2,065 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Paquet, Alice M. (Bath, Sagadahoc County)

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    Problems of Educational Processes Development and Labor Market Needs Analysis in Russia

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    This article is dedicated to the analysis of the problems of the educational process development and its relation to the labor market. Main problems caused by inconsistency of the education system and labor market needs were revealed. The study of the educational expectations and needs of graduates and students (using questionnaires) was made herein. Labor market analysis wad done to show the main negative and positive aspects of its development. Market industry forecast trends and the education market tendency for the next few years were built to reveal disproportion of the industry needs and educational system outcomes

    Retinitis pigmentosa: rapid neurodegeneration is governed by slow cell death mechanisms

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    For most neurodegenerative diseases the precise duration of an individual cell's death is unknown, which is an obstacle when counteractive measures are being considered. To address this, we used the rd1 mouse model for retinal neurodegeneration, characterized by phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) dysfunction and photoreceptor death triggered by high cyclic guanosinemono-phosphate (cGMP) levels. Using cellular data on cGMP accumulation, cell death, and survival, we created mathematical models to simulate the temporal development of the degeneration. We validated model predictions using organotypic retinal explant cultures derived from wild-type animals and exposed to the selective PDE6 inhibitor zaprinast. Together, photoreceptor data and modeling for the first time delineated three major cell death phases in a complex neuronal tissue: (1) initiation, taking up to 36 h, (2) execution, lasting another 40 h, and finally (3) clearance, lasting about 7 h. Surprisingly, photoreceptor neurodegeneration was noticeably slower than necrosis or apoptosis, suggesting a different mechanism of death for these neurons. Cell Death and Disease (2013) 4, e488; doi: 10.1038/cddis.2013.12; published online 7 February 201

    A New Scenario on the Metal-Insulator Transition in VO2

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    The metal-insulator transition in VO2 was investigated using the three-band Hubbard model, in which the degeneracy of the 3d orbitals, the on-site Coulomb and exchange interactions, and the effects of lattice distortion were considered. A new scenario on the phase transition is proposed, where the increase in energy level separation among the t_2g orbitals caused by the lattice distortion triggers an abrupt change in the electronic configuration in doubly occupied sites from an S=1 Hund's coupling state to a spin S=0 state with much larger energy, and this strongly suppresses the charge fluctuation. Although the material is expected to be a Mott-Hubbard insulator in the insulating phase, the metal-to-insulator transition is not caused by an increase in relative strength of the Coulomb interaction against the electron hopping as in the usual Mott transition, but by the level splitting among the t_2g orbitals against the on-site exchange interaction. The metal-insulator transition in Ti2O3 can also be explained by the same scenario. Such a large change in the 3d orbital occupation at the phase transition can be detected by linear dichroic V 2p x-ray absorption measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 72 No. 1

    Introducing a rainfall compound distribution model based on weather patterns sub-sampling

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    This paper presents a probabilistic model for daily rainfall, using sub-sampling based on meteorological circulation. We classified eight typical but contrasted synoptic situations (weather patterns) for France and surrounding areas, using a "bottom-up" approach, i.e. from the shape of the rain field to the synoptic situations described by geopotential fields. These weather patterns (WP) provide a discriminating variable that is consistent with French climatology, and allows seasonal rainfall records to be split into more homogeneous sub-samples, in term of meteorological genesis. <br><br> First results show how the combination of seasonal and WP sub-sampling strongly influences the identification of the asymptotic behaviour of rainfall probabilistic models. Furthermore, with this level of stratification, an asymptotic exponential behaviour of each sub-sample appears as a reasonable hypothesis. This first part is illustrated with two daily rainfall records from SE of France. <br><br> The distribution of the multi-exponential weather patterns (MEWP) is then defined as the composition, for a given season, of all WP sub-sample marginal distributions, weighted by the relative frequency of occurrence of each WP. This model is finally compared to Exponential and Generalized Pareto distributions, showing good features in terms of robustness and accuracy. These final statistical results are computed from a wide dataset of 478 rainfall chronicles spread on the southern half of France. All these data cover the 1953–2005 period

    A complex speciation-richness relationship in a simple neutral model

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    Speciation is the "elephant in the room" of community ecology. As the ultimate source of biodiversity, its integration in ecology's theoretical corpus is necessary to understand community assembly. Yet, speciation is often completely ignored or stripped of its spatial dimension. Recent approaches based on network theory have allowed ecologists to effectively model complex landscapes. In this study, we use this framework to model allopatric and parapatric speciation in networks of communities and focus on the relationship between speciation, richness, and the spatial structure of communities. We find a strong opposition between speciation and local richness, with speciation being more common in isolated communities and local richness being higher in more connected communities. Unlike previous models, we also find a transition to a positive relationship between speciation and local richness when dispersal is low and the number of communities is small. Also, we use several measures of centrality to characterize the effect of network structure on diversity. The degree, the simplest measure of centrality, is found to be the best predictor of local richness and speciation, although it loses some of its predictive power as connectivity grows. Our framework shows how a simple neutral model can be combined with network theory to reveal complex relationships between speciation, richness, and the spatial organization of populations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, 50 reference

    Early Ontogenetic Diet in Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, of Coastal British Columbia

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    Within populations, different age classes often consume dissimilar resources, and provisioning of juveniles by adults is one mechanism by which this can occur. Although the diet of Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) has been studied extensively, the diet of pups is largely unknown. We examined faeces deposited by altricial pups and adult providers during the first two months following birth at two den sites over two years on the central coast of British Columbia, Canada. Pups and adult wolves consumed similar species, and Black-tailed Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) constituted most of the diet for both age groups. Pup and adult diet, however, diverged. Specifically, adult deer occurred significantly less frequently in the diet of pups than in the diet of adult wolves, which suggests that adults selectively provisioned pups. We speculate that this may relate to adaptive strategies of adult wolves to provide their offspring with food of optimal nutritional value or reduced parasitic burden, and/or logistic factors associated with provisioning such as prey transportability and availability

    Early Ontogenetic Diet in Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, of Coastal British Columbia

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    Within populations, different age classes often consume dissimilar resources, and provisioning of juveniles by adults is one mechanism by which this can occur. Although the diet of Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) has been studied extensively, the diet of pups is largely unknown. We examined faeces deposited by altricial pups and adult providers during the first two months following birth at two den sites over two years on the central coast of British Columbia, Canada. Pups and adult wolves consumed similar species, and Black-tailed Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) constituted most of the diet for both age groups. Pup and adult diet, however, diverged. Specifically, adult deer occurred significantly less frequently in the diet of pups than in the diet of adult wolves, which suggests that adults selectively provisioned pups. We speculate that this may relate to adaptive strategies of adult wolves to provide their offspring with food of optimal nutritional value or reduced parasitic burden, and/or logistic factors associated with provisioning such as prey transportability and availability

    Faecal-Centric Approaches to Wildlife Ecology and Conservation; Methods, Data and Ethics

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    Abundant and commonly encountered in the field, wildlife faeces have long attracted scientists. Recent advances in molecular techniques, however, especially when coupled with creative study designs, can now yield a great variety of high quality data. Herein, we review the opportunities and challenges of faecal-centric approaches to address ecological and conservation questions using wolves of coastal British Columbia, Canada, as a case system. We begin by discussing methodological considerations, which should have broad applicability to any wildlife study system. We then summarize the extensive and unique variety of data that has emerged from our ‘facts from faeces’ approach with wolves, which has ranged from descriptive autecology to process-oriented hypothesis-testing to applied conservation management. We conclude by contrasting this non-invasive approach with radio-collaring in an ethics framework. We contend that when the two methods are equally efficacious in answering required research questions, scatology become the only ethical option, a perspective increasingly codified as policy governing research activities