21 research outputs found

    Worldsheet instantons and coupling selection rules in heterotic orbifolds

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    We review recent results on string coupling selection rules for heterotic orbifolds, derived using conformal field theory. Such rules are the first step towards understanding the viability of the recently obtained compactifications with potentially realistic particle spectra. They arise from the properties of the worldsheet instantons that mediate the couplings, and include stringy effects that would seem 'miraculous' to an effective field theory observer.Comment: 4 pages, talk presented at SQS'13, JINR, Dubna, Russia, 29 July - 03 August, 201

    Runaway quintessence, out of the swampland

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    We propose a simple, well-motivated and robust alternative to a metastable de Sitter vacuum in string theory, consistent with current observations of dark energy and naturally satisfying conjectured swampland constraints. Inflation ends in a supersymmetric Minkowski minimum, with a flat direction that is protected by non-renormalisation theorems. At some scale non-perturbative effects kick in, inducing a runaway scalar potential. The tail of this runaway potential cannot sustain a late-time dominating, slow-roll quintessence. However, the potential always contains a dS maximum. If the modulus starts close to the hilltop, it remains frozen there by Hubble friction for much of the cosmological history, at first sourcing a tiny classical vacuum energy and then constituting a rolling quintessence, with observable consequences. So long as the modulus is localised away from the Standard Model in the extra dimensions, there are no observable fifth forces nor is there time-variation of fundamental constants, and the modulus mass is protected from radiative corrections. We revisit concrete string models based on heterotic orbifold compactifications, and show that their de Sitter extrema satisfy the recently refined dS Swampland Conjecture.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. v2: minor modifications, references and comments adde

    Subleading effects and the field range in axion inflation

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    An attractive candidate for the inflaton is an axion slowly rolling down a flat potential protected by a perturbative shift symmetry. Realisations of this idea within large field, natural and monomial inflation have been disfavoured by observations and are difficult to embed in string theory. We show that subleading, but significant non-perturbative corrections can superimpose sharp cliffs and gentle plateaus into the potential, whose overall effect is to enhance the number of e-folds of inflation. Sufficient e-folds are therefore achieved for smaller field ranges compared to the potential without such corrections. Thus, both single-field natural and monomial inflation in UV complete theories like string theory, can be restored into the favour of current observations, with distinctive signatures. Tensor modes result un-observably small, but there is a large negative running of the spectral index. Remarkably, natural inflation can be achieved with a single field whose axion decay constant is sub-Planckian.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures; v2 references improve

    SUSY Breaking and Moduli Stabilization from Fluxes in Gauged 6D Supergravity

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    We construct the 4D N=1 supergravity which describes the low-energy limit of 6D supergravity compactified on a sphere with a monopole background a la Salam and Sezgin. This provides a simple setting sharing the main properties of realistic string compactifications such as flat 4D spacetime, chiral fermions and N=1 supersymmetry as well as Fayet-Iliopoulos terms induced by the Green-Schwarz mechanism. The matter content of the resulting theory is a supersymmetric SO(3)xU(1) gauge model with two chiral multiplets, S and T. The expectation value of T is fixed by the classical potential, and S describes a flat direction to all orders in perturbation theory. We consider possible perturbative corrections to the Kahler potential in inverse powers of ReSRe S and ReTRe T, and find that under certain circumstances, and when taken together with low-energy gaugino condensation, these can lift the degeneracy of the flat direction for ReSRe S. The resulting vacuum breaks supersymmetry at moderately low energies in comparison with the compactification scale, with positive cosmological constant. It is argued that the 6D model might itself be obtained from string compactifications, giving rise to realistic string compactifications on non Ricci flat manifolds. Possible phenomenological and cosmological applications are briefly discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures. Uses JHEP3.cls. References fixed and updated, some minor typos fixed. Corrected minor error concerning Kaluza-Klein scales. Results remain unchange

    Discrete R-symmetries and Anomaly Universality in Heterotic Orbifolds

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    We study discrete R-symmetries, which appear in 4D low energy effective field theory derived from hetetoric orbifold models. We derive the R-symmetries directly from geometrical symmetries of orbifolds. In particular, we obtain the corresponding R-charges by requiring that the couplings be invariant under these symmetries. This allows for a more general treatment than the explicit computations of correlation functions made previously by the authors, including models with discrete Wilson lines, and orbifold symmetries beyond plane-by-plane rotational invariance. Surprisingly, for the cases covered by earlier explicit computations, the R-charges differ from the previous result. We study the anomalies associated with these R-symmetries, and comment on the results.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. Minor changes, typos corrected. Matches JHEP published versio

    Revisiting Coupling Selection Rules in Heterotic Orbifold Models

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    We study L-point couplings between twisted sector fields in heterotic orbifold compactifications, using conformal field theory. Selection rules provide an easy way to identify which couplings are non-vanishing. Those used in the current literature are gauge invariance, R-charge conservation and the space group selection rule, but they are not the whole story. We revive and refine a fourth selection rule, due to symmetries in the underlying torus lattice, and introduce a fifth one, due to the existence or not of classical worldsheet instanton solutions to mediate the couplings. We consider briefly the phenomenological consequences of the additional rules, in particular for recent orbifold constructions whose field content correspond to that of the MSSM. The structure of the exotic mass matrices is unaltered and many dimension-5 proton-decay operators vanish.Comment: 27 pages, v2: several clarifications, matches JHEP version. v3: supercedes journal version, erratum to appear in JHEP; correction to "rule 5" equations, main ideas unchange

    Mechanisms for primordial black hole production in string theory

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    We consider mechanisms for producing a significant population of primordial black holes (PBHs) within string inspired single field models of inflation. The production of PBHs requires a large amplification in the power spectrum of curvature perturbations between scales associated with CMB and PBH formation. In principle, this can be achieved by temporarily breaking the slow-roll conditions during inflation. In this work, we identify two string setups that can realise this process. In string axion models of inflation, subleading non-perturbative effects can superimpose steep cliffs and gentle plateaus onto the leading axion potential. The cliffs can momentarily violate the slow-roll conditions, and the plateaus can lead to phases of ultra slow-roll inflation. We thus achieve a string motivated model which both matches the Planck observations at CMB scales and produces a population of light PBHs, which can account for an order one fraction of dark matter. In DBI models of inflation, a sharp increase in the speed of sound sourced by a steep downward step in the warp factor can drive the amplification. In this scenario, discovery of PBHs could indicate non-trivial dynamics in the bulk, such as flux-antibrane annihilation at the tip of a warped throat

    Squeezed tensor non-Gaussianity in non-attractor inflation

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    We investigate primordial tensor non-Gaussianity in single field inflation, during a phase of non-attractor evolution when the spectrum of primordial tensor modes can be enhanced to a level detectable at interferometer scales. Making use of a tensor duality we introduced in arXiv:1808.10475, we analytically compute the full bispectrum of primordial tensor fluctuations during the non-attractor era. During this epoch the shape of the tensor bispectrum is enhanced in the squeezed limit, its amplitude can be amplified with respect to slow-roll models, and tensor non-Gaussianity can exhibit a scale dependence distinctive of our set-up. We prove that our results do not depend on the frame used for the calculations. Squeezed tensor non-Gaussianity induces a characteristic quadrupolar anisotropy on the power spectrum of the stochastic background of primordial tensor perturbations. As a step to make contact with gravitational wave experiments, we discuss the response function of a ground based Michelson interferometer to a gravitational wave background with such a feature.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figure

    Anti-D3 branes and moduli in non-linear supergravity

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    Anti-D3 branes and non-perturbative effects in flux compactifications spontaneously break supersymmetry and stabilise moduli in a metastable de Sitter vacua. The low energy 4D effective field theory description for such models would be a supergravity theory with non-linearly realised supersymmetry. Guided by string theory modular symmetry, we compute this non-linear supergravity theory, including dependence on all bulk moduli. Using either a constrained chiral superfield or a constrained vector field, the uplifting contribution to the scalar potential from the anti-D3 brane can be parameterised either as an F-term or Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term. Using again the modular symmetry, we show that 4D non-linear supergravities that descend from string theory have an enhanced protection from quantum corrections by non-renormalisation theorems. The superpotential giving rise to metastable de Sitter vacua is robust against perturbative string-loop and α\alpha' corrections.Comment: 33 page