232 research outputs found

    El Jardiner Evolutiu (The Evolutionary Gardener)

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    Reconstruction of the ancestral metazoan genome reveals an increase in genomic novelty

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    Understanding the emergence the Animal Kingdom is one of the major challenges of modern evolutionary biology. Many genomic changes took place along the evolutionary lineage that gave rise to the Metazoa. Recent research has revealed the role that co-option of old genes played during this transition, but the contribution of genomic novelty has not been fully assessed. Using extensive genome comparisons between metazoans and multiple outgroups we infer the minimal protein-coding genome of the first animal, in addition to other eukaryotic ancestors, and estimate the proportion of novelties in these ancient genomes. Contrary to the prevailing view, this uncovers an unprecedented increase in the extent of genomic novelty during the origin of metazoans, and identifies 25 groups of metazoan-specific genes that are essential across the Animal Kingdom. We argue that internal genomic changes were as important as external factors in the emergence of animals

    The phylogenetic position of ctenophores and the origin(s) of nervous systems

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    Ctenophores have traditionally been treated as eumetazoans, but some recent whole genome studies have revived the idea that they are, rather, the sister group to all other metazoans. This deep branching position implies either that nervous systems have evolved twice, in Ctenophora and in Eumetazoa, or that an ancestral metazoan nervous system has been lost in sponges and placozoans. We caution, however, that phylogenetic-tree construction artifacts may have placed ctenophores too deep in the metazoan tree. We discuss nervous system origins under these alternative phylogenies and in light of comparative data of ctenophore and eumetazoan nervous systems. We argue that characters like neuropeptide signaling, ciliary photoreceptors, gap junctions and presynaptic molecules are consistent with a shared ancestry of nervous systems. However, if ctenophores are the sister group to all other metazoans, this ancestral nervous system was likely very simple. Further studies are needed to resolve the deep phylogeny of metazoans and to have a better understanding of the early steps of nervous system evolution

    Unravelling body plan and axial evolution in the Bilateria with molecular phylogenetic markers

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    SETTING THE PROBLEM The emergence of dramatic morphological differences (disparity) and the ensuing bewildering increase in the number of species (diversity) documented in the fossil record at key stages of animal and plant evolution have defied, and still defy, the explanatory powers of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Among the best examples that have captured the imagination of the layman and the interest of scores of scientists for 150 years are the origins of land plants from aquatic green plants, of flowering plants from seed plants, of chordates from non-chordates and of tetrapod vertebrates from non-tetrapods; and the conquest of the land by amphibians; the emergence of endotherms from ectotherm animals; the recurrent invention of flight (e.g. in arthropods, birds and mammals) from non-flying ancestors; and the origin of aquatic mammals from four-legged terrestrial ancestors. Key morphological transitions pose a basic difficulty: reconstruction of ancestral traits of derived clades is problematic because of a lack of transitional forms in the fossil record and obscure homologies between ‘ancestral’ and derived groups. Lack of transitional forms, in other words gaps in the fossil record, brought into question one of the basic tenets of Darwin’s theory, namely gradualism, as Darwin himself acknowledged. Since Darwin, however, and especially in the past 50 years, numerous examples that may reflect transitional stages between major groups of organisms have accumulated

    Evolutionary Origins of Drought Tolerance in Spermatophytes

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    It is commonly known that drought stress is a major constraint limiting crop production. Drought stress and associated drought tolerance mechanisms are therefore under intense investigation with the view to future production of drought tolerant crops. With an ever-growing population and variable climate, novel approaches need to be considered to sustainably feed future generations. In this context, definitions of drought tolerance are highly variable, which poses a major challenge for the systematic assessment of this trait across the plant kingdom. Furthermore, drought tolerance is a polygenic trait and understanding the evolution of this complex trait may inform us about patterns of gene gain and loss in relation to diverse drought adaptations. We look at the transition of plants from water to land, and the role of drought tolerance in enabling this transition, before discussing the first drought tolerant plant and common drought responses amongst vascular plants. We reviewed the distribution of a combined “drought tolerance” trait in very broad terms to encompass different experimental systems and definitions used in the current literature and assigned a binary trait “tolerance vs. sensitivity” in 178 extant plant species. By simplifying drought responses of plants into this “binary” trait we were able to explore the evolution of drought tolerance across the wider plant kingdom, compared to previous studies. We show how this binary “drought tolerance/sensitivity” trait has evolved and discuss how incorporating this information into an evolutionary genomics framework could provide insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying extreme drought adaptations

    Hox and ParaHox genes in Nemertodermatida, a basal bilaterian clade

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    Molecular evidence suggests that Acoelomorpha, a proposed phylum composed of acoel and Nemertodermatida flatworms, are the most basal bilaterian animals. Hox and ParaHox gene complements characterised so far in acoels consist of a small set of genes, comprising representatives of anterior, central and posterior genes, altogether Hox and ParaHox, but no PG3-Xlox representatives have been reported. It has been proposed that this might be the ancestral Hox repertoire in basal bilaterians. However, no studies of the other members of the group, the Nemertodermatida, have been done. In order to get a more complete picture of the basal bilaterian Hox and ParaHox complement, we have analysed the Hox/ParaHox complement of the nemertodermatid Nemertoderma westbladi. We have found representatives of two central and one posterior Hox genes, as well as an Xlox and a CaudalParaHox gene. From our data we conclude that a PG3-Xlox gene was present in the ancestor of bilaterians. These findings support the speculation that basal bilaterians already had the beginnings of the extended central Hox set, driving back gene duplications in the central part of the Hox cluster deeper in phylogeny than previously suggested. © UBC Press

    Evolutionary history of the Tricladida and the Platyhelminthes: an up-to-date phylogenetic and systematic account

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    Within the free-living platyhelminths, the triclads, or planarians, are the best-known group, largely as a result of long-standing and intensive research on regeneration, pattern formation and Hox gene expression. However, the group's evolutionary history has been long debated, with controversies ranging from their phyletic structure and position within the Metazoa to the relationships among species within the Tricladida. Over the the last decade, with the advent of molecular phylogenies, some of these issues have begun to be resolved. Here, we present an up-to-date summary of the main phylogenetic changes and novelties with some comments on their evolutionary implications. The phylum has been split into two groups, and the position of the main group (the Rhabdithophora and the Catenulida), close to the Annelida and the Mollusca within the Lophotrochozoa, is now clear. Their internal relationships, although not totally resolved, have been clarified. Tricladida systematics has also experienced a revolution since the implementation of molecular data. The terrestrial planarians have been demonstrated to have emerged from one of the freshwater families, giving a different view of their evolution and greatly altering their classification. The use of molecular data is also facilitating the identification of Tricladida species by DNA barcoding, allowing better knowledge of their distribution and genetic diversity. Finally, molecular phylogenetic and phylogeographical analyses, taking advantage of recent data, are beginning to give a clear picture of the recent history of the Dugesia and Schmidtea species in the Mediterranean. © 2012 UBC Press

    Evolutionary origins of sensation in metazoans: functional evidence for a new sensory organ in sponges

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    Background: One of the hallmarks of multicellular organisms is the ability of their cells to trigger responses to the environment in a coordinated manner. In recent years primary cilia have been shown to be present as 'antennae' on almost all animal cells, and are involved in cell-to-cell signaling in development and tissue homeostasis; how this sophisticated sensory system arose has been little-studied and its evolution is key to understanding how sensation arose in the Animal Kingdom. Sponges (Porifera), one of the earliest evolving phyla, lack conventional muscles and nerves and yet sense and respond to changes in their fluid environment. Here we demonstrate the presence of non-motile cilia in sponges and studied their role as flow sensors. Results: Demosponges excrete wastes from their body with a stereotypic series of whole-body contractions using a structure called the osculum to regulate the water-flow through the body. In this study we show that short cilia line the inner epithelium of the sponge osculum. Ultrastructure of the cilia shows an absence of a central pair of microtubules and high speed imaging shows they are non-motile, suggesting they are not involved in generating flow. In other animals non-motile, 'primary', cilia are involved in sensation. Here we show that molecules known to block cationic ion channels in primary cilia and which inhibit sensory function in other organisms reduce or eliminate sponge contractions. Removal of the cilia using chloral hydrate, or removal of the whole osculum, also stops the contractions; in all instances the effect is reversible, suggesting that the cilia are involved in sensation. An analysis of sponge transcriptomes shows the presence of several transient receptor potential (TRP) channels including PKD channels known to be involved in sensing changes in flow in other animals. Together these data suggest that cilia in sponge oscula are involved in flow sensation and coordination of simple behaviour. Conclusions: This is the first evidence of arrays of non-motile cilia in sponge oscula. Our findings provide support for the hypothesis that the cilia are sensory, and if true, the osculum may be considered a sensory organ that is used to coordinate whole animal responses in sponges. Arrays of primary cilia like these could represent the first step in the evolution of sensory and coordination systems in metazoans. © 2014 Ludeman et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd