33 research outputs found

    Monitorização ecotoxicológica da qualidade da água da ribeira do Portelo (NE de Portugal)

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    De janeiro de 2011 a julho de 2012, procedeu-se à monitorização de curto-médio prazo dos potenciais impactos ambientais resultantes da entrada, em dezembro de 2009, duma grande quantidade de sedimentos na ribeira do Portelo, localizada no Parque Natural de Montesinho (Nordeste de Portugal). Para avaliar os efeitos, realizaram-se amostragens sazonais (no ano de 2011) e mensais (no ano de 2012) em oito locais distribuídos ao longo de 20 Km que separam o local do colapso numa linha de água da ribeira do Portelo e o rio Sabor. Foram medidos vários parâmetros físico-químicos da água e avaliada a evolução espacial e temporal registada ao nível das comunidades de macroinvertebrados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram, comparativamente com o estudo de curto prazo realizado por NOGUEIRA (2011) realçar os seguintes aspetos em termos das condições abióticas: i) a manutenção, embora com valores não tão limitantes, da acidez da água (pH 250 μS.cm-1) na proximidade das escombreiras; ii) a permanência de elevada concentração de alguns metais pesados nomeadamente o Alumínio (Al), cobre (Cu) e cobalto (Co); iii) a permanência duma grande quantidade de sedimentos finos depositados no leito dos cursos de água; iv) a ocorrência de fenómenos pontuais de ressurgimento de sedimentos transportados na coluna de água, após períodos de precipitação e caudal elevados e v) uma recuperação ténue no canal e área ribeirinha. Ao nível da abundância e diversidade das comunidades de invertebrados verificaram-se sinais de lenta e progressiva recuperação com a paulatina colonização por diferentes táxones de zonas perturbadas onde se tinha dado o seu desaparecimento logo após o acidente do colapso das escombreiras. Realce para a deteção de organismos pertencentes a grupos faunísticos relativamente sensíveis, como por exemplo Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera. Apesar do período de tempo decorrido (aproximadamente 3 anos), continuam a afigurar-se necessárias medidas de reabilitação/recuperação e de mitigação, nomeadamente com o desvio da linha de água que passa sobre os sedimentos da escombreira na zona mais afetada. From January 2011 to July 2012, it was monitored the environmental impact (short-medium term study) of a mining spill in the Portelo stream (in December 2009), a tributary of Sabor River (Douro Basin), located in the Natural Park of Montesinho (Northeast Portugal). To evaluate the effects, seasonal (in 2011) and monthly (in 2012) samplings were carried out in nine locations (P1 to P9) distributed along 20 km, from the collapse zone to the confluence of the Aveleda stream and the Sabor River. Several physico-chemical parameters of the water were measured and the spatial and temporal evolution of the macroinvertebrate communities evaluated. The obtained results allowed, comparatively to the short-term study conducted by NOGUEIRA (2011), to highlight the following aspects in terms of abiotic conditions: i) maintenance of the tendency of water acidity (pH 250 μS.cm-1); ii) high concentration of heavy metals were also detected, in particular aluminum (Al), copper (Cu) and cobalt (Co), iii) the persistence of a large amount of fine sediment deposited on the bed of watercourses; iv) the occurrence of occasional resurgence of sediment in the water column, namely after periods of high rainfall and flow; iv) a tenuous recovery in the channel and riparian zones. In terms of abundance and diversity of invertebrate communities, signs of a slow and progressive recovery were detected, with a gradual colonization by different taxa in disturbed areas, after their disappearance in December 2009. It must be emphasized the presence of organisms belonging to faunistic groups relatively sensitive to disturbance, like different insects of Trichoptera and Ephemerotera orders. Despite of the 3 years time period occurred, rehabilitation, recovery and mitigation measures must be implemented, including the deviation of the watercourse that that passes over the mine wastes

    Influence of sampling date on soil nitrogen availability indices

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    In spite of the great effort that has been devoted to the search for a chemical laboratory index to predict nitrogen (N) mineralization capability of soils, the results have not yet been fully satisfactory. A continued effort is still needed to increase the knowledge of the sources of variation that influence potentially available soil N. The time of sampling has received little attention, taking into account its potential to influence N-mineralization patterns. In this work, soil samples from three different agrosystems, consisting of a double-crop sequence of small grains and maize, an intensively grazed pasture, and a rainfed olive orchard, were collected at different dates. Several chemical extractions were performed, and the results were correlated with N uptake by turnip (Brassica campestris, L.) grown in a pot experiment. Kjeldahl N was the chemical test that best correlated (R2 = 0.621) with N uptake by turnip. Kjeldahl N showed great versatility relative to the origin of the soil samples. However, it was not very sensitive to the time of sampling. It did not detect changes occurring in the soil over a short period of time. Soil inorganic N showed the second highest coefficient of correlation (R2 = 0.483) with N uptake by turnip. In contrast to that observed with Kjeldahl N, soil inorganic N appeared as an index that can vary greatly over the short term. The hot saline potassium chloride (KCl) extractions gave generally fair results. The poorest, however, were obtained with the ultraviolet absorption of extracts of 0.01 mol L−1 sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) measured at 250- and 260-nm wavelengths

    Effect of sampling date on chemical indices of the mineralizable nitrogen in soil

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    In the 1960s and 1970s there was great emphasis on selecting simple laboratory methods to estimate the potentially available soil N that could be routinely used as a method for the N recommendations systems (Keeney and Breniner, 1966; Stanford and Smith, 1976). Many chemical extractants were investigated (acids alkali, salts, water…) as possible tools for assessing how much N may be mineralized, varying the concentration of the extractant, temperature and time of extractions

    Nitrogen-use efficiency and economic efficiency of slow-release N fertilisers applied to irrigated turfs in a Mediterranean environment

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    The effect of three fertilisers that delay the bioavailability of nitrogen (N) in the soil was compared with ammonium nitrate and a zero N control in two irrigated turfs in NE Portugal. The fertilisers used were: Floranid permanent 16-7-15 (slow-release, IBDU/Isodur fertiliser); Basacote plus 9M 16-8-12 (controlled-release fertiliser, copolymer ethylene acrylic); Nitroteck 20-8-10 (stabilized fertiliser, dicyandiamide as nitrification inhibitor + coating with polyterpene) and Nitrolusal (ammonium nitrate, 20.5% N), applied all at a rate of 120 kg N ha-1. Nitrolusal was split into two fractions of 60 kg N ha-1. Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) rates were balanced among treatments by using superphosphate (18% P2O5) and potassium chloride (60% K2O). The turf dry matter (DM) yield and N concentration in dry material were determined from several cuts of biomass throughout the growing season. Based on DM yield, N concentration in dry material and fertilisation costs, indices of N use efficiency and economic efficiency were estimated. Soil nitrate levels were monitored by using anion exchange membranes inserted directly into the soil. Basacote gave significantly lower DM yields than the other fertilised treatments. The apparent N recovery of Basacote was also the lowest. The results showed that Basacote released less N than that required for an adequate plant growth in the beginning of the growing season, hampered the flush of spring growth. Furthermore, the release period of this Basacote formulation, in the environmental conditions of these experiments, seemed to be longer than the length of the growing season. Nitroteck and Floranid yielded similar or even higher DM and apparent N recovery values than did Nitrolusal. The indices of economic efficiency ordered the fertilisers as Nitroteck > Nitrolusal > Floranid > Basacote or Nitrolusal > Nitroteck > Floranid > Basacote, if the costs of P and K fertilisers used to balance the P and K rates in the experimental design were, respectively, taken or not taken into account

    Nitrogen-use efficiency and economic efficiency of slow-release N fertilisers applied to an irrigated turf in NE Portugal

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    Urban forestry and urban greening are at the top of the political agenda, since they beautify the landscape and improve the health and well‐being of urban dwellers. They also bring several ecological benefits such as air cleansing, carbon sequestration and storm water retention. However, their social and ecological benefits can be reduced by an inappropriate management. An unbalanced N fertilization program, for instance, may lead to water and atmospheric pollution due to nitrate leaching and greenhouse gas emissions. In this work, the effect of three slow‐release fertilisers was compared with a conventional fertiliser in a turf of the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal. The fertilisers used were: Floranid 16‐7‐15 (slow‐release fertiliser, IBDU/Isodur); Basacote 9M 16‐8‐12 (controlled‐release fertiliser, copolymer ethylene acrylic); Nitroteck 20‐8‐10 (stabilized fertiliser, dicyandiamide + coating with polyterpene); and Nitrolusal (ammonium nitrate, 20.5% N) split into two fractions. Based on DM yield, N concentration in dry material and fertilisation costs, indices of N‐use efficiency and economic efficiency were estimated. The results showed that Basacote released less N than that required for an adequate plant growth in early spring. Moreover, the release period seemed to be negatively longer than that specified by the manufacturer. Nitroteck, Floranid and Nitrolusal showed similar N‐use efficiency. The indices of economic efficiency ordered the slow‐release fertilisers as Nitroteck > Floranid > Basacote

    Distribuição e regime trófico das comunidades de peixes da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Sabor (bacia do Douro)

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    As comunidades piscícolas presentes na bacia hidrográfica do Sabor foram caracterizadas em 20 locais distribuídos pelo curso de água principal (Rio Sabor) e afluentes (Rios Igrejas, Onor, Maçãs, Angueira, Penacal, Azibo e Ribeiras da Aveleda, Vale de Moinhos, Zacarias, Vilariça). A amostragem dos peixes foi realizada através de pesca eléctrica, de acordo com o protocolo definido pela Directiva Quadro da Água. Foram recolhidos dados de qualidade da água e do habitat aquático e ribeirinho e calculadas diferentes métricas relacionadas com várias guildas ecológicas relacionadas com o habitat- grau de reofilia e zona de alimentação, migração, regime trófico e reprodução. Foi analisada a variabilidade espacial no ano de 2009 e avaliada a evolução nos mesmos locais de amostragem das comunidades piscícolas relativamente ao ano de 1999. Aplicaram-se diversas ferramentas estatísticas (e.g. univariadas e multivariadas) aos dados abióticos e bióticos obtidos e foram identificados padrões de heterogeneidade espacial das comunidades de peixes, nomeadamente ao longo do gradiente longitudinal do rio e em locais perturbados pela acção do homem. Assim, na cabeceira dos rios do Alto Sabor predominam espécies autóctones pertencentes aos salmonídeos (e.g. truta-de-rio) e aos ciprinídeos (e.g. escalo, boga, barbo), algumas deles endemismos ibéricos, caso da panjorca e do bordalo, com elevado valor conservacionista. A degradação da qualidade da água e do habitat (e.g. poluição, regularização) tem conduzido ao decréscimo das espécies autóctones e sua substituição por espécies exóticas como o achigã, o lúcio, a perca-sol, o góbio e a gambúsia. São focados outros impactos associados ao funcionamento do ecossistema, quer em termos tróficos quer em termos das interacções bióticas (e.g. perda de hospedeiros para as populações de náiades) existentes nos sectores do Médio e Baixo Sabor que, com a construção da barragem do Baixo Sabor (AHBS), deverá significar uma perda da diversidade e integridade biótica

    Comunidades de macroinvertebrados da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Sabor (Bacia do Douro): análise da variabilidade espacial e temporal

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    As comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentónicos constituem uma fonte de informação importante na avaliação da integridade ecológica de ecossistemas lóticos. A bacia hidrográfica do Sabor, situada no Nordeste de Portugal, possui uma heterogeneidade edafo-climática assinalável associada a diferentes usos do solo e demais actividades antrópicas que induzem perturbações no meio aquático. Na actualidade, está em fase de construção a barragem do Baixo Sabor (AHBS) que irá regularizar extensão aproximada de 50 km do rio. No estudo apresentado é feita a caracterização das comunidades de macroinvertebrados em 30 locais distribuídos pelo curso de água principal (Rio Sabor) e afluentes (Rios Igrejas, Onor, Maçãs, Angueira, Penacal, Azibo e Ribeiras das Andorinhas, Aveleda, Vale de Moinhos, Zacarias, Vilariça). A amostragem das comunidades de macroinvertebrados obedeceu ao protocolo definido pela Directiva Quadro da Água. Paralelamente foram recolhidos dados referentes à qualidade da água e do habitat aquático e ribeirinho. Foram calculadas diferentes métricas relacionadas com a composição faunística, grupos funcionais e índices bióticos, caso do IBMWP e do Índice Português dos Invertebrados do Norte (IPtIN). A variabilidade espacial e temporal foi analisada para o ano de 2009 e contrastada com a mesma informação recolhida em 1999. Foram aplicadas diversas ferramentas estatísticas (e.g. análises univariadas e multivariadas) aos dados abióticos e bióticos obtidos que permitiram identificar uma heterogeneidade espacial e temporal assinalável associada às comunidades de macroinvertebrados. De facto, para além biotipologia encontrada em termos de organização longitudinal, foram encontradas diversas métricas responsivas à degradação ambiental relacionadas, maioritariamente, com pressões de origem antrópica nos sistemas aquáticos (poluição tópica e difusa, sedimentação, regularização). Relativamente à evolução registada de 1999 para 2009 assinale-se uma perda da biodiversidade e integridade biótica em muitos cursos de água, situação que tenderá a agravar-se nos sectores do Médio e Baixo Sabor com a construção da barragem

    Inhibition of bladder tumor growth by chitooligosaccharides in an experimental carcinogenesis model

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    Urinary bladder cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with the highest incidence in industrialized countries. Patients with cancer commonly use unconventional and complementary therapy including nutraceuticals. In this study we evaluated the efficacy of chitooligosaccharides (in orange juice) in rat bladder cancer chemoprevention and as therapeutic agent, on a rat model of urinary bladder carcinogenesis induced with N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine. Results indicate that chitooligosaccharides may have a preventive effect on bladder cancer development and a curative effect upon established bladder tumors, dependent on the concentration ingested 500 mg/kg b.w., every three days, showed capacity to inhibit and prevent the proliferation of bladder cancer; however, this was associated with secondary effects such as hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. The use of lower doses (50 and 250 mg/kg b.w.) showed only therapeutic effects. It is further suggested that this antitumor effect might be due to its expected anti-inflammatory action, as well as by mechanisms not directly dependent of COX-2 inhibition, such as cellular proliferation control and improvement in antioxidant profile.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Large spill of mining wastes in Portelo stream (Douro Basin NE Portugal) Impacts on ecosystem integrity

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    Streams located at Montesinho Natural Park (NE Portugal) have, generally, high biodiversity and an excellent ecological status. However, in this area there arc several abandoned mine sites. As a consequence of intense precipitation during December 2009, several millions of cubic meters of wastes were spilled into Portelo stream, a tributary of Rio Sabor (Douro basin)

    Diabetes mellitus and prostate cancer metabolism: Is there a relationship?

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    Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the effects of glucose levels and diabetes mellitus in prostate cancer (PCa) biology. Materials and methods: Two PCa cell lines (LNCap and PC3) were cultured in RPMI medium with different glucose concentrations [5mM (LG) and 25mM (HG)]. Expressions of androgen receptor, Her2/neu and glucose transporters (GLUT1, 3, 5 and 12) were evaluated by flow cytometry. Proliferation rate was assessed by colorimetric assay MTT and cellular characterization was performed by haematoxylin and eosin staining. Additionally, we performed a cross sectional analysis of 704 patients undergoing radical prostatectomy who were divided into two groups (diabetic and non-diabetic). An analysis of clinical and histological data seeking to identify the differences on tumor aggressiveness between the two groups was performed. Results: In LNCaP cell line, when the glucose concentration in the medium increased, there was an increased in AR expression. Regarding expression of Her2/neu receptor, medium’s glucose concentration significantly changed the expression of this receptor in both PC3 and LNCaP cell lines. Growth rate was higher on the HG medium for both cell lines. The clinical study of patients undergoing radical prostatectomy revealed no relationship between the presence of diabetes and the development of more aggressive tumours. Diabetic patients had significantly higher prostatic volumes, however, no significant difference was found between the relapse risk classification or the ISUP classification between the two groups. Conclusions: Our results showed that medium glucose concentration could influence prostate cancer cells growing but not the aggressiveness