among business entities who are competitors among themselves while they established a trade association. Some experts said that those trade association tends to established a cartel among themselves.This is a normative legal research with descriptive analyze research approach.This research showed if a trade association operated without control, they will become a cartel operative. Indonesian anti monopoly law, did not regulate trade association. Law no 5 year 1999 only regulate cartel.If a trade association become a cartel, it will give a big impact not only towards its competitors but also for national economy and also for market (consumers) Keywords : Business Entities, Cartel, Trade Association, Antimonopoly Law Naskah ini berasal dari penelitian yang berjudul “Menakar Operasional Asosisasi Usaha Sebagai Suatu Operasional Kartel Berdasarkan Hukum Anti Monopoli Indonesia”. Beberapa Negara yang telah memiliki perangkat peraturan anti monopoli telah secara tegas mengatur agar asosiasi USAha tidak melakukan kesepakatan yang akan dapat dikategorikan sebagai kartel

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