193 research outputs found

    Acquisition of focus by adult English learners of Hungarian : evidence of optionality in mature and developing grammars

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    The process of second language acquisition is usually assumed to be affected by differences between the source language (L 1) and the target language (L2). Within the Minimalist approach (Chomsky 1995) crosslinguistic variation is accounted for in terms of differences in the values of features of functional categories instantiated in specific languages. Mature English differs from Hungarian in that its Tense category does not carry the [+f] feature characteristic of Hungarian focused sentences. Also, English lacks an additional functional projection dominating IP, namely F(ocus)P(hrase), which hosts focused, wh-, and negative operators in Spec,FP and attracts the verb or adjectival predicate into its head in order to satisfy spec-head agreement. It follows that English learners of Hungarian will have . to instantiate a new functional category FP and reset the values of the Tense category in their IL grammar. In this thesis we account for the difficulties faced by adult English learners of Hungarian by adopting the hypothesis that the two main classes of features have distinct learnability properties. It has been suggested that interpretable features (among them phi-features of nouns as well as [+wh] and [+f] features) are acquired easier than non-interpretable features (such as features responsible for V2 word order, resumptive pronouns, verbal inflection and nominal case morphology, as well as verb-movement associated with the Focus Projection in Hungarian). We demonstrate that this effect is also found -in our English-Hungarian interlanguage data. We show that even though L2 learners manage to prepose wh, focus and negative operators, they have continued difficulties with the accompanying verb-movement properties of Hungarian. This is reminiscent of the difficulties we find in child L 1 language acquisition of Hungarian. However, we argue that learnability factors have to be complemented by considerations about the nature of the target language input L2 learners receive. We propose that the nature of the TL input accounts for the differences between child and adult learners of Hungarian. It is well known that robust data (i.e. simple, salient and frequently occurring sentences) are required for the acquisition of correct feature-specifications of a target language. Infrequent data may cause a delay in the process of establishing L2 feature specifications and result in incomplete representations. Ambiguous data, on the other hand, are Iikely to ultimately result in divergent L2 representations at near native level. Testing these predictions in a study of acceptability judgements of adult English-speaking learners of Hungarian, we show that adult English speaking learners of Hungarian have difficulties in acquiring double wh- and double focus constructions as well as focused infinitives, long and partial operator movement in Hungarian. It is demonstrated that in the case of double wh- and double focus constructions native speakers' intuitions are indeterminate/optional, therefore the data L2 learners receive are not robust, leading to optionality in learners' interlanguage grammars. Although enjoying categorical judgements in native grammars, the nature of the input is similarly non-robust in the case of focused infinitives as well as long and partially extracted operator sentences. This is argued to lead to the difficulties L2 learners exhibit with respect to these structures. In the face of non-robust target language data learners are found to fall back on L 1 values and/or to resort to general learning strategies, such as overgeneralization and analogy

    Formation and Stabilization of Noble Metal Nanoparticles

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    The kinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation processes of metal (Ag, Pd) nanoparticles was studied by UV-VIS spectrometry. Silver nanoparticles were prepared in aqueous solution by homogeneous nucleation using poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) and sodium citrate as sterical stabilizers. Reduction was ensured by adding hydroquinone. According to kinetic functions, reduction is an autocatalytic process: a slow, continuous nucleation is followed by a fast, autocatalytic growth. The presence of polymer inhibits nucleation and retards the rate of particle growth. Formation of palladium nanoparticles was investigated in aqueous medium via reduction by hydrazine, using PVP and the clay mineral hectorite as stabilizers. Effects of the polymer and concentration of silicate and palladium ions on the particle formation rate were analyzed. The rate of reduction is decreased by increasing amounts of stabilizing agents and increased by increasing concentrations of precursor ions. The kinetics of heterogeneous nucleation was determined based on the adsorption of the palladium species at the clay mineral particles and the viscosity of the hectorite dispersion

    Formation and Stabilization of Noble Metal Nanoparticles

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    The kinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation processes of metal (Ag, Pd) nanoparticles was studied by UV-VIS spectrometry. Silver nanoparticles were prepared in aqueous solution by homogeneous nucleation using poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) and sodium citrate as sterical stabilizers. Reduction was ensured by adding hydroquinone. According to kinetic functions, reduction is an autocatalytic process: a slow, continuous nucleation is followed by a fast, autocatalytic growth. The presence of polymer inhibits nucleation and retards the rate of particle growth. Formation of palladium nanoparticles was investigated in aqueous medium via reduction by hydrazine, using PVP and the clay mineral hectorite as stabilizers. Effects of the polymer and concentration of silicate and palladium ions on the particle formation rate were analyzed. The rate of reduction is decreased by increasing amounts of stabilizing agents and increased by increasing concentrations of precursor ions. The kinetics of heterogeneous nucleation was determined based on the adsorption of the palladium species at the clay mineral particles and the viscosity of the hectorite dispersion

    Közösségi élet egykor a Berva-völgyben

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    Az evolúció nagy lépései és robusztus genetikai rendszerek = Major transitions in evolution and robust genetic systems

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    Feltártuk a korai evolúció néhány fontos összefüggését Megállapítottuk, hogy a replikáció hibaküszöbe alacsonyabbra volt helyezve, mint az a valós ribozimek alapján elvárható. Felállítottuk a membrán és az anyagcserehálózat koevolúciójának hipotézisét. Megvizsgáltuk az esszenciális gének evolúciójának sebességét (a várakozásokkal ellentétben nem kicsi). A sörésztő anyagcserehálózatának elemzésével sikerült a kiütött gének hatását 85%-os pontossággal megjósolni. Páros génkiütéses kísérletek révén kimutattuk, hogy a genetikai interakciók jelentős része csak speciális környezeti feltételek mellett jelenik meg. Számos érvünk szól amellett, hogy a mutációkkal szembeni robusztusság a különböző környezeti feltételekhez való alkalmazkodás mellékterméke. Kialakítottunk egy olyan modellt, melynek segítségével vizsgálható az egyedfejlődésben szerepet játszó génhálózatok evolúciós megváltozása. A szimuláció eredményeiből arra következtetünk, hogy bár a metamorfózis az addicionális kialakulás ahosszabb távon előnyösebb, a rövid távú előnyöknek köszönhetően az interkalációs mechanizmussal létrejövő egyedek fognak elterjedni. Összehasonlító elemzést végeztünk a nyelv evolúciós kialakulásának forgatókönyvein. A közös vadászat, az eszközhasználat és gesztikulálás bizonyultak ígéretes komponenseknek. Létrehoztunk egy evolúciós neurobiológiai modellt, mellyel kommunikáló ágensek megjelenése is vizsgálható. | We have described some key relations of early evolution. The error threshold of replication turned out be less severe than thought, based on comparative investigation of real ribozymes. A hypothesis for the early coevolution of membranes and metabolic networks has been presented. Analysis of the evolutionary rate of essential genes shows that they are evolving faster than expected. The results of gene knockout experiments were predicted by our theoretical analysis of the yeast metabolic network to 85% accuracy. By paired knockout experiments we could show that most genetic interactions manifest themselves in special environments only. There are strong reasons to believe that robustness against mutations is a byproduct of adaptation to diverse environmental conditions. A mode for the evolutionary change of gene networks controlling development has been worked out. We conclude that metamophosis tends to evolve by intercalation rather than terminal addition, even if the latter could be better in the long run. A comparative analysis of the evolutionary scenarios for the origin of language has been carried out. Cooperative hunting, tool use and gesturing turned out to be hopeful components. We have developed an evolutionary neurobiological model, whereby the emergence of communicating agents can also be investigated

    Testing microbial inoculants and precrop effect on organic potato in Hungary

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    ÖMKi takes part in WP3 „Novel agroecosystem management strategies and tools” of the SolACE project, in which we examine the effects of rotation and inoculation treatments on organic potato under a combination of stress conditions. The same experiment is also performed by Agroscope in Switzerland, in a conventional farming system

    Comparative phytochemical analysis of Coffea benghalensis Roxb. Ex Schult., Coffea arabica L. and Coffea liberica Hiern.

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    Objective: To make phytochemical studies of the leaf, pericarp and seed of Coffea benghalensis (C. Benghalensis) compared with those of the widely known Coffea arabica and Coffea liberica. Methods: The sample extracts were prepared by Soxhlet-extraction. Polyphenol content was analyzed by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS, the identification was carried out based on the retention time, UV and mass spectra of standards and literature data of the detected compounds. Results: Phenolic acids like caffeoylquinic acids, dicaffeoylquinic acids, feruloylquinic acids and coumaroylquinic acid, as well as mangiferin were detected as main constituents in all extracts. Procyanidin trimers were present exclusively in the leaves. In C. benghalensis, main constituents were 5-caffeoylquinic acid and 4-caffeoylquinic acid. Flavan-3-ols were described in all immature and mature pericarp and leaf extracts. Even though 4-feruloylquinic acid was described in both immature and mature seed, dicaffeoylquinic acids were identified only in the mature seed extracts. Mangiferin was present in the leaf, mature pericarp and seed. Conclusions: These analyses provide new chemotaxonomical data for the selected coffees, especially for C. benghalensis. Due to its high polyphenol content, our results indicate its significance of providing new data as a possible source for industry

    Soil CO2 efflux and production rates as influenced by evapotranspiration in a dry grassland

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    Aims Our aim was to study the effect of potential biotic drivers, including evapotranspiration (ET) and gross primary production (GPP), on the soil CO2 production and efflux on the diel time scale. Methods Eddy covariance, soil respiration and soil CO2 gradient systems were used to measure the CO2 and H2O fluxes in a dry, sandy grassland in Hungary. The contribution of CO2 production from three soil layers to plot-scale soil respiration was quantified. CO2 production and efflux residuals after subtracting the effects of the main abiotic and biotic drivers were analysed. Results Soil CO2 production showed a strong negative correlation with ET rates with a time lag of 0.5 hours in the two upper layers, whereas less strong, but still significant time-lagged and positive correlations were found between GPP and soil CO2 production. Our results suggest a rapid negative response of soil CO2 production rates to transpiration changes, and a delayed positive response to GPP. Conclusions We found evidence for a combined effect of soil temperature and transpiration that influenced the diel changes in soil CO2 production. A possible explanation for this pattern could be that a significant part of CO2 produced in the soil may be transported across soil layers via the xylem

    Effects of Enzyme Treatment on the Microfiltration of Elderberry

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of microfiltration (MF) on the antioxidant capacity of elderberry juice using ceramic membrane. Previous to MF measurements preliminary examination was achieved with different enzymes. Four different samples were prepared: one without any enzyme and three with different pectolytic enzymes. The resistances were determined using the resistance-in-series model and difference between four enzyme-treated samples are evaluated. The effect of this technology on the antioxidant component of the clarified elderberry juice has been evaluated in permeate and retentate samples. For ferric reducing antioxidant power was measured with FRAP and total phenolic content (TPC) was determined with Folin Ciocalteau reagent. The total anthocyanin content (TAC) was estimated using spectrophotometric method. Higher juice yield was obtained using enzyme compared with enzyme-free elderberry pulp. The analytical results show that the MF membrane retained the valuable components in different rate. Significant losses are believed to have occurred after the MF clarification process due to fouling layer resistance, what can be decreased with pectolytic enzymes treatment