397 research outputs found

    Kaisareai Euszebiosz Egyháztörténetének historiográfiai jelentősége

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    A nyugati világ történészei Halikarnaszoszi Hérodotoszt (kb. Kr. e. 485–420) nevezik a történelemírás atyjának, a teológiatörténet és a dogmatörténet pedig méltán nevezheti Kaiszareai (Caesareai) Euszebioszt, a Historia Ecclesiastica szerzőjét az „egyháztörténet-írás atyjának”. Hogy világosabban láthassuk Kaiszareai Euszebiosz egyháztörténet-írói munkásságának jelentőségét, először életét és munkásságát mutatjuk be saját történeti kontextusában. Ezután fogjuk megvizsgálni az ő történészi alkatát, majd pedig Egyháztörténet e alapján ismertetjük egyháztörténet-írói módszerének főbb jellegzetességeit

    The Use of Sports Celebrities in Advertising: Best and Worst Practices

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    When should we use an athlete, a sports star in advertising? Which type of product or service is best suitable for these stars to advertise? What can we expect from these ads? Who is the ideal sports star? Is it true that social media is going to transform this area as well? For our research we examined print ads and television commercials using famous athletes such as David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, Rafael Nadal, Tiger Woods, Maria Sharapova or Serena Williams.

    The Evolution and Evaluation of City Brand Models and Rankings

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    The competition between cities is growing more than ever due to cheaper and easier travel opportunities, international investors, a growing free labour force flow and of course due to the Internet. Besides the capabilities of the cities, the emphasis is also on how well they can brand themselves. As a consequence the number of tourists, investors, new inhabitants, or the products of the city depend on the success of this. These also affect the locals and how proud and content they are living in the city. Particularly in the face of today's uncertain economic climate, it's vital to understand the forces and opinions that drive business towards and away from these cities. Fortunately for the cities, more and more brand models and rankings are available to assess their stand among others in respect to image as well as pointing out the shortcomings that need developments and generally direct them on a specific route of branding. Although these models use different methodology, the rankings show the same cities finishing in the top.

    The passion of the Lord Jesus Christ in early Christian confessions

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