139 research outputs found

    Lessons from Islamic finance for a Greek debt swap deal

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    Greece and its creditors remain locked in a heated debate over how its debt should be financed. The newly elected Syriza government need to renegotiate their current bailout programme, in order to carry out their proposals to repeal austerity and re-invest in public services

    Near-Optimal Sensor Scheduling for Batch State Estimation: Complexity, Algorithms, and Limits

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    In this paper, we focus on batch state estimation for linear systems. This problem is important in applications such as environmental field estimation, robotic navigation, and target tracking. Its difficulty lies on that limited operational resources among the sensors, e.g., shared communication bandwidth or battery power, constrain the number of sensors that can be active at each measurement step. As a result, sensor scheduling algorithms must be employed. Notwithstanding, current sensor scheduling algorithms for batch state estimation scale poorly with the system size and the time horizon. In addition, current sensor scheduling algorithms for Kalman filtering, although they scale better, provide no performance guarantees or approximation bounds for the minimization of the batch state estimation error. In this paper, one of our main contributions is to provide an algorithm that enjoys both the estimation accuracy of the batch state scheduling algorithms and the low time complexity of the Kalman filtering scheduling algorithms. In particular: 1) our algorithm is near-optimal: it achieves a solution up to a multiplicative factor 1/2 from the optimal solution, and this factor is close to the best approximation factor 1/e one can achieve in polynomial time for this problem; 2) our algorithm has (polynomial) time complexity that is not only lower than that of the current algorithms for batch state estimation; it is also lower than, or similar to, that of the current algorithms for Kalman filtering. We achieve these results by proving two properties for our batch state estimation error metric, which quantifies the square error of the minimum variance linear estimator of the batch state vector: a) it is supermodular in the choice of the sensors; b) it has a sparsity pattern (it involves matrices that are block tri-diagonal) that facilitates its evaluation at each sensor set.Comment: Correction of typos in proof

    Minimal Reachability is Hard To Approximate

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    In this note, we consider the problem of choosing which nodes of a linear dynamical system should be actuated so that the state transfer from the system's initial condition to a given final state is possible. Assuming a standard complexity hypothesis, we show that this problem cannot be efficiently solved or approximated in polynomial, or even quasi-polynomial, time

    LQG Control and Sensing Co-Design

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    We investigate a Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) control and sensing co-design problem, where one jointly designs sensing and control policies. We focus on the realistic case where the sensing design is selected among a finite set of available sensors, where each sensor is associated with a different cost (e.g., power consumption). We consider two dual problem instances: sensing-constrained LQG control, where one maximizes control performance subject to a sensor cost budget, and minimum-sensing LQG control, where one minimizes sensor cost subject to performance constraints. We prove no polynomial time algorithm guarantees across all problem instances a constant approximation factor from the optimal. Nonetheless, we present the first polynomial time algorithms with per-instance suboptimality guarantees. To this end, we leverage a separation principle, that partially decouples the design of sensing and control. Then, we frame LQG co-design as the optimization of approximately supermodular set functions; we develop novel algorithms to solve the problems; and we prove original results on the performance of the algorithms, and establish connections between their suboptimality and control-theoretic quantities. We conclude the paper by discussing two applications, namely, sensing-constrained formation control and resource-constrained robot navigation.Comment: Accepted to IEEE TAC. Includes contributions to submodular function optimization literature, and extends conference paper arXiv:1709.0882