4 research outputs found

    Rock Magnetism of Lapilli and Lava Flows from Cumbre Vieja Volcano, 2021 Eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands): Initial Reports

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    We present initial rock magnetic results for both lava flows and lapilli produced by the 2021 eruption of the Cumbre Vieja, La Palma (Canary Islands). Samples were taken during the eruption to minimize early alteration and weathering of the rocks and tephra. Standard procedures included progressive alternating field and thermal demagnetization, hysteresis curves, thermomagnetic experiments, progressive acquisition of isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM), and First-Order Reversal Curves (FORCs). Overall, our observations, including low to medium unblocking temperatures, isothermal remanent magnetization to 1 Tesla, and the abundance of wasp-waist hysteresis loops, strongly suggest the presence of Ti-rich titanomagnetites as the main remanence carriers in both lava flows and lapilli, in addition to some hematite as well. Whereas the former has been directly seen (SEM), hematite is elusive with nonmagnetic-based methods. Rock magnetic data, on a Day plot, also reveal that the magnetic grain size tends to be larger in the lava flows than in the lapilli.This research was funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain, grant no. PID2019-105796GB-00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Evolución geodinámica pleistocena del valle del río Arlanzón: implicaciones en la formación del sistema endokárstico y los yacimientos al aire libre de la Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, España).

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    El valle del río Arlanzón se localiza al NE de la depresión del Duero (Meseta Norte Castellana, España), donde drena el anticlinal de la Sierra de Atapuerca, que presenta un conjunto arqueológico de yacimientos kársticos y al aire libre desde los últimos 1.22 Ma. En el valle se reconocen 14 terrazas fluviales, desde T1 (+92-100 m) hasta T14 (+2-3 m), desarrolladas desde el Pleistoceno inferior y relacionadas principalmente con estadios isotópicos (Marine Isotopic Stages, MIS). Las dataciones disponibles y las alturas relativas de las terrazas, medidas con datos LiDAR, han permitido reconstruir las fases de encajamiento fluvial, caracterizadas por una aceleración de las tasas de incisión a lo largo del Cuaternario, probablemente relacionado con un levantamiento tectónico. En el sistema endokárstico de la Sierra de Atapuerca, se identificaron tres niveles de conductos freáticos subhorizontales, relacionados espacialmente y cronológicamente con las terrazas T2 (+82-91 m), T3 (+7078 m) y T4 (+60-67 m)/T5 (+50-58 m) del río Arlanzón. La asociación entre terrazas fluviales y conductos freáticos sugiere un tiempo de formación relativamente corto para los conductos freáticos, separados por largos periodos de encajamientos kársticos vadosos, que se relacionan con las bajas tasas incisión fluvial del río Arlanzón (<0.038-0.045 m/ka). En el valle del río Arlanzón, incisiones de 0.061 m/ka provocaron la exhumación progresiva de una capa neógena con sílex, cuya erosión y resedimentación en las vertientes de los valles durante diversas fases a lo largo del Pleistoceno medio y superior, generó varias áreas de captación, explotadas por los neandertales durante los MIS 4 y 3.The Arlanzón river is located in the NE Duero Depression (Castilian Plateau of northern Spain), where it drains the anticlinal ridge of the Sierra de Atapuerca, where a rich record of karstic and open air Palaeolithic archaeological sites are located, spanning the last 1.22 Ma. The geomorphological sequence of this valley is composed of fourteen fluvial terraces from T1 (+92-100 m), to level T14 (+2-3 m), ranging from the Early Pleistocene to the Holocene and mainly related to cold MIS. Available chronological data and terrace relative heights extracted from LiDAR data, have allowed the reconstruction of the downcutting phases of the valley, which show an acceleration of the incision rates throughout the Quaternary, probably related to tectonic uplift. In the Sierra de Atapuerca multilevel endokarst system, three sub-horizontal cave levels appear spatially and chronologically related to the Arlanzón fluvial terraces T2 (+82-91 m), T3 (+70-78 m) and T4 (+60-67 m)/T5 (+50-58 m). The association between fluvial terrace base levels and sub-horizontal phreatic caves suggests a relatively short period of time for the formation of these phreatic passages when compared to karstic vadose entrenchments related to the low incision rates of the Arlanzón river (<0.038-0.045 m/ka). In the valley, the incision of 0.061 m/ka caused the progressive exhumation of a neogene limestone layer containing flint, which erosion and successive re-sedimentation phases by alluvial and colluvial processes on the valley slopes during the Middle and Upper Pleistocene caused many wide captation areas of raw material, which were exploited by the Neanderthals during MIS 3 and 4.Este trabajo ha estado financiado por los proyectos de investigación CEN001B10–2 de la Junta de Castilla y León, y GL2012-38434-C03-02, CGL2015-65387-C3-3P y CGL2015-65387-C3-1-P del MINECO. Igualmente agradecemos al Equipo de Investigación de Atapuerca el apoyo logístico y científico. A Ana Álvaro Gallo por el análisis DRX en el Laboratorio de Arqueometría (CENIEH). A Leticia Miguéns Rodríguez y Javier Iglesias Cibanal por el análisis de textural en el Laboratorio de Muestras, Separación Mineral y Sedimentología del (CENIEH). Ana Isabel Ortega estuvo contratada con el Programa Juan de la Cierva (JCI2010-06792), y actualmente dispone de un contrato a cargo del proyecto CGL2009-1273-C03-01 del MINECO. Agradecemos a Eneko Iriarte y un revisor anónimo sus útiles comentarios y sugerencias

    La encebra: un intento de asignación taxonómica

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    Fins al segle xvi hom pot documentar a la península Ibèrica l’existència d’un èquid, l’atzebra, la taxonomia de la qual no és clara. A partir de les escasses fonts documentals existents, els autors en fem un intent de reconstrucció fenotípica i la seva adscripció taxonòmica. La descrivim com a eumètrica, sublongilínia, cromàticament amb pelatge pèl de llop, pangaré (punts distals aclarits), amb presència constant de marques de zebra, ratlles dorsal i creuada, peülles petites, clina curta i erecta, extremitats llargues i orelles proporcionalment curtes; externament semblant a l’extingit ase salvatge de l’Atles (Equus africanus atlanticus). Per això situem taxonòmicament l’atzebra com a subespècie de Equus africanus.Until the sixteenth century, the existence of an equid, the atzebra, is documented in the Iberian Peninsula, but its taxonomic ascription is not clear. Based on the few existing documentary sources, the authors attempt its phenotypic reconstruction and taxonomical adscription. The description is eumetric, sublongilinial, chromatically blue dun, pangaré, constant presence of zebra marks, list and withers stripe, small hooves, short and erect cline, long limbs, and proportionally short ears, i. e. externally it seemed similar to the extinct Atlas wild donkey (Equus africanus atlanticus). Therefore, from a taxonomical view we place the atzebra as a subspecies of Equus africanus.Hasta el siglo xvi se documenta la existencia de un équido, la encebra, en la península Ibérica, cuya adscripción taxonómica no está clara. A partir de las escasas fuentes documentales existentes, los autores hacemos un intento de reconstrucción fenotípica y adscripción taxonómica. La encuadramos como eumétrica, sublongilínea, cromáticamente de capa lobera, pangaré, presencia constante de marcas de cebra, raya dorsal y cruzada, pezuñas pequeñas, clina corta y erecta, larga de extremidades, y orejas proporcionalmente cortas; externamente parecida al extinguido asno salvaje del Atlas (Equus africanus atlanticus). Por ello, situamos taxonómicamente la encebra como una subespecie de Equus africanus

    High-resolution late Middle Pleistocene paleoclimatic record from the Galería Complex, Atapuerca archaeological site, Spain - An environmental magnetic approach

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    The Galería Complex is a cave sediment succession at the Atapuerca paleoanthropological site (Burgos, Spain) that offers detailed environmental information about the late Middle Pleistocene, especially the period between marine oxygen isotope stages MIS10 and MIS7. Previous studies have reconstructed the chronology and detailed the environmental development of this key succession. We introduce rock magnetic climate proxies from the sedimentary units of the Galería succession that we correlate with the global climate record as represented by the marine oxygen isotope record. The cave sediment sequence consists of five infilling phases, four of which were sampled at high resolution across a 5 m thick composite profile. We propose a novel goethite climate proxy along with a frequently used ultrafine ferrimagnetic mineral proxy for paleoclimate reconstruction and detailed chronostratigraphic correlation with isotope stages and substages MIS10/MIS10-9, MIS9e-a and MIS8. The proxies reveal new paleoenvironmental information about paleoprecipitation and indicate that MIS9e was a humid (∼650 mm/year maximum annual precipitation) and intense interglacial in northern Spain that declined in steps into the globally weak glacial stage MIS8. MIS8 consisted of drier periods with 430–510 mm/year annual precipitation and at least one humid substage (600 mm/year).Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (BU235P18) and the research projects CGL2016-77560-C2, CGL2018-093925-B-C31, and CGL2017-89603-R of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and PID2019-108753 GB-C21 and PID2019-105796 GB-I00 of the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and ERDF funding (European Union). B. Bradák acknowledges financial support from project BU235P18 (Junta de Castilla y León, Spain) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). M. Calvo-Rathert acknowledges funding from the Fulbright Commission and the Spanish Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities (PRX19/00148) for a research stay at University of Hawaii at Manoa