19 research outputs found

    Zespół Churga-Strauss — opis przypadku

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    Zespół Churga-Strauss jest rzadkim, ogólnoustrojowym zespołemo podłożu autoimmunologicznym, którego pełnoobjawowy obrazrozwija się wraz martwiczym zapaleniem naczyń krwionośnychmałego kalibru w ostatniej fazie choroby. Zależnie od lokalizacjizmian martwiczych, objawy zawiązane z tym procesem stanowićmogą nawet bezpośrednie zagrożenie życia pacjenta. Mimo sprecyzowaniaprzez American College of Rheumatology w 1990 ro -ku kryteriów diagnostycznych zespołu, ze względu na złożonyprzebieg oraz objawy mogące imitować inne, znaczniej częściejwystępujące schorzenia, rozpoznanie zespołu Churga-Strauss niejest łatwym zadaniem. Ilustracją tych trudności jest prezentowanyw niniejszej pracy opis przypadku pacjentki, u której ostatecznierozpoznano to schorzenie

    Orthodontic and orthodontic-surgical management of impacted canines – a literature review

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    The phenomenon of impacted canines is observed in about 0.8–4.9% of patients treated orthodontically. In 85% of cases it is observed unilaterally. Besides the third molars, canines are the largest group of impacted teeth. The impacted tooth diagnosis includes clinical and radiological examination. In this particular case, the screening test is a pantomographic X-ray. The full picture of the location of an impacted tooth and adjacent structures can be obtained only through the use of computed tomography. Only a full diagnosis allows a decision to be made as to the treatment of impacted canines and permits an evaluation of the possibility of treatment success. In the case of impacted teeth, the procedures may be varied. Mostly, the tooth is either left in the bone or tracked orthodontically. Rarely is it extracted. In some cases, the surgical procedure includes the autotransplantation of the impacted tooth

    Comparative analysis of the level of aggression between the women practicing judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu

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    Aim: Comparison of the level of aggression between the women practicing judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu against the average aggression level among Polish women. Materials and methods: A group of 30 women practicing judo and a group of 27 women practicing jiu-jitsu were tested by using a questionnaire to show the aggression level- ‘Aggression questionnaire’ by Buss, Amity Institute with Polish adaptations. Results: The total decreasing in the aggression level was observed among the group of women practicing judo and partial among women practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Conclusion: A longstanding practice of Brazilian jiu-jitsu by women results in decreasing of aggression level, what can be later used during planning therapeutic schemes

    Occlusal Disorders among Patients with Total Clefts of Lip, Alveolar Bone, and Palate

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    Clefts are common birth defects. They are accompanied by various malformations, including disturbances in facial look as well as skeletal disorders that include malocclusions, most frequently crossbites and class III anomalies. The aim of the study was to present the commonest malocclusions in patients with total cleft of the lip, alveolar bone and palate (n=154) and compare the results to the healthy on-cleft patients (n=151). Normal occlusion, characteristic for I angle class, was observed in 50% of the control group and 30% of the examined. In the examined patients with clefts, most frequently crossbite and open bite on the cleft side was observed. In patients with clefts, only 2 out of 154 patients presented isolated dental anomalies. In healthy individuals the commonest occlusal disorder was distal occlusion and dental anomalies. The commonest malocclusions among patients with clefts are crossbites and class III malocclusions

    Subperiosteal abscess of the temporal area - rare complication of malignant external otitis

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    The aim of this study was to present a case study of 59 years old men with external otitis complicated by subperiostal abscess with destruction of squamosus part of temporal bone. 61 years old men was admitted to the Clinic of Otolaryngology PUM because of severe pain of temporal region on the left side and for few days he was treated for external otitis. The patient complained of severe ear pain, hearing loss and fever 38°C. For a week he was receiving ciprofloxacin orally and as ear drops but symptoms worsened. On the day of addmition edema and pain in temporal region on the left side, trismus and severe edema in left external ear were stated, tympanic membrane was red, thick and there was no perforation in it. Pure tone audiometry showed air bone gap 50-60dB. In computer tomography an abscess in soft tissue of temporal region was stated with destruction of the squamosus part of temporal bone 18x10mm. Surgery was performed – incision of abscess and mastoidectomy. During surgery the place of destruction in the postero – superior part of external auditory canal was identified and it communicated with abscess. The bony destruction and dura were covered with cartilage. In the postoperative period fast general and local recovery appeared. The bacteriological specimen was negative. The patient was diagnosed for diabetes or others immunological impairment but results were negative. In the control pure tone audiometry there was complete closure of air bone gap. The patient was discharged in good general and local condition. In the follow up there was no other ear infections

    Ropień podokostnowy okolicy skroniowej - rzadkie powikłanie złośliwego zapalenia ucha zewnętrznego

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    Celem niniejszego badania było przedstawienie przypadku 59-letniego mężczyzny z zapaleniem ucha zewnętrznego powikłanego ropniem podokostnowym z destrukcją części łuskowej kości skroniowej. Mężczyzna lat 61, leczony od kilku dni z powodu zapalenia ucha zewnętrznego, został przyjęty do Kliniki Otolaryngologii Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego z powodu nasilonych dolegliwości bólowych okolicy skroniowej po stronie lewej. Pacjent skarżył się na silny ból ucha, upośledzenie słuchu oraz gorączkę wynoszącą 38°C. Przez okres tygodnia chory był leczony ciprofloksacyną doustnie oraz miejscowo, ale objawy uległy nasileniu. W dniu przyjęcia do szpitala stwierdzono obrzęk i tkliwość okolicy skroniowej po stronie lewej, szczękościsk oraz masywny obrzęk skóry przewodu słuchowego zewnętrznego lewego, z pogrubieniem i przekrwieniem błony bębenkowej, bez cech perforacji. Audiometria tonalna wykazała niedosłuch przewodzeniowy z rezerwą ślimakową wynoszącą 50-60 dB. W tomografii komputerowej uwidoczniono ropień tkanek miękkich okolicy skroniowej, z destrukcją części łuskowej kości skroniowej wielkości 18x10 mm. Wykonano zabieg chirurgiczny - nacięcie ropnia z mastoidektomią. Podczas operacji stwierdzono uszkodzenie tylno-górnej ściany przewodu słuchowego zewnętrznego, która komunikowała się z jamą ropnia. Ubytek kości oraz oponę pokryto fragmentem chrząstki. W okresie pooperacyjnym uzyskano szybką poprawę stanu ogólnego i miejscowego. Wyniki badań bakteriologicznych były ujemne. Pacjent był diagnozowany w kierunku cukrzycy lub innego rodzaju niedoborów odporności, ale odchyleń nie stwierdzono. W kontrolnej audiometrii tonalnej uzyskano całkowite zamknięcie rezerwy ślimakowej. Pacjent został wypisany ze szpitala w stanie ogólnym i miejscowym dobrym. W toku obserwacji nie stwierdzono żadnych stanów zapalnych ucha

    Sphenoid sinus cyst with bone destruction of the skull base – case report

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    The aim of this paper is to present the case of a 62-year-old man with a sphenoid sinus cyst with skull base destruction. He was admitted to hospital with severe headache, visual disturbance, left ear conductive hearing loss, and loss of weight. The complaints had been increasing over the last two years. The diagnosis of the sphenoid sinus cyst with the sella turcica destruction was established two years ago but the patient refused treatment. On admission, the CT revealed a pathological mass in the left sphenoid sinus (density of 48 HU, size of 33x25x25 mm), causing extensive destruction of its left and upper walls with penetration into the skull. MRI confirmed the presence of a 28x24-mm cyst which was adjacent to the bottom of the sella and did not penetrate to the brain. In addition, the studies revealed chronic sinusitis with polyps. The patient was treated by endoscopic sinus surgery under navigation system. Wide marsupialization of the frontal wall of the sphenoid sinus cyst and removal of the polypoid changes were carried out. Pain subsided after surgery. A control MRI revealed thickening of the mucous membranes of the ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary sinuses, and the left mastoid cells. Moreover, no evidence of invagination of the meninges within the operated area was stated

    Sphenoid sinus cyst with bone destruction of the skull base – case report

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    The aim of this paper is to present the case of a 62-year-old man with a sphenoid sinus cyst with skull base destruction. He was admitted to hospital with severe headache, visual disturbance, left ear conductive hearing loss, and loss of weight. The complaints had been increasing over the last two years. The diagnosis of the sphenoid sinus cyst with the sella turcica destruction was established two years ago but the patient refused treatment. On admission, the CT revealed a pathological mass in the left sphenoid sinus (density of 48 HU, size of 33x25x25 mm), causing extensive destruction of its left and upper walls with penetration into the skull. MRI confirmed the presence of a 28x24-mm cyst which was adjacent to the bottom of the sella and did not penetrate to the brain. In addition, the studies revealed chronic sinusitis with polyps. The patient was treated by endoscopic sinus surgery under navigation system. Wide marsupialization of the frontal wall of the sphenoid sinus cyst and removal of the polypoid changes were carried out. Pain subsided after surgery. A control MRI revealed thickening of the mucous membranes of the ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary sinuses, and the left mastoid cells. Moreover, no evidence of invagination of the meninges within the operated area was stated